What do I do, Sup Forums?

What do I do, Sup Forums?

I'm in love with a black woman and she's waifu material but I don't know what to do about children. If I BLEACH this woman and have kids with her, does that make me no different than a coalburner? Will I be present on the day of the rope?

>pic not related

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just do it faggot

you're asking autistic neets that'll never see pussy in their life whether your chick is up to their standards


If you love her, be with her user.

And don't take advice from pol for fucks sake

You are different from a coalburning cuck and yes you'll be on the neck on the day of rope. If you gonna race mix, go to niggerland.

No different* (typo)

>3D women

You people know nothing of these terms.

he lives in America

>being this autistic.
Maybe you should jerk off to the 14 words stormfag.
Have black kids, raise them republican.

You're still mongrelizing the white race, though I doubt this post will do anything if you're already deadset on fucking a gorilla.

I love brown women, but I'd never reproduce with one. Just have sex with her and do your best she doesn't get pregnant

did you ever think her hypergamy gene is being activated to the absolute max?

That body is 10/10, but then there's that hanging underlip and that nappy hair and my boner is completely gone


post pictures of you and her so I can put BLEACHED on it and use it to shitpost

Knock her up
Knock some white chick up
Go knock up a Japanese
Nail a paki
Get up in some Hindu guts
Sperm on everything, desu

Going through this now... I am 1488 need to protect the future of our race, but I met a 8/10 redpilled based black girl (almost Sherif Clarke level). I am really into her, but am worried about what will happen if it goes anywhere, as I want to protect my race, but most white women are not wife material nowadays.

I am leaning towards marriage and adopting a white child.

Stop giving a fuck what Sup Forums thinks. If she's right for you, she's right for you.

2D is better though.

If she has good facial features and is reasonably intelligent there is literally nothing wrong.

Worse case your kids will look like filipinos.

>Destroying thousands of years of selective breeding

Pick one, user. No one here can decide for you.

he's picking both

You can try redpilling her.

>on the day of the rope

Waiting for the day of the rope is like waiting for Judgement Day; it ain't happening.

If we didn't live in a world where Jews wage ethnic wars against every non Jewish person on the planet it would be okay to marry this girl.

The world must obliterate the Jew before we can have the luxury of loving whoever we want.

>I have never and will never see a vagina.

why is her hair straight? her hair is curly, no different than a mans, she puts money and time into making it appear like a whites. This, OP, is vanity, it's a deadly sin. run.

>I am leaning towards marriage and adopting a white child.

You may as well just have a black kid if you're going to go that route. Just keep that nig away from ghetto culture, I don't want to have to be the one to rope him someday.

>he's picking both

Fuck. What a re-tard.

Sterilize yourself and adopt a white kid.



>Destroying thousands of years of selective breeding

but about that, do you think a mix of Germanic, French and Irish is a pure bred?

black girl thread?

She's beautiful. Get the fuck off of Sup Forums (preferably forever) and go have beautiful, healthy, genetic-disease-free babies! Mixed race kids are the healthiest humans alive, and that triggers these inbred white-fragility nazi fucks like you wouldn't believe. White people will never die out, central/eastern europe have your backs if you're obsessed with that purity shit.

Every "white" person I know who's free of random shitty health or skin problems isn't actually 100% white.


These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.

Do not fall for them.

That's not the woman it's your latent homosexuality taking away the boner you never had in the first place.

you've been sperging out for fucking hours

>divorces because the eternal (((woman))) is unstable and enabled by the legal system
>can't un-sterilize self

Get out of her Moishe.

Despite what some of what pol says, it is very much possible to bring up a member of another race. Basically nigga, just try to make her happy and the kids if you have them fit in with YOUR culture as a husband. That's the objective here, be a good parent and your kids will respond regardless of what race they are.

Unless you live in a shithole like SoCal. Then you're shit out of luck.

>that flag
>that PC verbage
>that secret abo-lover

Hysterectomy + white egg (sex/vaginal) donor

You're a mudshark. Death is your only release.

Fuck her, have your fun, but no kids. I had a nice black gf like pic related years ago, but if we ever had kids I would forever despise her for giving me dumb ugly niglets with behavior problems.

We will come for you and we have you locked up and executed. Just wait for January.


>but about that, do you think a mix of Germanic, French and Irish is a pure bred?

In a certain context, yes. Absolutely.

>Reminder that America was meant to be an Ethno-European melting pot and not an amalgamation of 3rd world peoples

abos aren't even human mate

European isn't an ethnicity you fucking mong

Why not both

> Mixed race kids are the healthiest humans alive
i'm not a naxi but this is actually verifiably false when it comes to certain diseases

>Basically nigga, just try to make her happy

>reminder never to take advice from people who use ebonics


you can almost feel the intensity and imagine the rate at which his curly jewish ear locks are growing as he types this post in a sexual frenzy.

would plunder her down under

>Will I be present on the day of the rope?
Yes. You're a coal burner, and a race traitor. I'll judge you for it, but your life isn't mine to live. Do what you want faggot.


>asking Sup Forums who it's ok to marry

Holy fuck you're retarded.

since when are people coming to Sup Forums for advice with their own fucking lives

the fact that he had felt the need to ask fucking Sup Forums means this isnt real or he should leave her so she can find someone who isnt a complete moron.

>European isn't an ethnicity

White = ethnicity
European = white

Race is a coherent concept. I'm not sure what you're trying to prove or trip me up about.

