was this the most unhinged rant of the political season?
Was this the most unhinged rant of the political season?
Other urls found in this thread:
>You don't own America. There is no real America.
Meanwhile "Our America" was one of the most common phrases used over and over at the DNC.
He looks like he caught the same rapid deterioration that Hillary caught after the election.
what was?
Well I share my utter contempt for Hannity with Leibowitz
Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz.
hmm I wonder what race they were
The best thing about this election was realizing how fragile the normie existence is. All this time the leftists have called us conspiracy theories and said we obsess about big scale politics that don't concern us much. It had nothing to do with the fact that they were in power supposedly, it was just "rational". But no. It did, it had everything to do with it. The minute something didn't go their way, they went from calm and smug to rolling on the floor in an ape-like rage fit.
I preferred the rants of the TYT as the election results rolled in
Then they devolved to conspiracy theorists themselves. Mainstream liberals have literally fallen an inch short of saying that this election was a Russian psyop to place a puppet in the White House
This is the first time I've ever laughed at this kike.
Good analysis. In essence they are a sleeper cell.
>implying this kike ever worked a regular physical job in his entire life
such a typical kike behavior of judging everyone
No, John Oliver had the most unhinged rant of the year.
John "JUST" Leibowitz
So are we. We became an official sleeper cell when one of our own was instructed to yell PEPE at the Hillary rally.
Needless to say Secret Service wasn't pleased, but they didn't harm our guy after detaining him.
As much as I hate Leibowitz, Colbert is even worse, I want to take his nu-male glasses and shove them down his faggot throat.
Van Jones alone had about 75 rants to fit into the top 100
This wouldn't have been so bad if they hadn't cried out victory so many times. If they had actually tried to adress Trump as an opponent instead of ignoring all the warning signs that he had a serious chance (fucking trouncing the Republican establishment against all reason) the fallout wouldn't have been so terrible, and Hil would've probably won even.
I want to contribute but this is the best I have.
both are just actors who recited their comedy central team's jokes. Neither is better than the other.
> Jews tell other people they don't own their country
> Create Israel "cause it was our country"
He's right you know
The white nationalists are entitled babbys
America is a facade. There is no true patriotism. Our cultural identity is false and the substance of it lies within our diversity. We're a meltingpot nation and that's what makes it beautiful.
That said, fuck all religions and particularly fuck islam. I have no qualms with muslim immigration as long as it does not create the disaster it is in europe. As a whole, islam has yet to reform to be compatible with western ideals. The reform must come from within, and we can't force it as we have attempted for so long.
But all you fucking idiots that think you have some kind of ownership just for the color of your skin...literally fucking kill yourselves
>I have no qualms with muslim immigration as long as it does not create the disaster it is in europe
Fucking numale. Take your civic nationalism and piss off faggot. reddit.com
maybe they just dont agree with the agressive takeover of the islamic doctrine. maybe they dont agree with overseas labor siphoning jobs out of the country. maybe they dont agree with the divisive nature of liberalism thats stripping them of their identity which they have every right to be proud of
>when you retire from your liberal political satire show right before Trump runs and win
>America is a facade. There is no true patriotism. Our cultural identity is false and the substance of it lies within our diversity. We're a meltingpot nation and that's what makes it beautiful.
Fuck off.
I wonder who could be behind this post
> Although the idea of "melting" as a metaphor for ethnic assimilation had been used before, Zangwill's play popularized the term "melting pot" as a symbol for this occurrence in American society.[2]
> Our cultural identity is false and the substance of it lies within our diversity. We're a meltingpot nation and that's what makes it beautiful
Nigga we were 85% white in the distant year of 1980 ago.
Hello newfag.
>We're a meltingpot nation and that's what makes it beautiful.
Detroit is really beautiful.
What About Europeans, do they have any moral right to protect their ancestral homelands from invasion, and culture from dilution?
fucking lol
are you guys retarded
our founding fathers were not white nationalists
slavery was indeed a means to an end but it wasn't sustainable
firstly, our country was completely taken from indigenous people and christfags attempted to destroy native american culture
all you idiots just get no pussy or had a girl break your heart and you're now filled with hate
you'll die bitter men with your dick's dry as the desert in which the muslims you loathe reside
A Jew atheist tells Americans they don't own Christianity.
< (Hue)
> christfags attempted to destroy native american culture
Native American culture isn't a thing, there were like 400 tribes and clans within those tribes regularly teamed up with France/England/USA to fuck with other clans and tribes or the french/English/Americans
What? You are being off-topic. Are you projecting?
