Is it possible for Sup Forums to subvert tumblr?
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one day Tay will come back to us...
That's a cute picture.
not on trumblr, however its easy enough to subvert a single girl from there if you are interested in that.
Just chat them up, go along with them at first and make disagreements. See how it goes, but assuming she isn't 100% insane tumblrina tier then probably the idscussion will start getting more interesting and lead to the opportunity for red pills assuming you avoid the edgy/fedora shit.
I "redpilled" a few girls from tumblr back when I had an account now. However its not a 1005 success ratio either, you need to be able to tell which ones you can and which ones you cant.
So basically, target the depressed directionless girls and avoid the feminazi fascist types.
make disagreements over time*
Sup Forums couldn't even subvert /mlp/ the other night lmao
We fucking got a president in office. We can achieve anything we want at this point.
Do you realize how powerful we are? WE CONTROL CULTURE.
We manufacture want.
SO how do we do it?
Making a large presence on tumblr by infesting their tags with redpills to see what happens.
>Sup Forums tries to "colonize" Reddit
>Reddit ends up colonising Sup Forums
Really makes me think.
>what is free bleeding
we have before newfag. it is extremely easy. do you have a plan?
This is just a meme. We had 0 effect on the election.
You think people like this browse Sup Forums?
No really, I was just curious to know if it was possible. It's only a matter of time before they shut down this place and I thought that spreading our ideology wouldn't be a bad idea.
Your picture contradicts your post. Several subreddits have adopted our mannerisms, our politics, even our fucking visual format. We colonized reddit, not the other way around
>This is just a meme. We had 0 effect on the election.
Hillary literally devoted an entire "rally" and press conference release to the evils of pepe the frog.
That's just because Hillary is a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist who doesn't understand the internet. We had an effect on Hillary, but that doesn't mean we had an effect on any substantial number of voters.
>You think people like this browse Sup Forums?
No, but the youth does. It just speeds up the maturity process. A liberal at 20, a conservative at 30.
>actually believing this
Sup Forums has had a huge influx of redditors because you tried to colonize Reddit. Of course some specific subreddits, the Sup Forums colonies, have a lot in common with Sup Forums. Doesn't change the fact that Sup Forumsiticians constantly proselytizing their beliefs on other websites brought a ton of newfags here.
It is possible and we should try it
nah no raiding allowed here k bby
>memes aren't real
where do you think you are
You can't tell me that looking at the comments around the web that we aren't having a huge effect. Our memes and accompanying ideas are everywhere from YouTube to Twitter. We get tons of traffic because people are getting redpills and they want more.
I see plenty of old white dudes reposting memes about Pepe and infowars and shit. The term "cuck" originated on here, and it's spread like wildfire to the rest of the right, come on dude let's just face the music already. We've done it.
I'm making a very specific claim- that pol did not decide the election, i.e. even if Sup Forums never existed, Trump would still have won.
literally does not matter. Both of these things are famous not because they are influential, but because they are jokes to anyone mainstream. No one ever says "ohh, liberals are cucks, so I'm gonna vote republican now!" Our memes spread mostly to people who were already solid Trump supporters.
You're wrong. I can't speak for anyone else here but the biggest effect I had wasn't changing radical leftists' minds. It was defeating all the demoralizing tactics that had effectively depoliticized my friends and family. No less than about 16 people cast a vote because the only thing I talked about for three months straight was why they should get off their ass and cast a vote rather than whining about how they hope Trump would win.
/r/Sup Forums is fucking shameless.
Our shitposts gets saved forever.
Yes but it gave them momentum to influence other voters.
For example, the MSM reporting on Trump's son posting the "deplorables" meme with Pepe (a cartoon frog is somehow racist?) in it made them look even more stupid, thus turning more voters.