Why does Sup Forums hate Milo Yiannopoulus. Give me the reasons you why you hate him (or like him if you like him)
Milo Yiannopoulus
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Hi Milo.
gay racemixing kike, sucks at arguing
I like him because he's based. Whatever that fucker does in his free time is his business. Zero fucks given as long as he doesn't try to fuck me. If he did I'd just punch him out, case closed.
>claimed to be alt-right then cowered away from it when the white supremecist shit came out thus proving he was just trying to capitalise on the movement for money
Gee i dunno
We know its you milo
Do u suvk or swallow
Кocoвo јe Aлбaнијa
Because if you follow any personality to tell you what to think you should probably just kill yourself because thats about how useful you are to the planet anyways, at least you could fertilize the ground, feed some animals.
Because like all gays in the spotlight, he can't go 5 minutes without making everything about his sexuality.
He pushes our politics and can reach demographics that others can't. He was also the only journalist who covered the Gamergate event in great detail. He also talks shit to SJWs all the time as well. He is a bit of a narcissist and not as extreme as pol but all in all I think he is a good guy.
I like some of his arguments but being a flashy arrogant fag in the face of liberals is not helping the cause much. But it was him who made me take the red pill just a little while ago.
no gays allowed.
Wish he was speaking at stanford, I guess no one on campus wants to sponsor him.
When are we finally gassing milo?
He tries to bring underase guys from his campus tour to get them drunk and fuck them in the ass. He blew the privilege grant money on coke. He sucks dick for coke money. He is a kike nigger loving faggot. He doesn't give a fuck about trump. He doesn't write any of his stuff on breitbart.
he's a fag
He's an ugly faggot who hates women. Not to mention he's an opportunist who's likely only attaching himself to the movement because it's the most profitable thing to him at the moment. He would/will jump ship in a second if he thought the other side would net him more shekels.
That and I'm sick of going on Breitbart for news and seeing "MILO YIANNOPOULUS GOES OUTSIDE AND SAYS SOMETHING" all over the front page like it's the big news of the year.
I like him because pol doesn't
I used to hate him for being a show pony and because pol liked him
He backed out on talking about Pizzagate. I lost a lot of respect for him then.
i would hate it if you killed yourself
the number of his hand
and the look in his eyes gives it away
countersignaled the true right
The way flaming homo's talk is utterly insufferable. Like american jews.
>le evil sexist
Leave this board.
He's fine when he's simply going around triggering libs at universities
and writing articles that offend people
He's problem when he's an attention seeking whore trying to cash in on fame
Plus Milo worship became cringey on certain parts so it had a backlash
Anti PC shock jock and a coalburning faggot
Hes to gay
He is useful at shutting down leftist arguments so I like him, but he is a fag degenerate.
I like that you don't want it
+ Good at triggering SJWs
+ Excellent at destroying cuckservatives
+ Flamboyant and fancy
+ Redpilled on the JQ
+ /ourguy/ since the gg days
+ Fun allowed
- Gets destroyed by academic femishits when his act isn't enough to cut it.
- Tried to redefine the so-called alt-right and a good chunk of it is still butthurt about it.
- Overplayed his gay BBC card and now it's annoying.
- Despite being redpilled, changed his tune later.
- More and more irrelevant after his social media accounts were gassed for insulting Harambe's brother.
I found the redditor folks
I find him entertaining and see he is a valuable buffer to redpill people who would be scared off by swallowing the whole thing.
His gay kike nigger dick sucking is a shield that he can use to say shit no FUCKING WHITE CIS MALE could get away with.
not bad roo fucker, not bad
Fuck off you subhuman gyp.
Not a huge fan of processional provocateurs conceptually speaking.
He's a literal cuck who literally loves black dick.
Honestly I never really thought about him that much, just another shekel grubbing kike trying to trick the neckbeards out of their allowance. But when he started using Pizzagate to attention whore it got pretty fucking distasteful. And holy fuck my captcha on this post was to pick the pizza, wtf.
i feel like this post is underrated
I think it's mostly the younger generations among us that like him. They've dealt with way more pro-gay indoctrination than anyone and its shaped the way they think. It's like they really don't see anything wrong with their behavior.
I don't have a problem with him. At lest he stirs up the SJWs which need to be gassed more in my opinion.
