>being rich is bad
why is this view so popular these days?
>being rich is bad
why is this view so popular these days?
central banking and fiat currency
because success breeds jealousy from the losers
Inheritances. The number one indicator of success is that of your same sex parent's. Also the guy who said fiat money is right
Because people are economically ignorant.
They think of wealth as a zero-sum game. They think in terms of a "slice of the pie". They think your wealth is by necessity impoverishing someone else.
They don't realize that wealth is generated through cyclical and combinatorial processes, and that spiteful socialist practices designed solely to punish success will only lead to everyone else becoming poorer.
I think the world is going to need to go through another communist style era so we remind ourselves of how much worse it can be, and how many of the current problems of the poor are their own doing.
Happens every time inequality increases.
Richfags should keep the Gini index below a certain level or social unrests starts rising. It's human nature. Most extreme scenario French Revolution.
Because more people are taking the red pill of communism.
Fucking leaf, the workers are the ones who create wealth, yet shareholders steals part of that just because some papers claim them as "owners". How being born in a wealthy family and being rich just owning the capital without doing anything benefitial to society at all is fair?
because people are a bunch of losers with inflated ego who can't see a really successful person without feeling envy knowing they're absolute human crap compared to rich fags.
>taxing money away from someone else will make my life better
>nobody with less money than me will possibly vote to take away my money
I've never received a legitimate response to either of these from liberals.
It's only popular with the witch. They hate all symbols of strength: Being male, being white, being straight, being physically fit. Of course they hate the wealthy. Wealth is power.
Because it is advantageous for the left (who controls the media and can push a narrative) to push this idea. Because if being rich makes one a bad person, it's okay to steal from rich folk for "redistribution" for purposes of "fairness".
In reality being rich or poor doesn't make you any better or worse of a person, it just reflects how effectively you can trade good and services.
your "redpill" is a proto-religion with a bunch of followers with a strong tendency of being losers. Stop trying to destroy society yet again just because you're a loser and can't stand reality, thanks :)
sour grapes
Move to Venezuela if you love socialism so much, you dumb faggot.
Workers are paid for what they produce. If their labour is more valuable than what they are paid, they can take their skills elsewhere. Sadly most people are fucking useless.
If you dispute this, you can start your own company. Make it some dumb co-op where the workers are all given shares regardless of performance. There is nothing stopping you from doing this shit, and it has been tried time after time. And guess what? It always fails.
Competition doesn't just find the best companies, it finds the best economic system. No matter how many times you try, yours will never be validated.
>every person who is rich was born into it
Also life isn't fair fucking get over it
Because they're oppressing the poor by virtue of having more money
Because the rich have perverted noblesse oblige into "it's okay to live like a king as long as I tweet about activism hashtags," AND they waste their wealth being stupid pompous liberal cunts.
Being rich is great if you earn it. 90% of the rich are just braindead liberal silver spoon assholes, who then raise their children to be braindead liberal silver spoon assholes and give them all the money.
Money which is now worth ten times as much, because tax evasion and capital gains are the easiest fucking thing to do right now in our corrupt plutocracy. If you make a million dollars, you're literally retarded if you lose it, and it should be 10000% more by the time your grandkids inherit your businesses.
Rich people in America deserve zero respect. They're all private school faggots who have specialized lawyers and bankers on call 24/7 managing their enormous inherited wealth. They don't DO anything. Their wealth runs itself.
The elites of a country are supposed to be "elite" in behavior and mind as well. A country needs a natural aristocracy. Closing that aristocracy off and filling it with bluebloods born into money and sent to private finishing schools is a waste of a culture.
Gas the rich. Start over. And no I'm not a fucking leftypol faggot.
Success breeds jealousy especially in the peasant goyims
Venezuela is exactly as one "capitalist" (the state) takes over everything and steal everyone labor barely giving away food, just state capitalism
>Workers are paid for what they produce. If their labour is more valuable than what they are paid, they can take their skills elsewhere
How one can "take their skills elsewhere" when the means of production for using the skills were taken over by a small group?.
>And guess what? It always fails.
The fact that capitalism works doesnt make it ethic
>Royalty is not fair get over it :^)
Theres always a beta cuck that loves to lick his boss's boots
Lots of people aren't rich and think they deserve it because of the equally popular notion that all wealthy people inherited or "stole" their money by cheating "real workers" out of it.
Have you met any finance bros?
Let me put it in Jap terms: rich people are like students from top universities who joined the Yakuza and then after 10 years started their own company. They do not care about the community or nation. They just want money, and will lie to get it, and it's illegal to call them liars.
Same with the Jews.
Because cartels and being a 1% innovation-killing rentier is objectively bad, and because they are defending themselves with the old Jew trick of conflation.
>I hate that specific individual who committed that crime!
>So you're saying you murderously hate all Jews?
>I hate the defeated and doomed rentier cartel globalists!
>Oh so you're saying you hate the owner-manager of a local store, who fits none of those criteria?
That's what they're doing.
Because most people are poor.
Public goods must be taxed.
