I feel like I'm the only Trump supporter who's not blind these days...

I feel like I'm the only Trump supporter who's not blind these days. Who else here would criticize the own man they voted for?

There's too many shills here. There's too many teenagers here who just see Trump as a meme. So let's weed out the shitheads in this thread. (I'm confident there are people who won't even admit this much, that there are hoards of blind loyalists who are ruining Trump's image and the image of the Trump supporter.)

What do you like and not like about your President-elect?

Is the Russia hacks a concern?

Other urls found in this thread:


They are SHILLS

I keep an open mind so of course I'm concerned if he's a puppet. If he is and we look back at this election decades from now, I won't be the guy shoving my dick in the sand

But I think he's legit and I'm excited for the first four years

>There's too many shills here.
Welcome to the information war of the information age.

lol I'm not American

who cares what I think about Trump

>concern trolling

Fuck off.

Aren't we all participants ourselves? We shouldn't let this place be bombarded by shills and trolls.

>concerned trolling

Not even the first time someone's called me that for complaining about blind loyalists. This is how cowardly some of the Americans here have become, they have lost the American way.

>whaa only trolls don't like me

i criticize him on certain points irl but on pol i will defend everything and anything he does and frogpost and recieve Kek's blessings. Just to fuck with the heads of people like you. nothing personnel, kid.


It's "concern trolling," not "concerned trolling." It's where an obvious shill (e.g. you) shows up and pretends to be a supporter with reservations so he can convince others to start rejecting a candidate or view he's shilling against. Try being a little more subtle next time, he's not even in office yet.

>his nationalism
>his go-to attitude
>his political incorrectness
>Sessions, Mattis, Flynn Cabinet picks

>Him saying "he's a great guy" about literally everyone in pointless conversations which convey diplomatic autism
>Hiring CEOs from big corporations to his administration, who seem out-of-touch and heavily seem like their loyalties could be misplaced

Yeah, I know what it is, and that doesn't define me. Not everyone is a contrarian and not everyone who does not hold 100% supportive beliefs are trolling.

>>Hiring CEOs from big corporations to his administration, who seem out-of-touch and heavily seem like their loyalties could be misplaced
That's actually been my #1 critique. I thought Trump wasn't for it. I've come to accept that he's using them for their talents. These people could possibly be forced to help the economy rather than ruin it. They are now wearing the other side's shoes..

prove its not just some guy who isn't a blind fuck

Correct my grammar too, my spellcheck on mobile Firefox isn't working for some reason

I don't like how he frames things in speeches or interviews. He gave the media the "literally Hitler" narrative on a platter by saying he wanted to ban Muslims, which he later changed to banning refugees from shit countries, which is what he must have meant in the first place.

I don't like how he is angling to reverse the Supreme court's gay marriage decision. Surely Christian churches shouldn't be forced to marry them, but civil union should be recognized by law for financial purposes because human rights. I think faggots are gross and pretty degenerate/abhorrent but y'know civil rights for all and whatever

I don't like how he denies climate change due to CO2 without first backing up his case on such a contentious issue; there's solid evidence that CO2 emissions are not causing our current temperature increases and predictions from 20 years ago aren't even close to coming true yet the way he does it he just looks like an idiot and if I side with him on the issue so do I, even when I back it up with facts.

I don't like how he hasn't annexed Canada yet.

t. tremp suporder :DD

Sachs guys were always good folks
trump knew that

>I don't like how he hasn't annexed Canada yet.

I thought you guys liked weedman

Why the Sachs guys in particular? Were they less Jewy than the other big banks?

>There's too many teenagers here
Sup Forums is a 'net byword for 'tween tard' ∴ your comment is redundant

Fuck you

"We must support everything that Politician X says and does!"

Ridiculous, we're all individuals here, if Trump appears to be doing something stupid (i.e. considering Romney for SoS) we are going to call him out on it. Presidents are vessels of the American peoples' voice, not the other way around.

I don't like how he'll probably just end up defering to establishment positions and norms because rather than enunciating a coherent counter-establishment platform he spent his time on the campaign trail maximizing his meme level

>>I think faggots are gross and pretty degenerate/abhorrent but y'know civil rights for all and whatever

>faggots fuck on street corners
>faggots fuck in their bedrooms

>not being critical of our elect officials.
You are part of the problem.