I know leftists love to project their true feelings to other people.
>he thinks this
Wtf. I'm with HER, now!
Nah. Marrying a younger Slav qt once I'm in my 30s. Enjoying the 80% obese American """"women""".
>Sup Forums getting absolutely booty blasted
just go jerk to B L A C K E D some more
>plebbit spacing
Are you figuratively shaking?
>melting pot
still at it with the fake "melting pot" meme. oh, wait...aww how precious. you actually believe it, don't you? you really are that new and naive! ready for your first little red pill?
"melting pot" is a completely made-up, fabricated term. it has absolutely nothing to do with the founding of the USA. it was coined by a jewish wannabe playwright, whose "magum opus" was about a jewish boy being the love interest of the european woman and saving the usa through tolerance, diversity and multiculturalism.
you can't make this shit up. see:
lurk more. you'll learn something here.
"Which leads me to add one remark: That the number
of purely white people in the world is proportionably very small.
All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (ex
clusive of the new comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Span
iards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes are generally of what
we call a swarthy complexion ; as are the Germans also, the Saxons
only excepted, who with the English make the principal body of
white people on the face of the earth. I could wish their numbers
were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, scouring our
planet, by clearing America of woods, and so making this side of
our globe reflect a brighter light to the eyes of inhabitants in Mars
or Venus, why should we in the sight of superior beings, darken its
people? why increase the sons of Africa, by planting them in Ameri
ca, where we have so fair an opportunity, by excluding all blacks
and tawneys, of increasing the lovely white and red? But perhaps
I am partial to the complexion of my Country, for such kind of
partiality is natural to Mankind."
-Benjamin Franklin, 1751
If you honestly believe our founding fathers intended for this nation to be equally proportioned of all ethnic groups, from every corner of the globe, then you are quite frankly the dumbest person I have ever witnessed.
I love that show, just saying
citation needed
didn't find it on ctr or snopes
>OP getting absolutely rekt with facts
>OP desperately saying everyone ELSE is "booty blasted" (project much?)
>OP getting her first babby taste of red pill
>OP's entire worldview being called into question unknowingly
the rest of us are calm and articulate
Beat me to it
Wow beat me to it again
Yeah sorry for believing in historical facts such as "Indians fought in wars with other tribes". The Pawnee and Shoshone helped us against the Sioux etc
>our founding fathers were not white nationalists
What do you think they would have done if you told them that negroes, mexicans, and muslims were going to take over the government in 250 years and conspire to displace Europeans?
My guess is that they would have put them all on boats, then sank those boats, then made an anti-immigration law that would make hitler go "damn, son."
this is (you) the thread
and you think liberalism is an echo chamber
Here take a red pill. You'll end up just like us
>We're a meltingpot nation and that's what makes it beautiful.
A jewish playwright coined this phrase.
America has never been this melting pot of everyone--it was settled by Europeans. We restricted who could immigrate here based on race and country of origin.
whos the guy in the bottom panels?
>taken from indigenous people
Interesting. Can you show us the deeds or titles to those lands? In what language were they written? By what legal code was ownership established?
>native american culture
Stone age savages living in a state of nature. Never conceived a written language or even invented the wheel. A fine proud culture. They were really going places until whitey came along.
>all you idiots just get no pussy
Really, kid? When you get around to adulthood you'll realize how silly that is by way of an insult.
stefan molyneux
thanks bruv
that bitch is crazy. why are all american Armenian bitches crazy?
She's like what, 80? Looks like typical grandma style emojiposting to me.
eastern european madness
my bro dated an albanian woman
straight up insane. makes latinas look rational by comparison, hard to do but they do it.
please don't post lewd images of my wife
Looking extra jewy
God tier post
U one triggered cuck
Vampires shrivel up when they don't have blood to drink.
>our founding fathers were not white nationalists
Actually they were.
>slavery was indeed a means to an end but it wasn't sustainable
Slavery has been practiced for all of recorded history. If that's not "sustainable", then I don't know what is.
>firstly, our country was completely taken from indigenous people and christfags attempted to destroy native american culture
I don't give a shit. Am I supposed to be okay with being genocided simply because my ancestors, none of which are alive today, genocided others? Nonsense. Absolute self-loathing, suicidal nonsense. Kill yourself if you must, don't take us all with you.
Tfw you realize you're dealing with a 12 year old.
>all you idiots just get no pussy or had a girl break your heart and you're now filled with hate
Not an argument. Not true either, but definitely not an argument.
It's time for you to get the fuck