Attention The_Donald Migrants

All The_donald migrants need to do the following:
2. Don't post if you don't accept race realism or human bio diversity
>muh culture is everything
That is literally the Marxist idea and is not accurate. At least accept that nature is equal to nurture.

If you want to talk about civic nationalism go back to plebbit.

Dumping info-graph memes.

Other urls found in this thread:


Thanks bud.


Racism is passe and has no biological basis in reality. What about all the based colored centipedes who helped MAGA this election? We need to judge people based on the content of their character rather than skin color. I'm not on the Don train because of any nazi white power fantasy, I'm on it because I want the best country for ALL Americans. I want UNITY.


fuck new Sup Forums I miss the days when go back to plebbit was a common insult

now everyone is redditfag

They're worthless.

This. I was just arguing about this is a thread where Germans might be "replaced" with darker skin Germans. What matters is duty to the state, not your skin