Who exactly do you expect him to hire? Bumfucks off the street? The reality is that these people have the experience and expertise Trump wants, their past resume is a result of wanting a successful career

I worry about him not completely draining the swamp, but I guess it is alright if the worst offenders (Clintons, Bidens, Soros, Rockefellers, Yellen, ect( are impeached or imprisoned.

>Still has strong viewpoints against ISIS
>Still being the loudmouth that he is
>Still not taking shit from anyone
>Showing that he's flexible

>Won't forcibly disavow alt-right
>Won't give confidence that his cabinet won't be fully of establishment folks
>Not saying that he will prosecutes Hillary
>Still tweeting dumb shit. YOU'VE ALREADY WON

"Russian propoganda" is really assclowns shilling for trump on Sup Forums.

>the jews mad


>Sachs guys were always good folks
What the fuck are you talking about?

It's also a containment board. But jokes on the rest of Sup Forums; unlike Sup Forums, Sup Forums actually has an evolving community and some decent amount of self-moderation that is keeping it afloat. It also has a lot if impact. More than Sup Forums, actually.

>Ridiculous, we're all individuals here, if Trump appears to be doing something stupid (i.e. considering Romney for SoS) we are going to call him out on it. Presidents are vessels of the American peoples' voice, not the other way around.
This is what I've always been saying. I see this shit with the other side. I'm not going to sit here and bash libs for being blind if I'm sitting here doing the same thing. And with what the founding fathers believed in and what this nation stands for, we have a duty to question everyone we like in addition to those we don't like. Question everything and everybody. Know what you can. Else what are we goo for?

I am absolutely critical of our elected officials! We just sat through two Obama terms, of course there's shit to be critical about.

I refuse to believe that that image is real.

Trump is a shit pony.
Anyone still onboard is a shit jockey.

>Aren't we all participants ourselves? We shouldn't let this place be bombarded by shills and trolls.
Not really no. We are the battlefield. We are not organised, not regulated, not compensated. Can't fight war without those three.

putting CEO's into executive positions is spot on. alot of these guys are engineers and industry experts. we needed less academics in washington. i've worked for the government and private industry and private industry guys operate at a whole other level compared to their federal counterpart.

his political etiquette needs work.

The other choices are fucking John "The UN doesn't exist but I took a paycheck to be an Ambassador to this nonexistent entity" Bolton and Rudy Jewliani, so I can't fault Trump for considering someone who's internationally respected

It's hard to imagine people actually voted for Trump. He's everything wrong with modern politics.

>>Won't forcibly disavow alt-right

How many people here think he should do this? I thought people were okay seeing Trump as alt-right. I mean the name has a lot of negative stigma, but here's a good chance to change it.

Honestly I don't think people want the right to change, and that's why the alt-right is such a threat.

Also, U.S. propaganda is against Trump

It's really fucked how this is happening, but I have to remember that Obama is still President so it makes perfect sense that he's using his last bit of time as President to try to kick Trump off his throne.

If there comes a time where Obama and Biden are interim while another vote is done, you assholes better protest.

Trump is the anti thesis of modern politics faggot. If he was the poster child, half the world wouldn't be bitching about him the way they are now

A shady businessman who says what ever is politically correct to his right wing base? How did people actually fall for a know nothing reality TV star? He has the thinnest skin of any President we've had in a long time.

you need to know the left of politics is obsessed with social justice. They hate Putin because he beats up pussy riot, calls gays fags, etc.

What's more disconcerting is the death of political rival, but that has nothing to do with social justice (so this is the last criticism you'll hear instead of the first from the left)

Putin and Trump have literally zero social justice credibility (despite Trump empowering women executives before it was fashionable or widely accepted, but that's also the last thing you'll hear from the left)

The left has swallowed the social justice pill. If Putin and Trump were any color than white, I doubt they would be half as mental.

is this how the think tanks get info these days?

ok ill play along

IF the """hacks""" even happened at all and lets say they were Russian doing, what does that have to do with anything?How does hacking the DNC and RNC, the party computers in the party HQ, affect the vote that the people are casting?

If the ""they"", lets just cal them the others unknown, want to push the lie about the Russians fucking with the vote why not just say the Russian hacked the voting machines, computers, the brains of the people counting ballots with there evil Russian superpowers from hell...oh because that's not believable...yet.



