Alt-right opens up

Tell me again why you do not support the alt-right?

Watched this great interview of some alt-right person I've never heard about before. It's on TYT no less, with him really getting to speak unfiltered and the comment section literally shaking from him being so wellspoken.


Seems to me, they have a some good ideas.

Also how the fuck could they let this interview through? He basically just got a 15 min platform with minimum of question(of which he has perfect answers to, everytime)

Based alt-right.

Other urls found in this thread:–22



Because Sup Forums is Sup Forums and nothing more.

Too many normies on the alt-right.

mfw around brown ppl

I heard tyt is fake news ?

TYT Politics is a different animal than the main show. Chariton hates when the main show garbles an Interviewee's words, so he shows the full interview to his audience. Yes he may be one of (((them))) but at least he let this guy speak his full mind.


I think I converted about 10 people to natsoc, just because it had the word socialism in it. Fucking idiots.

Thats basically the one and only journalist that TYT has. He is half way decent actually, does some good stuff.

I hope he fucks off outta cenki poo's circle jerk quickly

>chunk yogurt