Hello Sup Forums

Hello Sup Forums
Ever heard of Heuristics? Heuristics is an evolutionary trait where the brain tries to analyze and find a solution to a scenario without enough actual info, since the brain is lazy and craves efficiency. For instance, we think all Muslims are terrorists, when their are literally Billions of muslims who are not terrorists, but we assume they are because of heuristics. A better example, Various people were asked about if there were more words that started with K than words that have the k for the third letter, the majority said that there were more words starting with K. this was far from the truth.
My point is, Sup Forums, don't judge them all for fault of a few

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>A better example, Various people were asked about if there were more words that started with K than words that have the k for the third letter, the majority said that there were more words starting with K. this was far from the truth.

really gets the neurons firing

I'm thirteen and come from reddit : the thread

Poor doggly

We have the ability to make these assumptions for a reason.

> their are literally Billions of muslims who are not terrorists
'There' are literally not even billions of Muslims in the world.

>heuristics is an evolutionary trait

Really? I thought it was just pragmatism, like, if the brain realizes that fish live in a river, it'll realize "hey, cast a net in that river", you fucking retard.

Oh, but then that gives the false impression that it's not really progressive if we just realize it's not an old evolutionary trait and it's actually just how reality functions when optimizing for the best outcome.

Here you go buddy

Next time you find yourself needing to channel that 8th grade psych report feel free to come here and get proven wrong

>judging all pol users as stereotyping all muslims

hey bro u herd of heuristics?

Ayy lmao

I can reasonably judge that Islam is a hostile ideology from the texts.

I can also reasonably surmise that most Muslims will go along with what most Muslims decide is a good ethical system, as they do in the countries where they are a majority.

I can also reasonably surmise that importing Muslims will move our country to more closely resemble their countries of origin.

Top kek.

It's not that all Muslims are terrorists, it's that they subscribe to an ideology that is demonstrably hostile to the western way of life and are unwilling to assimilate. The fact that they're massively more likely to suicide bomb me as compared to someone of European descent, or even a dirty pedro, is just icing on the cake.

Judge these numbers nigger

Where it not for that cute dogger I would have cut you, kiddo.

Assuming stereotypes are accurate is a better heuristic than the opposite.


That's just more commie wordplay.

I will judge them all as I see fit.

Heuristics were the feature that made it possible for the Kaspersky Antivirus software to get better results than their competitors and catapulted them into the most popular products.

Nowadays, almost all Antivirus products use heuristics.

> For instance, we think all Muslims are terrorists
Wrong. All Muslims are not terrorists, but 99% of terrorists are Muslims. All Muslims are delusional pieces of shit. All Muslims idealize a literal child molester. All Muslims should stay the fuck away from me.

I mean it's not at all like the religious HQ of Islam is based in some backward shit-law country like Saudi-Arabia. Not like they don't need a reformation to fit into modern times. Not like they also apply "Heuristics" to the modern world!

The Sauds version of Heuristics is throwing money at it!

Small world isn't it?

Op literally btfo

One question:
How many christian suicide bomber's have you heard of?
See, it's not that hard, just get over it and accept that this religion is a religion of hate



I don't have to bother with muslims when I can just look at Islam, which is very self-evidently cancer.

>their are literally Billions of muslims

And that's the problem. Since there are billions of muslims, even if a small percentage of them turn super-aggressive and commit terrorist attacks (which they do), that means there are thousands, if not millions of adopting these behaviors.

And research shows that the majority (above 70%) of Muslims actually think most terrorist attacks are justified.

So no, I will not take Muslims lightly.

Thanks OP now I'm gonna spend the whole thread counting words with letter k as third letter

OOOOooooHhhhHhhh mom get the camera!

combine it with classification. The world is dynamic
nothing is nonidentical, but we can't spend our lives just bending to every slight difference
We classify things to make sense of them because we have so much information at our disposal
to actually get things done our brains use heuristics to profile things

for example arabs, muslim, and terrorist would all fall in one group


Islamic culture is inherently incompatible with Western culture. Any sane person would realize that's not going work out well in the long term. You don't need heuristics to figure that out.

how many are there then? because islam is a pretty popular religion fyi

How do you cope with making a post and not being able to get up votes?

huh, really made me think.

But what if your heuristic tells you that every person has heuristics? There are good reasons why we shouldn't trust a religion that allows its followers to lie about their intentions to spread the religion. Muhammad was just trying to make it into the history books the Quran is literally his only legacy and it the religion it paints allows for it to spread like a virus. The religion is literally based around the preservation of this fucks legacy.

OP's face right now


kys now