Well from the looks of things currently. Seems like the business as usual. So how many excuses are you going to except before you realize we've been dupped again?

He should be hiring patriotic people with a strong record in their particular position, not some random CEOs and Goldman Sachs bankers. Carson would have made a better Surgeon General than HUD Secretary.

>blackman in charge of H.U.D.

What makes him everything wrong with modern politics?

I think a lot of the negative focus he gets is actually a problem with modern politics. It's not so much as what he means, or what he's for, but how he says things. How he communicates. A transparent President who speaks openly on Twitter is a huge issue to some of these people. A President who isn't formal, who doesn't play the game they want it to be played, is a bad thing to them. That's why when he speaks informally about kicking out Muslims, they see it as a huge racial threat. Despite the minorities he surrounds himself with, despite the fact he is so far from being an actual racist.

TL;DR: While there are examples of the problems modern elections have, most of it comes from those critiquing Trump.

pfft, not everyone is going to like their candidate 100%. I wouldn't be happy if he made Romney SoS, for example. But I voted HIM in office, not me. I don't know everything that needs to be known, or all the intel, players, party compromises, logistics and interrelationships about picking a secretary of state. But I voted the guy in who I trust to do the best.
He doesn't have to be perfect. Nobody is.

But I'll defend Trump tooth and nail from the people who scream, faint, whine and go into cataleptic fits to create dissension and drama, whenever they see an opportunity to do so, like when if see lint on his jacket.

No, the Russians didn't hack the election. Russians aren't the 1960s bogeymen, didn't you watch Hillary constantly pre-planting the idea of the evil Russians+Trump throughout the debates? Where's the CIA--the CIA are NOT saying this, have made no report. Its coming from a couple of MSM outlets that have been proved to have lied about other things they've 'presented' as news, and who get money from Media Matters (David Brock owner, Soros-funded). Assange already long ago said it was Seth Rich, not Russians, on video.

The Soros-DNC-MSM machine is continuing to push this disinfo to rile people up, make the liberals believe Trump shouldn't be president. They are hoping to reach a severe level of riots before the inauguration and stick with the plan of martial law, keeping Obama in.

We are in a war for our country, and narrative is the weapon. 'Sources say', 'Some computer scientists believe' and 'We have received reports of', are specifically engineered narrative devoid of real people or sources. These are fakes.

Learn to read the news looking for 'Who, What, When, Where, How and Why. The 'it was the Russians' disinfo set has NONE of those answered. 'The Russians' isn't "who". 'The Russians' is a bogeyman, smoke and mirrors, an enemy we're supposed to imagine out of the entire 143 million russians. No real people.

Have you been under a rock for the last two weeks?

There's also Bob Corker, Dana Rohrabacher, and Rex Tillerson, who's looking likeliest.

Giuliani took himself out of the running for any cabinet position.

All of them are better than Romney or Bolton.

The majority of what he says is either redundant or not true. He is one of the least transparent Presidents and still refuses to release his tax returns because he know doing so would reveal he's not as rich as he claims to be. Most of his campaign was him saying dumb statements that got picked up by every media outlet.

In other words rural whites voted in a New York socialite known by other billionaires to be a scam artist. You could have pick anyone beyond a literal con artist who sues people who hurt his feelings?

I don't know who you thought Trump meant when he said "I know the greatest killers and I'm going to put them to work for our country".

I don't even understand the russian hack meme.

The voting machines aren't connected to the internet are they?

I mean if so thats a pretty glaring mistake in itself.

He has taken precisely the correct position on the alt-right, a forceful disavowal would be setting up for a walkback on his strict immigration proposals. A non-disavowal would severely hurt his image with the general public. A plain disavowal formally dissociates him with the alt-right while still giving him leverage over his own positions.

Let me guess, "you were a Trump supporter but now you're a cruz missile?" Why are you using tired old talking points like "why is he hiring the treasurer of his campaign just because he underspent Hillary so much and won?"

Its easy to tell you're a shill because you fell for the Russian hack fake news.

We're going through a party system shift. These next four years will see an exodus of right wing posters from Sup Forums because they're the mainstream now and influx of liberals who are now counterculture again. They'll become the paranoid fringe that they laughed at who think US politics is controlled by (((them))), only they might not know at first who (((them))) is

Its not cowardly or blind to point out that you have to be incredibly fucking stupid or a shill to fall for the Russian hack maymay. So which are you?