He's a Zionist pro war controlled opposition faggot
he's an attention whoring contrarian with no employable skills so he makes noise about gaymergate and similar dumb shit
In dont agree with your negatives.
He's just figuring out what drag to wear for it.
I'm a slut for anything to do with free speech, especially the Ayn Randian notion of the neccessity of provocateurs, so I dig a lot of what he has to say.
I've followed his tour on YouTube since February and have yet to see him reverse his position on anything, and have in fact watched him say on several occasions that he does not consider himself a part of the alt right.
As far as the homo stuff goes, I could care less. I love the fact that he uses it as a shield against SJWs.
I'm glad he exists, he ain't perfect but he brings up a lot of important shit.
I hate that he's so outwardly gay, not the fact that he is gay; or maybe it's just his flamboyance. There is some showmanship to it all however, makes him occasionally very entertaining.
If I could listen to him without his talking about taking it in the way ass coming up very few minutes I would enjoy him more.
Jew faggot isn't enough?
Well he's gay and has a european name so that means prolly a fores--
Aand he's zionist
*he's inferior to a real journalist like Hunter S. Thompson.
*he sucks lots of dick but apparently wants us to hate Zoe Quinn for doing the same
*he's now pandering to furries
>a real journalist like Hunter S. Thompson
he tell the sjws the things I am too scared to say.
I like him, he can be a bit annoying because of the amount of fag stuff but otherwise don't really care. Since he's not on twitter anymore I don't pay too much attention to his content or whatever
>passive immunity to silence from xenophobia, homophobia, anti-semitism status effects
>can navigate normie terrain better
>effective against SJWs even in their fortified bases
useful assault & distract unit while you carpet bomb the leftist base with him in it
go fuck yourself, you tasteless cumrag.
If Thompson were still alive, he'd have torn Gamergate apart and ripped both Hillary & Trump new assholes.
Fuck Gamergate. That was a bunch of Christians mad at some random woman who dumped her whiny boyfriend. If it were about gaming journalism, it would've started the very day Jeff Gerstmann was fired.
>based Gerstmann also ripped GG a new asshole for being phony as fuck, good for him
Not that "gaming jorunalism" has ever been anything but a paid advertisement, it was that way in the EARLY 80s! Not that you tweens who barely play games would know that Nintendo Power was a 30+ page book of ads.
Know what? FUCK game companies too. I pirate every game I play. Fuck people who buy games as well.
>tasteless cumrag
>Sup Forums is one person
WRONG. The board has divided opinion over this subject. Though the majority do seem to have some disagreements with him.
He's too much of an attention whore in my opinion.
he a good boy he dindu nuffin
I don't hate him. However, I do find that a little of him goes a long way.
I thought the two were antithetical?
It seems like the GG shit pushed him over the edge, though. He's become almost unbearable by the attention.
Cred for seeing the opportunity and taking it when he did though. He's making a career on the back of first angry gamers and now generally anti-sjws.
Look at his kikebook page. Aboslute normie tier cancer. All his followers just make you cringe.
behind my usual shitposting i don't actually have anything against gay people. i think that is an inevitable part of society and is always going to be a part of the ecology of the human condition regardless of your ideological attitude toward it.
i have no problem with him on those grounds and disagree with those who think that a main point to disregard him.
this was a very leaf post, i know. i'm not normally this shit at posting.
I have an extremely rare genetic mutation called Klinefelter syndrome, which means I have lower testosterone, smaller testes, two urethras (both work), long legs/tall stature, the hip structure of a female, and osteoporosis.
However, I self diagnosed myself when I was 12 and went to the doctor for hormone treatment. Now I'm essentially a normal male asides from the osteoporosis and hips. (I look very similar to pic related, though a bit more muscular.
Thank god I can't pass it down to my children, as it's regressive. I'm thankful I can even have children, as most men with this syndrome can not foster a child.
My Aryan genes will not go to waste.
I like how he is a perfect starter pack platform to redpill normies, if you don't want nationalism to remain your personal circlejerk that will remain in pol and stormfront that is
I hate how he is both a gay Greek and degenerate jew all rolled into one
Generally I think of his total contribution to the cause as a positive one, and infinitely more than most individuals in here