Governments must enforce honest dealing.
Otherwise the result is Shenzhen
Pretty nice to have been born into a rich family, tbqhwyfam. Parents were extremely humble about it and I had no idea how fucking loaded they were until my mom left her checking account page up once.
My dad grew up fairly poor and my mom didn't eat lunch in school because she was embarrassed to use the government vouchers due to her family's poverty. They're the embodiment of the American dream.
Jews want to make people think thats wrong being rich so that people dont improve themselves and make more money than them.
direct me to an example of socialism where the means of production was seized by the revolutionary state and then handed over to the workers
Who said being rich is bad you nip?
You talk about ethics and in the same breath condemn the "small group" of people who successfully run a business
Money is not zero sum, people should be allowed to compete and be rich
The real problem with rich people, specially with (((them))) is that they will never think about society as a whole. Those guys can fuck society to their benefit. If they find a way of not paying taxes, they won't. If they can bribe politicians, they will. If they can bribe scientists to say that their product is safe, they will. That's the problem, they need to be controlled, not because they're successful, but because they can fuck shit up.
there's no reason to hate them tho, commies hate them because commies are always losers.
There's nothing wrong with being rich. There is, however, something unfortunate about lacking imagination. When you combine an intense lack of imagination with immense wealth, you essentially trap a vast reservoir of potential creative energy away in a stagnant pool where it decays. And since a desire to become rich by whatever means necessary often goes hand in hand with a lack of imagination, this is the usual result.
tall poppy syndrome + people don't have any pride in anything, just hate and jealousy
>Venezuela is exactly as one "capitalist" (the state) takes over everything and steal everyone labor barely giving away food, just state capitalism
Price fixing, nationalization, state-run economy as opposed to market.. but sure, just because it's a massive fuckup it becomes "capitalist" to you.
>How one can "take their skills elsewhere" when the means of production for using the skills were taken over by a small group?.
"How can anyone ever find another job or start a company? It's literally impossible!" This just proves what kind of bums your ideology attracts. If there is a niche, it will be filled. If the workers were really so much more useful than they were being paid for, I would start a company, hire them, pay them 50% more, and we'd all prosper. The sad truth is that most people are being paid according to their mediocre worth.
>The fact that capitalism works doesnt make it ethic
Lmfao WHAT? Is this what passes for logic in your 80 IQ country? We should adopt systems that will inevitably fail because they sound good if you don't think about them?
That's right goyim..
Prosperity and being rich is bad. Evil whitey is to blame for all your troubles!
None that went successful, the sad conclusion (that socialists dont want to accept) is that we still don't have a truly fair system that actually works, hopefully technology will help us overcome this
>You condemn the people who successfully run a fief, how dare you!
How successfully exploiting your workers is somehow ethical and a contradiction with what I said?. Wealth may not be zero sum but there's renters leeching everyones work
I don't think becoming rich would make you much happier after you've reached upper-middle class. Rich people who don't have a good family are definatly unhappier than poor people who do.
Even if you're poor in a western country you're still richer than the rest of the world. You're also a lot richer than your ancestors.
Some people are just jealous defeatists who refuse to work for oppertunity.
Thats right goyim
The rich work hard for their money
>Price fixing, nationalization, state-run economy as opposed to market..
Thats exactly what a monopolistic corporation would do in a capitalist society, your view of a competitive market is just an idealization that never existed in reality
>"How can anyone ever find another job or start a company? It's literally impossible!"
Yeah because everyone can pulls off a factory out of their ass, retard
> We should adopt systems that will inevitably fail because they sound good
No you idiot, but we acknowledge that our actual system is wrong and start thinking in how to actually solve it, we dont stay like good goys praising the american dream
Are you stupid? The capitalist elite is jew
everyone today is a communist and socialist. back in the 50 people used to see rich people and have admiration for their hard work. know its just blame them and call them jew and tax them 55 percent and still want more, all of you are jelouse fucks
every millenial ever
even assswholes who inherited their money and have no concept of hard work. hire people and spread the wealth around. in order to buy or make wealth you have to spread it out. people are communist today, its ridiculous.
>jews must be stopped.
>rich people are good. Leave George Suros alone!
Pick one.
no soros is funding social communist causes. being rich is not something to hate communist fuck. he still hires millions and pays taxes. stop being a communist.
commie, stop making excuses. not all rich people are fucking soros
Because not everyone is born with a silver spoon in their mouth you fucking weeb.
you idiots who is the one who makes the jobs that employ you and give you wealth. i hate commie fucks. everyone today believes these commie ideals
fuck off commie
Because people realized this whole american dream and meritocracy bullshit is a scam. Rich people are not hardworkers or whatever, not that they are all Soros, but devoting your life in pursuing wealth is the modern bluepill
These fucking corporations are on the forefront of globalism you fucking idiot. Stop being cucked by Jewish bankers.
Enjoy your brown grandchildren.