This guy gets it.

>I don't even understand the russian hack meme.
It's an attempt to use lack of education to sway opinion. When democrat says "RF hacked elections" he, legally, is saying "that due to reports from FBI hacking of US officials emails was done by hackers affiliated with RF and then information was transferred to WL and this influenced elections", but what he is trying to convince you of is quite different. "Russians literally went and changed votes"

Fun ain't it? That's doublespeak for you.

>Hiring CEOs from big corporations to his administration

this is what he said he'd do, just to let you know

that he would hire the most ruthless killers he could find to run the country like a business


What kind of useless nutlicker "supports" an elected politician. He already won. His only worth now is what he can do for us and the country.

Well here's my 2 pence which probably isn't worth too much as a Brit but I've been interested in US politics for most of the last 10 years.

I liked Ron Paul better as a US Presidential candidate, I think he would've made a REAL difference if he got elected.

I still like Trump, but I don't think he's as anti-establishment as he makes out and I don't think he'll make one bit of difference against the ((ruling elite ruling the US & West)), but regardless of all of that at least it's a better outcome than Hillary being elected.

Just because he said he'd do it doesn't make it ideal. But for now I will just say I'm a sceptic.

>still refuses to release his tax returns because he know doing so would reveal he's not as rich as he claims to be

The audit still isn't done afaik.

Ok. So during the election I told everyone to think very carefully about what it means to make America attractive for businesses, and that to the surprise of apparently no one but you, that's going to involve concessions that Bernouts will spin as sucking up to the rich.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

>Aren't we all participants ourselves? We shouldn't let this place be bombarded by shills and trolls.
You can't control that; it is not your body. Your desire to control telegraphs a lack of Agency. So while you may or may not support Trump, you are definitely a liberal. Conservatives acculturate their children with agency, if you had it or even knew what it was you wouldn't be do neurotic. You must understand that the reason the liberals are falling apart is because they have no agency, and they don't know it. The more these children attempt to control the narrative, the more obvious their real position becomes. You can't be fed up and disgusted by liberal brainwashing if their is no liberal brainwashing. A fool must persist in his folly.

>>concerned trolling

Attempting to manipulate the narrative by bring concerned about the other Trump Supporters? If you do not understand that this is a valid criticism of your behavior then you are new. There are only two reasons you need to control something you are concerned about, either you have no agency because you are a neurotic liberal or you are a shill engaging in information warfare. Pretending that concern trolling is not a real threat, pretending that you are not concern trolling when you clearly are, or defending concern trolling is something a shill does. We shouldn't have to explain this to you, especially if you are a real Trump Supporter because liberals without agency is the theme of the election from a Republican's perspective. Everything about you screams POSER


I miss the CTR shills, this brought back memories.

I feel like it's too early to discuss this yet in a meaningful way. A lot of his espoused policies and his cabinet choices seem solid to me so far.

And he's not even in office yet.

I realize this is hard, but frankly, right now I feel like we're trying to make judgments where we have no data.

Patience; let's wait until he's in office, then see how he acts and what policies he pursues, and then we can begin to form a more accurate image of the man.

It was the same with Obama. Libtards rejoiced at his election and then when he turned out to be another globalist neoliberal who doesn't give a fuck about the American working class, they just closed their eyes and pretended like he was some sort of great progressive hero.

What point are you trying to make here? At least you got some digits, Steve.

>Russian hacks
How to immediatly not take someone seriously.

Come back when there's actual evidence for this McCarthy-tier bullshit. I'm not even a Trump supporter and I know this is complete propaganda.

I like neither his environmental policies nor his policies regarding Russia. NATO members should be spending more on defense, though.

>What do you like
He's not Hillary, he's not a politician. Everyone I hate in turn hates him.

>and not like about your President-elect?
He's not redpilled. He's most likely being manipulated by jews he trusts to the detriment of the country.

>Is the Russia hacks a concern?
No, JIDF please go.

It's a cookie cutter pattern with the current two party system. Maybe even more squirreling tbqh. The guy has a reputation of back pedaling. That should be something to consider while observing questionable moves.

Mental health shilling? I guess it has been a while since we had threads about the icepick serial killer who invented the myth of psychiatric care to cover up his murders. Gonna need a reboot on that rolling sticky.

