I really really hate Brazilians
They are worse than Canadians and Aussies but they are underrated as fuck
>A Brazilian shitposter created the last trending meme on Sup Forums
I really really hate Brazilians
They are worse than Canadians and Aussies but they are underrated as fuck
>A Brazilian shitposter created the last trending meme on Sup Forums
tu puta madre
Chupame el pepino batata
Paid the wall, chainsaw!
What the fuck? There are 2 kinds of brazilian posters.
1. redpilled(levels of redpill may vary) individual contributing to the well being of the board or making some chill jokes
2. antifatard talking shit, less than 10% of br posters
There really is no reason to hate the average monkeyman.
I'm a gran master ruseman, my power is unfathomable for your bean-size bean-flavored brain
Go pay for Trump's wall cabrĂ³n.
Top kek
Although I hate brazilians, nothing is worst than leafs and cockroaches, and the ''aussies are bad shitposters'' is just a meme, they are easily the best shitposters posters of this board.
I hate mexicans too btw.
This. As a Brazilian intellectual, I completely agree.
Can't handle the "you have to come back" banter, Juan?
antifa are more like 30%
there's a lot of nordestinos/cariocas and they all suck too.
Brazilposters are pretty top tier desu
chill out chavo del ocho
I'm surprised Brazillians even have time to shitpost when they usually spend all day looking for dinner in dumpsters.
wtf cisplatina
Nice try, Diego
topkek what the fuck
Oh, Cisplatina? Do you mean our Oriental Province?
>lost cisplatina and then falklands
lmao argentina can't you stop losing?
You know the south american cone is brazilian rightful clay.
Just remembering their absolutely abhorrent shitposts triggers me.
It boggles the mind.
Just irrelevant islands that we didn't actually owned. And now we and Uruguay are hookup buddies. What about you? Luckily your govt has no enough money to keep garbage collecting service operating, so you have more food to eat than usual, right?
What's the last trending meme?