Do it, don't get her pregnant, adopt a white kid, and donate your sperm to a sperm bank

my thoughts exactly user, something is going on here

yes you will not be spared

Leftists who oppose this

Israel is a racist apartheid state who has illegal Jewish ONLY settlements in the west bank where the border walls are wrapping around them inside Palestinian in an obvious land grab.

This is why terrorism happens and why the rest of the west gets blowback from it.

Israel builds these settlements on top of Palestinian villages that they have bulldozed by the military.

If you support Israel you are not a leftist. End of Story.

In my years of life I've never found anything plesent about dating. No matter how perfect the girl seems it always bites you in the ass whether immediately or a ways down the road. Might as well contribute to the white race and have pure kids to show for all your suffering.

It would be so funny and embarrassing if you actually believed this.

>Liberal degenerate coddling.
>Attack on Sup Forums's credibility and character.

You know the answer, OP, or you wouldn't have fucking asked us.

>Afghani's and Portuguese are the same ethnicity

they share common admixtures, their cultures, language and customs are different

also we share our admixture with central Africans

>black woman and she's waifu material

you didn't learn anything, didn't you?

Go to china and clone yourself for one of your kids, just say its always been your dream to do it. If you want to go the extra mile clone yourself several times then make them compete to be the #1 you.

>implying you have a chance with her

whip this out when she gets out of line



I'm not though

i stopped reading at "black woman" whatever your quere is i suggest you kill yourself you sick fuck

What is your point user....spit it out

our actions define us, not our genetic make-up

>our actions define us, not our genetic make-up

That's objectively untrue user. Eugenics has proven as much.

>If I BLEACH this woman
its a meme

you dont do this but diluting your race especially with a nigger. she has everything to gain from and evolutionary and social standpoint. you gain absolutely nothing. Your children and grandchildren will never look like you your bloodline will be gone

Eugenics has only been half heartedly tried twice, and what did it prove?

>all this pol butthurt about the best ir pairing

i guess it makes sense beta bitches don't understand what makes black girls so great. i get looks everytime i go out with my black gf, white people sure do have a jealous side to them. maybe if white women didn't want to emulate her features they'd dislike her less.

Get a vasectomy and Mary her just don't have kids you'll just pollute the gene pool and make Schlomo proud


whats up with all these niggers thread tonight

>I am leaning towards marriage and adopting a white child.
God damn you idiot. So first you want to have a black child and then you want to raise another man's child? Holy shit user. Just have a baby with her and after red pilling your woman go have an in vitro white child.

>I am leaning towards marriage and adopting a white child.
You're reaching cuck levels that shouldn't be possible

Racemixing is OK and natural.
Having open borders is not OK.

this, fucking oath

70k leave our shores 70k can come, all screened and made to pay

australia is really doing the God's work when it comes to immigration. Our cucked politcians should take a note.

>what does eugenics have to do with anything

Humans can be genetically categorized into five racial groups, corresponding to traditional races.

Genetic analysis “supports the traditional racial groups classification.”

“Human genetic variation is geographically structured” and corresponds with race.

Race can be determined via genetics with certainty for >99.8% of individuals.

Oral bacteria can be used to determine race.

Race can be determined via brain scans.

96-97% of whites have no African ancestry.

97% of Whites have no black ancestry whatsoever.

There was “minimal gene flow” between archaic Europeans and Asians.

Common-sense racial categories have biological meaning.

Human intelligence is highly heritable.

Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.

Very poor Whites are comparably intelligent to very wealthy blacks.

we're strict as fuck
and we make it really difficult but they still want to come
if they want to get into a country that isn't at war they can go to heaps of other countries that have more relaxed immigration

I was just teasing, settle petal

still you need to at least have had pussy before you can criticise it

Privately, intelligence experts hold more hereditarian views than they express in public.

Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.

The average African IQ is estimated at 79.

The average African-American IQ is 85, compared to the average White IQ of 100.

The white-black gap in SAT scores, a proxy for IQ, is increasing.

Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.

Intelligence has a 40-50% genetic basis.

IQ scores are the best predictor of success in Western society.

IQ is 75% heritable among Whites.

92% of Mulatto (black man, white women) children are born out of wedlock.

Gentile whites are the most underrepresented group in top colleges.

Sweden is the rape capital of the West, likely due to immigration.

White men are pound-for-pound stronger than black men.

Human evolution is not merely ongoing but is in fact accelerating.

but wait, there's more

>i was only pretending

>you're just trolling
>but i'm the virgin

Yeah, ok faggot.

Make her a mississippi wind chime

merely a jest hoho

love fades after couple of years. just fuck her and have fun. dump her when you get bored and dont love her anymore. never marry or have children with her or you will have abominations like the children of de niro.

just don't man trust me on this, no matter how cute or supple she looks now, in 16 years her tits are gonna turn into droopy gorilla tits that look disgusting, her face is gonna look like an ashy oil rag, your kids are gonna look dopey and either too fat, or too thin, and they're gonna hate you, they are going to be so susceptible to brainwashing they will be calling you racist in no time at all, then if she leaves you the she boon will be getting more then half your pay every month living it up while you rot in a hellhole, cause you can't afford to live anywhere else. SOURCE: my brother married a black chick, and this happened, also heard similar stories from other white guys. just don't fucking do it you stupid piece of shit.

Marry a white woman, take coloured women as a concubine. Have more children with white wife. Good luck