I don't like his policies on the 4th amendment, apple compulsion, stop and frisk and talk of flag burning. I don't like that he is choosing not to upfront spill the beans on hrc and obama and directly expose the governments arming and training ISIL & Nusra, as well as their cooptation of media and federal agencies /surrogates in running a domestic destabilization operation. He's just going to attempt to snub nose it, gain control or bypass said factions and let history bury it (huge mistake, very dangerous).
I like: everything he capaigned on and wish that he executes it to a T.

I was pretty irritated about electing Romney and also backing off of putting Hillary in jail.

Today when it was announced that Romney wasn't happening, I laughed very hard. Faith in Trump is restored. I'm hoping after he gets inaugurated that he takes care of Hillary.

What was the better choice? Hillary? The other republicans in the primary barely had enough political presence to win their home states, let alone the presidency. They failed. And compared to Trump, Hillary is equally scum, if not worse. Her career in politics has left smears of racism, embezzlement, humiliation and deceit all over her--but her followers dismissed that and buried it by saying she was more "experienced". The only reason people are so confused as to how Trump won is because their selective memory forgot that he was running against a candidate who represented everything they feared about Trump: greed, corruption, lies, and poor judgment. Look how many people who bitch about Trump IMMEDIATELY opt out of supporting Hillary. Anyone with any level of knowledge about her has dropped the act by now. She was a shit candidate who represented nebulous empty notions and only maintained her presence through a literal billion dollar campaign full of bias and fabrication. Her only redeeming feature was that she kept her mouth shut and towed the line in public. Other than that, she was no better. And you can tell yourself as much as you want that it doesn't come down to Trump vs. Clinton, but it did and it always will. They were the candidates that ran and the only options the American people were given. So far Trump's transition period has been predictable and unimpressive. His victory doesn't erase his failings, but it also doesn't make the people who voted for him stupid.

I voted for Trump so we would be allies with Russia instead of in nuclear war with them. They are far better than EU globalist cucks who want to flood themselves with shitskins. Even if they managed to prove without a shadow of a doubt that Russia is completely to blame for Trump winning I still wouldn't change my opinion or give a fuck.

As for his cabinet pick bullshit all over the news. I don't won't believe 90% of the shit I hear about it until it is set in stone and the people are actually chosen. Then I will judge.

I also don't believe any shit coming from CNN, MSNBC, and whatnot about him softening up on policies. They said the same shit after he won the primaries.

I will not believe any shit the MSM or any media for that matter says about anything Trump is going to do until it actually happens. They have lost all credibility. They spewed a constant flow of bullshit the entire election and that is absolutely obvious with the polls, fake stories, accusations of racism, and much more. Everything they "predicted" never fucking happened.

As for disagreements I don't have many that are very relevant other than cyber-security and the NSA. I can understand these positions but I would prefer the internet to stay free. I don't really care if ISIS terrorists organize over the internet.

And you are a shill, too. You're getting smarter but you started off far, far behind.

What do you like and not like about your Employer?

Is the compromising of morals a concern?

I can barely watch interviews because I can't stand the way he speaks
He has a tremendous talent at talking a lot but not really saying anything, and it is a great tool for politicians, but it irks me

Also he won't be cutting down on legal immigration, which is a shame.

>people unironically falling for this hacking fiasco
yeah boo hoo, poor Hillary, all the Russians "allegedly" did was show the world that she's a fucking scumbag

you're not fooling anyone

>The majority of what he says is either redundant or not true.
lmao, you fool no one you obvious shill

>I feel

I don't like how he's bitching on his twitter full blast 24/7 over his pride.

I don't like who he's filling his cabinet with after saying he was going to to drain the same people he's putting in office

I don't like how he's going soft on all the shit he claimed to be for, such as that motherfucking wall.

I think he will do much better in a public stance, if he was a just somewhat more humble.

I voted for trump.

So yeah I can be critical over the faggot i elected in office.

fuck off if you don't like what i have to say sperglord.

Trump is lying to you, it's so obvious but because of identity politics, memes and feelings people eager to justify any thing suspicious about Trump.

He is a kike by blood, he hangs out and does business with the worst of the elites and he is even connected to the big pedophile kike cases.

>forgetting the many times he has contradicted himself between interviews
>conveniently forgetting that Trump only said he would lock up Hillary because it played well during the election and has no intentions of following through.

You deny the truth, shill