Anyone got good information on #Pizzagate?

I know I'm late, but I didn't give a fuck about it until just now.

Other urls found in this thread:


here ya go

its next level autism

No but i stumbled on this weird photographer selling weird prints at outrageous prices on Amazon.


Thanks, user.









Her photographst are extremely famous and popular, that's why they're expensive. If you've studied any form of contextual arts at college, chances are youve seen her work. I remember doing a piece on Susan. Her stuff is cool.

Either OP is either throwing rubbish here. Or is a false flagging shill trying to distract.

Holy shit!

These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.

Do not fall for them.

It's fake and gay. But you'd know that if you actually gave a shit, and didn't just want to feel righteous about something.

Please show me the evidence. I wish to see it.

It's to abundant to show.

did you even read a single fucking thing in this thread you goddamn mouth breather? or does reading more than 100 characters give you a panic attack you fucking imbecile? imbecile is a dumbass btw

You have an entire thread full of it

Haha, and I am grateful. I just want to know more still.

That's all they have. Heavy on confirmation bias, light on proofs.

No, this just means I need to do more research outside of Sup Forums. This is a good starting point though. Thanks for the assistance, anons.

Darn it good song too

Ask Barron, and he'll connect to it telephatically.

just weird fuckos, the usual scum

it's worth investigating

the denials from the lib media are unconvincing, considering they have covered up obvious pedophilia in hollywood for years


The pedophile ring is called the "Visionary Art Society"