>being gay is bad
Why is this view still popular these days?
Being gay is bad
It is bad, you don't pass on your genes.
that honest to god beauty of architecture is unmatched by any culture or human. Good god the romans had it right.
>Why is this view still popular these days?
People hate gay men because they don't spend every waking moment trying to provide for and earn the approval of women.
>Good god the romans had it right.
Maybe they did, but the picture is the Austrian Parliament, built in the late 1800s.
We dont give a fuck about faggots but dont be telling us shit like two daddies will make good parenting or some shit.
because you're struggling to even fuck to save your race
Go back to LGBT faggot. You're people pushing it on normal people is scum.
What about old people and infertile?
my filters
/boi pussy/i
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/gay neet/i
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It's degenerate and immoral. If it is encouraged on a large scale it will cause less people to reproduce thus endangering a society. You wanna fuck dudes? Cool good for you man. Just keep it out of my face and especially away from my children.
>MFW every fucking show on TV has gay shit on it despite being
Better than being raised by a single parent, or in foster care.
Why cant you learn to be like the samurai and fuck both?
1. Because God hates homosexuals
2. Because even people who supported gay marriage are realizing the slippery slope was real and you faggots wont stop pushing more and more degeneracy. Most people don't like their kids being taught about ass sex in school
3. Because homosexuals are massively dyfunstional and damaged people and the lifestyle of the average homo is clear evidence of that
Because not everyone is stupid enough to base their opinions on what they want.
Adolf Hitler Was Not a Jew
Christianity is Not Jewish
Dangers of Homosexuality
Dangers of Pornography
Donald Trump Information
Evidence of White Genocide
Holocaust Revisionism
The Jews
The Works of David Irving
Maybe because being gay is wouldn't exist if people didn't tell you it was okay.
can't wait til the LGBTQAFEWUTYSKD advocates shut the fuck up.
GREAT, you're fucking gay. whoopty fucking doo.
I've met plenty of gays that don't feel the need to flaunt it like a fucking badge of courage. They are decent fucking people. They don't give a flying fuck. Gayer than fruitcakes on a unicorn horn. I respect them because they don't give a fuck. You know what else? I hope you don't give a fuck.
But true not-giving-a-fuck means you don't have to share it with EVERY GODDAMN PERSON YOU WALK BY.
It's like they are soliciting for a spontaneous blowjob when I'm trying to walk my goddamn dog.
1. God isn't real
2. Invoking slippery slope argument
3. Categorically false
Because it fucking is that's why
A ton of gays grow up thinking faggotry is the only way to be gay there is so they embrace it and push it to other faggots, or because they came out too early and could only hang out with girls and picked up cattiness, gestures and other shitty habits because guys don't want to hang out with a dude they think might want to have sex with them.
And a male/male relationship means none of the "you have to approach and court me first and maybe then I'll let you take me out on a date and pay for my food and mayyybe then sex" shit you get from women, so it boils down to "I find you hot, you find me hot, let's meet up and bang", meaning easy always available sex means most gays don't care for relationships.
So you end up with a majority of either intolerable faggots, sex-obsessed degenerates or both. The small percent of people that don't fall into either and are just regular people that like other men has a hard time finding each other because they don't signal how gay they are like the faggots or don't want to succumb to the AIDS pit that is Grindr like the degenerates.
Being gay is fucking terrible.
>Why is this view still popular these days?
A baker can't even refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple's wedding. How can you possibly say gay people have it bad?
If there was nothing wrong with the sex they have it would've been excepted into human culture long ago. But because it spreads disease, encourages dangerous sexual degeneracy, and helps destroy the normal family bond that holds a society together, it isn't and shouldn't be accepted.
Homosexuals need help, not encouragement.
and when your night club gets shot up by a latent homosexual radical Islamic terrorist, people go apeshit.
>MFW LGBTQA advocates think islam is a religion of peace.
If man is good then two men is better
Still waiting on hate crime legislation that favors asexuals.
You generally tend to be super neurotic people who engage in high sexual behavior that will eventually make you dependent on the government for HIV treatment
Because faggots will not stop trying to push their business into everyone's faces.
Needy attention whores want everyone to not only tolerate but celebrate their degenerate fetish, and if you don't you're a bigot, you're a homophobe, it's a hate crime.
Fuck off and die of aids.
Because being a faggot is wierd and retarded
Charlie Sheen goes on tumblr
You got all kinds of possibilities for diseases too and who said only gays do these things or that anal is all they have? Poop doesn't store that low. High and mighty clamdiggers aint got shit. Nobody is settling down. I did. These fantasy threads. HIV isn't as risky for white non skank gays as things like frogposting are...
shoo shoo
Still waiting on legislation that just calls it "crime"
>most replies than any topic bar none
>also foreskins
>OP could be a false flag
Men dindu nuffin. Have good ones, guys
Not really popular in BC Canada anymore. One of my classmates was outed as disapproving of gay people in school, and despite the lack of any openly gay people in my class, people mocked their views relentlessly.
I have a lesbian cousin so I'll never buy into the Sup Forums memes, family comes first.
Being gay does nothing for society. In fact, pretty much everything about gay culture is bad for society.
From an evolutionary standpoint it is odd.
From a personal standpoint what you do with your junk and other people's junk doesn't concern me in the slightest.
