The future of the media/fakenews/pizzagate

I am insanely neutral with this whole #PizzaGate thing, there's definitely misinformation spread within the truth of the entire ordeal. I'm sure some of you at Sup Forums are sick of this fucking discussion, but that's not where I'm here for.

I want to ask what you all think will actually come about this entire event? Do you think the fake news thing the media is pushing will overcome it, or do you think whatever "Truth" lies there will come to the surface... but then what?

So what are Sup Forums's predictions on the outcome of this developing story over the next few months?

Other urls found in this thread:


nothing will happen.
nothing ever happens.
happenings never happen.



Nothing will come of it unless there's a smoking gun and some email or leaked video shows a politician actually abusing a kid.

We learned from the franklin scandal that the FBI is in on this so the police force will never investigate it.



The media is preparing to blame Russia for pizzagate. Thus it will be written off as a massive "fake news" story with no truth value.



This is dinosaur media lashing out because they have been deprecated by Trump






Thanks, I'll read these at work later OP.

Nothing, unless the DOJ under Trump decides to investigate it. The media is already trying to normalize this sort of thing


Holy shit this is top tier in terms of deluded nonsense.

Based arsene Wenger. They're gonna get Chelsea and finally win the premier league again. Fa cup again as well.

Care to refute any of it? Didn't think so faggot

The problem with this is that if I believed it then by the same standard of evidence I'd have to believe in a fuckton more conspiracies.

So all of those things are just a cohencidence?


how do we get some real investigators on this

>So what are Sup Forums's predictions on the outcome of this developing story over the next few months?
more of pic related

there isn't a single shred of anything resembling proof in any of that shit

Also, pizza gate is a giant distraction. Just look at English soccer. Almost 100 clubs, pro and amateur, are under investigation for historical sex abuse. This has got zero play outside of England, who is mainly confining these stories to the sports coverage. Don't forget that David icke, who correctly identified ex pm Ted Heath as a pedophile years before it came out. Icke was briefly a professional footballer as he was a goalkeeper for Coventry's youth team and later Hereford united. He talks about how pizza gate is a giant distraction


are you pretending to be retarded right now?

read this you dumbass


Yeah there is. Look at the photos you dumb nigger. You know if any of us had half of that shit in our emails or computers we'd be doing 10 years in prison right now.

Snopes is ran by a jewish couple. Maybe post about snopes on leddit. They might give a fuck.

Pursuing truth is a mere ilussion, a naive game, mental masturbation.

We're in the n-dimensional post-reality chess now, baiting people is all that matters

maybe it wouldn't kill you to read the facts instead of blaming DAA JOOOOOOOS

kek will unviel the truth again

Forgot to mention. Coventry City is one of the clubs under investigation for historical sex abuse. A youth team coach is accused of abusing a formed club trainee.

you are the one ignoring facts. kys, pedo sympathizer

>no u

looks like you're out of arguments faggot

>where there's smoke there's fire
literally "confirmation bias: the mantra"

>arguing with ctr
for what purpose?

>trusting jews

You're a special kind of retard.

you can do better than that user

Washington D.C. research project for Dupont underground system 2012:

Funders and Supporters page 85:

>Comet Ping Pong
>Open Society Foundation (George Soros)

Appendix to the underground D.C./ Berlin research paper by James HUCKENPAHLER:

Last page (314)

>Thanks to
>Oliver Miller, AKA Dr. Pong for hosptality in Berlin,
>and, James Alefantis for patronage above and


I don't give a shit about pizza gate.

But #fakenews is the best thing to ever happen. It was created by the media to hurt alternative news sources, but the term has been applied to MSM 1000x more times. It's one of the greatest cases of self-ownages I've ever seen.

>Who cares if he just posted a bunch images describing the entirety of his argument? The burden of proof is on him

The entirety of that page is just

>Well we don't have any smoking gun evidence even though it is creepy
>So therefore it is false

Also saying Snopes is biased is a lot different than saying facts and logic are biased and rigged respectively. You are putting them all together in a disingenuous manner in the hopes of making us seem biased against facts. That is pretty low user and I hope you are just baiting.

do you have a point though? your argument is literally implying that there's too much evidence

At some point, you have come out from behind the "burden of proof" argument and address what has been presented (regardless of if you think it's solid "proof" or not). This is the problem I have with the WP, NYT, Snopes etc. articles "debunking" Pizzagate. They start from the premise that it has been debunked without actually explaining what went into debunking it. Right now, I'm looking at:

1. Police sketches of suspects in the Madeline McCann child kidnapping case that look uncannily similar to John and Tony Podesta.
2. John Podesta's hundreds of cryptic, nondescript mentions of generic "pizza", sometimes in the context of kids (pizza.jpg for example), from WikiLeaks.
3. Also from WikiLeaks, the email about offering young girls for "entertainment" to John Podesta.
4. Tony Podesta owning "art" of naked teenagers as described in a Washington Post article.
5. Bill Clinton's connections to convicted child rapist Jeffrey Epstein - they flew to his private island on the infamous "Lolita Express" 26 times.
6. State Department emails from Clinton's tenure found on Anthony Weiner's laptop during the investigation into his sexting of a 15 year old.