Because the rich jew the fuck out of their workers but have no problem raising their own salaries
no you idiot this is all due to goverment intervention. the goverment has so many roadblocks for people tryng to create wealth. it has nothing to do with selling products and employing people.
commmie. it has to due with big goverment. not people who work hard to create wealth and employ you looser fucks
Just open a Patreon account after some Five Guys and you will be all set. Let others pay your rent and fast food for you.
There are lots of people who feel (rightfully) that they've been wronged by their political leaders who just happen to be (you guessed it) pretty f-in rich..
If the rich want to be respected, which is the true reason people accumulate wealth in the first place apart from yolo pt score, they might want to consider actually acting respectable instead of being shit faced assholes all the time.
And yet 1700 millionaires are created per day in the US. PER DAY.
To become rich you need to be immoral, and being immoral is literally the definition of being bad.
this shit. no you idiot. people who make jobs get taxed 55 percent so they can barely afford to employ and pay you. stop blaming the jew. blame big gov
What? Do you understand that not everyone can be a CEO and run a company right? Without gov the companies that you love would just give you barely money for eating
stop making money
commie, these rich people hire your dumb ass pay sells tax and employment tax. what do you pay
Oh shut the fuck up virgin, live life a little bit before you make retarded sweeping judgements.
Why the fuck should YOU respect the rich? When did Goldman Sachs or Exxon mobile benefit you?
this is not true it means you worked hard. commmie
It's because of globalism. It doesn't matter how hard you work when you can just get outsourced.
"OK Hillary here is 2 million dollars but don't worry! I expect nothing in return for my shekels goym!"
even if you lowered taxes they won't pay more because they'll just look at it as more profit
they have literally 0 reason to ever raise the wages of anyone
because of big gov not globalism idiot
>>sales tax
News alert: Rich pay sales tax! Isnt that wonderful everyone? Rich pay sales tax!!!!
Unfortunately, the government gives them 100million in tax breaks hahaha cuz yolo
Do you like billions of southeast asians and africans?
>globalism isn't big government
thats the few who were bailed out by the gov instead of allowed to fail like in real life. the truth is you just dont get it your a commie, stop hating success. what do you pay into the tax bracket. people who own corperations pay 55 percent of their wealth already making impossible to due it here.
this is because big goverment. stop blaming people who create wealth and employ you. commie
Are you a fucking ancap or something? lol
>Broken english
>Awful spelling
Average trump supporter
this is not true. before we had the minimum wage people were paid way more than the minimum today. commie stop blaming the jew its big gov
>working hard makes you rich
Toppest of keks.
>Quotes a russian
>Becomes russian puppet
Hello, useful idiot.
Take a long, hard think and then a wild guess (because I'm sure the think won't work) as to whom it is that DOES want billions of brown people? Think...think...think...
your a commie. learn economics. we live in a place where doing buissness is too much of a liability. thus they leave. it has nothing to do with making a corperation and hiring people and paying tax
you dam right commie, trump knows the truth that your a commie.
>>everyone who doesnt agree with me is a commie!!!!!!
Wow, such loaded emotional arguments, wew lad!
this is gov fault not the people who create wealth by making jobs for you commie socialist fuck
The rich are the government you thick dumbass and they don't give a shit about your constitution or you. Holy fuck, you're so naive it's almost painful.
no stop hating rich people. rich people contribute way more to the wealth of the nation than you. they play their employees who waste money and create the economy. this is big gov fault not rich people. your commie ideals keep saying that the rich are fucking over the poor when its the goverment.
>we hate Hillary Clinton because she is bought out by corporations like Goldman Sachs and we want to drain the swamp of globalism!
>fuck you commie. Only big government is why globalism exists, not the corporations that fund them. Just because companies profit from outsourced jobs to sweatshops in vietnam is only a coincidence!
Sup Forums wtf
Yes, everything's the government's fault...
except, the government passed laws and used to enforce those laws that corporations couldn't offshore jobs or hire illegals for $2/hour.
It's absolutely fascinating how the right wants libertarian policies, but also wants the government to protect them from libertarian policies.
Because it is bad
Rich people must die
you fucking idiot learn economics. wealth is created with labor and production of products and lowering the prices of the products creating comptetion. big goveremnt is the one fucking everyone over. the rich create the jobs. who did you employ today you fuck. do you have to pay their wages and taxes. fucking morons learn economics. learn to hate all the redtape regulations that exsist not the job creators.
So it's the government offshoring jobs and hiring illegals?
like i said, the problem is big gov. corperations donate to move their intrest because the gov has so much power. cut of the head and this all ends. if gov had no power we would have no lobbyst or corperations like goldman sachs that were bailed out instead of allowed to fail
before the minimum wage exsisted. we had lower unemployment and higher wages, remdmeber the 50s.
Pol users are fucking retarded
They hate jews, but also think capitalism is perfect
You sound like an-cap.
Would you rather one billionaire or one thousand millionaires in your society
Fuck you, you're a different population, you do not have the same interest, culture, value, goals.
You expect us just to be your good little bitch and take it? No.
"hurrrr life is not fair" Yup, and you know what that means? You're going to the slaughtered every 100 years or so. That's just the way it's going to be.