What pisses me off is overt and excessive fagginess. Two men walking down the street holding hands? Whatever, I don't give a shit. One of them acting all limp wristed, having a high pitched slur, saying shit 'you go girl' and fagging it up hard and the other wearing a leather harness and leather biker's cap with leather chaps with no pants on underneath and being super gay? That is super fucking annoying in the same way a black guy acting like a giga-nigger is super annoying.
I am from the deep south, if I were to walk around with nothing on but boots and overalls with a straw hat and a piece of grass hanging off my lip and speaking in a heavy ass southern accent about how these city folks are all twisted in the head and blowing into a jug with three X's on the side it would be annoying to others as well.
I guess what I am saying is that I don't like stereotypes when I meet them. Fuck 'em.
If you are acting like a faggy stereotype, neck yourself, Japan.
You stupid moron. What is the apple in the Bible? Does your sex have more risk of being appley and therefore the FALL OF MAN or does mine
A nagging highschool teacher woman on a containment board. Also i meant tinder earlier not tumblr. Fuck this im gone
Romans and Greeks painted their statues in some god awful colors. When you see them painted in the original color schemes it is extremely cringe worthy.
Surrogacy. This is all genetic. Everybody is half a fag. The more you hate fags the more of a fag you are. Number one most ancient obsession. Just excuses and crying for your own bad and cucked and forced decisions. Eat me
Bye, Felicia
Even if people on the left deny it, people hate faggots deep down though. Even faggots.
Parading down a street with your dick out doesn't make you a brave warrior for rights, it just makes you a faggot.
Something about their tendency to molest children, have drug addictions and attempts to force me to accept their degeneracy is offputting to me
And marrying a woman doesn't grow you a vagina back but you do it anyways because rabbis and plato
Bye emu cuck
You still here?
hunty im about to slay yur dumb bigoted ass
because, silly rabbit, dicks are for chicks
>a Canadian defending faggotry
Something really has to be done about you guys. It's getting to be like Sweden 2.0 up there
Putin's a pedo as was accused in a civil manner your president. Vice a closet fag. Talking about all these sexy 12 year olds and maybe his own family too. Straights are the real sodomites and are rapist pedos. Keep their kids in basements sometimes til there's problems. Violent drunks and lazy too. Must be the shit dynamics thinking you're high and mighty
Sup Forums is the 4th gayest board on Sup Forums though.
It goes
4. Sup Forums
3. /fa/
2. /lgbt/
1. /fit/
It's just a hive of repressed sexuality where people go into australian big black cock cuckold threads to talk about how disgusted they are.
Thought you were leaving, faggot.
Or was that just more attention seeking?
Go leak your menses some place else. You want discomfort? Fuck the dentist just listen to Sup Forums. Most cucked zionist place there is. The fuck do you care. Debate me. Ill do wtf i want in relation to any of this
>it's a homosexuals project their disgusting lifestyle on normal people episode
You know not everyone who thinks a man stocking his dick in another man's ass is wrong is a closet homo. In fact most people have thought that way throughout time. Are you really so obsessed with dick that you can't even fathom the idea that some people simply find your behavior disgusting?
You people really should be executed before you destroy any more children's lives.
Yeah theyre called clitorati
I don't want to get faggot on my hand
Bye Felicia
It's horrible. I wish we still had that electro shock therapy in NC or I'd get it and be done with it. Unfortunately they forced them to close shop in 2013.
The homo community is marxist garbage. They don't respect the american flag, just the queer one. I just want to be a good nationalist and make the fuhrer proud but he would be ashamed of me.
You have sex with a nagging boring stinkslime cave that was too dumb to ignore the devil
Kill yourself sodomite. I mean the drugs or the AIDS will eventually so you might as well get it over with
I got Christ nigguh you all can go have your wet succubus dreams
That's actually kinda hawt
Anyone who has Christ wouldn't be defending sodomy. You aren't a Christian if you do
Yeah here we go. Angels have no gender. The sodomites raped every stranger and shunned them. Very inhospitable. Does that sound familiar? Logs and splinters baby. When sent female daughters they had no interest. What fags. Like those males in prison. Such faggots. They're not the real sodomites at all. There were plenty of blessed "gay" characters and Christ never said this was sodomy. He said what I'm telling you it is
Go back to fucking sheep you nigger
I didn't know the Turks entered the Porn industry
it's not THAT you're gay, it's HOW you're gay.
Because faggots can't stop talking about how they're faggots and how many dicks have pushed around the inside of their bowels, leaving a couple of intestinal parasites and infections as good measure.
Seriously, acceptance is polite indifference, not being praised because of what you are.
I'm gay and my genes are passing on since I have a lot of siblings and we share genes.
Humans are pack animals, and individuals don't need to reproduce for the gene pool / tribe to thrive. In a sense I'm more genetically successful than a lot of straight people.
Maybe what's "bad" is generations of parents expecting 1 or 2 kids to pass on their family line.
This. Same reason if someone starts losing an argument they just call you a virgin, because apparently attracting women if the most important achievement a person can have.
And I'm not saying this as a bitter virgin, either, as I'm not.
I grew up troubled because I liked guys and didn't even know being gay was a thing. Small town south>Rural conservative PNW in a church going Presbyterian Family
>struggling to even fuck to save your race
>Has 100 mil more people than ausfag
>and most of those 20 mil in fagland are chinamen
Man I can see why ausfags are killing themselves in droves.