Now I'm comparing all of that and more to articles with no journalistic substance saying Pizzagate is "fake news". I'm reading comments of people dismissing the claims entirely due to "muh burden of proof". Sorry, just don't find those to be compelling rebuttals. Look, all I'm saying is that usually where there's smoke there's fire. We've seen coverups of child sex crimes in the past. Look at Jimmy Savile, Jerry Sandusky, Dennis Hastert, the Catholic Church etc. It doesn't make you crazy to be worried about this kind of shit, especially when the mainstream media is willing to dig up a 10 year old tape of Trump saying "pussy" and turn it into a national scandal.

commence the great cleansing already, we've always known the world was run by a pedo mafia

They literally just mentioned fake news on Sunday night football!

Snopes strawmanned which is fallacy.

My argument is that none of the evidence is conclusive. If this were court, they would not be convicted because a reasonable doubt would remain

Another strange connection is that David Ickes son played as a goalkeeper for Portsmouth FC youth team. That's another club under investigation for historical sex abuse.

Also, how come no one has talked about the giant pedo ring caught in Norway?

Good thing we're not in court and not trying to convict them.

We're trying to get someone with the authority and know how to take a look.

There's more than enough smoke for them to look.

did Sup Forums flip their shit?

you mean like trusting a bunch of random faggots on the internet?

>Who cares if he just posted a bunch images
describing the entirety of his argument? The burden of proof is on him

there was no proof there, just a bunch of disconnected nonsense that somehow inexplicably leads to a sex trafficking ring

>Also saying Snopes is biased is a lot different than saying facts and logic are biased

snopes uses legitimate arguments and evidence, to come to a logical conclusion.
you guys somehow think awkward mentions of pizza == child sex

Even if it is run by DA JOOOS Snopes is a trustworthy source

>My argument is that none of the evidence is conclusive.
I agree with you which is why I think a real investigation should be done in order to find conclusive evidence.


Hastert has been a close family friend of podesta for decades as well.

Snopes argument is "there hasn't been enough investigation yet" odd hoe we're both saying the same thing but snopes wants to run for the hills.

Sup Forums BTFO

We need more infographs about Podesta's pedophile art ALL around his house.

People tend to decorate with what interests them, reflecting their personalities if you will.

>that would get a rise out of normies.


Okay, so I lived in Santa Clarita and saw these "secret police" a bunch and they were just some role playing niggers that wore suits that had a bunch of fake illuminati and freemasonry bling and they had this dodge magnum with freemasonry police stickers on it and they weren't subtle at all. It was laughably autistic and they just wanted people to think they were super hardcore dudes. That's all, I just wanted to let you know. But don't stop looking because I don't think there would be this much damage control if we weren't getting somewhere with all of this.

>there was no proof there, just a bunch of disconnected nonsense that somehow inexplicably leads to a sex trafficking ring
It wasn't disconnected. The argument is that
John Podesta e-mails have weird jargon that doesn't make sense (Dominoes on Pizza, handkerchief with pizza map, walnuts etc) unless they were using code.

John Podesta is connected to Comet Pizza who, even snopes admits, has creepy images of children on instagram and his brother, Tony Podesta, has art that seems to depict sex with children. This weird children theme leads people to believe the code is referring to children.

>snopes uses legitimate arguments and evidence, to come to a logical conclusion.
No they don't. They say absence of evidence is evidence of absence which is one of the most fucking retarded defenses you can use unless you know your guy did that shit and you really want to push the "beyond a reasonable doubt" style defense. People want an investigation done so that their suspicions and concerns can be eased. Not be told "Well it is all just coincidence and since we don't have hard evidence no need to look forward". It is lazy and feeds into confirmation bias of those who already believe in it fully or are even suspicious.

Yet again, I think you're just being a faggot and baiting because you are being an idiot.

>Things will settle down because of the fake news meme
>Meanwhile there's some serious shit over here, which doesn't even seem to be international news, which I can only sum up as being like the Sandusky Scandal
>Just on a nationwide scale
>Spanning decades
>Involving 100+ football clubs
>No one knows how many millions in hush money
>Potentially thousands of victims
>Potential international investigation because of how many of them worked abroad, particularly in the USA
>Brings PizzaGate back to the public again
>House of cards slowly falls

I can practically guarantee it.


More like nopes, faggot.

>I lack the comprehension to read and understand the pictures so I call bullshit
>I'm gonna stick to my source that gives me a comforting lie
it really isn't hard to understand. it's confirming the pedo rings in the upper tier of our societies. there have been massive pedo rings exposed in the past across the globe, this one is being hushed and silenced by every major source of news across the nation, vehemently at that. the more they react negatively to this, more one should be inclined to believe it.

>>Spanning decades
>>Involving 100+ football clubs
Yeah, but that stuff is super gay.

Because the MSM deleted their articles on it

S'all very interdasting. The past and the future.

none of that is proof dumbass

snopes isn't a real source

and random faggots on the internet are

and like Snopes

My digits say otherwise.

>none of that is proof dumbass
Explain to me how it is. I already detailed why it was good reason to be suspicious and investigate with real authorities. Now the burden is on you to refute me.

You're being an absolute faggot about all of this by not providing any discussion other than
>No you're wrong that doesn't count.

Washington D.C. research project for Dupont underground system 2012:

Funders and Supporters page 85:

>Comet Ping Pong
>Open Society Foundation (George Soros)

Appendix to the underground D.C./ Berlin research paper by James HUCKENPAHLER:

Last page (314)

>Thanks to
>Oliver Miller, AKA Dr. Pong for hosptality in Berlin,
>and, James Alefantis for patronage above and


we're not saying it's proof, we're saying there are a LOT of fishy coincidences, and there should be an investigation done by people with more resources than a bunch of faggots on the internet.