I'm tired of the so called 'politically incorrect' defending this New York bimbo. Don't care what your political alignment is but Anti-Trump General.
Anti-Trump General
Other urls found in this thread:
>I'm tired of the so called 'politically incorrect'
Can someone please tell me how anyone voted for him? A reality TV star who failed at selling steaks and at making a for profit school. He's not even socially conservative as his one priority is can it make him money.
> Richest cabinet in American history. Decided to fill the swamp with bling.
You are literally on a board called "Politically Incorrect", what did you expect?
he was talking about the 9/11/12 attack on benghazi.
Comedy central cucks don't know shit.
Fuck you, national socialists are all about correcting what ever they deem as wrong.
Being politically incorrect means you don't bury your words with vagueness. That you speak plainly and sometimes use humor to convey a message.
Blame the SJWs and political correctness getting pushed down everyone's throats. It's the lefts fault but this guy is still an absolute embarrassment to our nation.
Correcting whatever you deem as wrong is the core of basically every ideology except nihilism.
People who are sane and rational.
Like I said. Not your little alt right safe space faggot. We don't care about political correctness no one even mentioned that.
Actually, I seek out the opinions of those who disagree with me. Being able to dissent is a part of what makes secular democracy so awesome. Great straw-man as you some how come to nihilism.
Yet, here you are, devoting a general to raging against something.
>implying I'm alt right
>labeling anything you don't like a safe space
Ah, /leftypol/, how I've missed you.
>I seek out the opinions of those who disagree with me
I'll blame both sides because they're polarized as fuck. Each one cries about something as uses buzz words. Whenever I hear 'religious freedom' I wonder which right I'm about to lose.
Here I am, rationally discussing a man I feel is an idiot whose now in a leadership position of my country.
They are idiots on for elected a man who doesn't even agree with them on their own positions. You've been conned and now we as a country have to deal with it.
electing *
So who would you rather have, then?
The people on this board in particular are contrarians. It's the rebellious thing to do, become a conservative in a growing liberal world (hilarious right, rebellious cuckservatives) 5 years ago they were ancap fags. 5 years from now they're going to be something new when far right ideologies become to popular among younger Americans.
Bernie was honest but towards the left of me, Hillary was okay and a much better choice than Trump. Wish Gary Johnson could have pulled his shit together or Jill Stein wasn't an anti-vaxer.
>You've been conned
The man isn't even in office yet. What were you expecting from a media landscape so openly hostile to him, sunshine and rainbows?
Yes, we have gained too much and we live in a world of technology that takes care of our needs. We live in a golden age were now we've turned inwards wanting to believe that world war 3 is upon us.
>Hillary was okay and a much better choice than Trump
Genuinely curious here, why did you think so? A huge reason I voted Trump was that the DNC forced her onto the ticket.
>Sup Forums was ever ancap
Oh, my bad, it's not leftypol, it's /r/fullcommunism
I was expecting him to win the primaries and knew it would be a close race. The media covered every dumb thing he said giving him billions in free air time.
WTF is going on with this "RNC Hack"???
Hillary was a moderate who spent her early life working for Republicans. She pretended to be progressive but she works across the isle and takes heat from both sides.
But did you honestly think the media would turn around and start reporting on his victories after he won.
The man's an egomaniac, sure, but he's not Hitler, and he's not a total sellout. (not yet, at the very least)
What is the sauce of the pic?
Seems like an awesome show
To add to that, we are so comfortable in this golden age that we are just bored and resort to fear mongering and contrarianism to add excitement to our lives.
See, that's what I couldn't stand about her. Not only did she represent the worst of our status quo, but she seemed to press on in her belief that's that what voters wanted.
Hitler was an ideology who really believes in the shit he says. Trump is actually more dangerous because he'll change his opinion on a dime.
Your statement applies to an ever-shrinking percentage of the world's population.
It's best not to give power to ideologues. Hitler was a fantastic politician, but his ideology destroyed his military strategy and caused other nasty stuff to happen, to put it mildly.
Trump is a capable performer, which is ultimately not the worst you can have in the Oval Office.
>not a total sellout
He basically sold his daughter to a kike. He's sucking Jew dick his whole presidency and you know it, he just let Goldman Sachs into his administration
earn that pussy and make it yourself, pussy
I know you were told that would make Sup Forumsacks mad, but it isn't working. Bannon worked for GS, too.
Well it's here, especially in this nation and many other developed nations.
He's not a decent businessman as he's governed by emotion. Somehow he can bluff and fluff out his chest long enough for people to believe his act. I don't want an actor, I want someone like Bernie who doesn't play games or identity politics.
cry louder bitch, maybe you'll convince an elector to become faithless.
>pol single handedly won the election and not the hoardes of inbred hillbillies living in middle America
Good one
That doesn't mean we should all go ahead and do whatever your prescribed antidote for fearmongering is.
>I want someone like Bernie who doesn't play identity politics.
I don't think you know what you want, the policies of Sanders are completely different. why would personality matter! those ar me two completely different directions for he country and one of them is suicidal
If we didn't, why are you wasting time here?
yes yes, give me more. I am fueled by your pain now. I have become an engine of pure schadenfreude
M8 I was here back in the /new/ days, this website has always had irrational hate towards Jews. The cognitive dissonance is strong with the Sup Forumsfags
>I was here back in the /new/ days
>hating Jews is irrational
>capitalizing M8
You have to go back.
Like I said earlier, this isn't your little alt right secret clubhouse.
>almost 1/3 of the posts in this thread are by one person
really makes you dink
Heard about this allright site last night on my favorite TV show.
>Sup Forums is alt right
You REALLY have to go back.
>heh...I have to come out you christian nazi fascists in your places from time to time...remind you who's in charge...heh...nothing personnel, just doing my job....kid........
To the extent you guys do it, yes, it's irrational. It's "blame literally all of your misfortunes on Jews" 24/7 here. The Jew is the boogeyman of Sup Forums just like white men are the boggman of tumblr. Horshoe theory.
Can someone explain this meme to me? Why do people call him Drumpf? That's not his name. The etymology means roughly the same thing, but I don't get why it sounds better or worse to use a centuries-old pronunciation. Can anyone explain it to me?
Haha it's not now that trump disavowed you faggots. As soon as that happened everyone jumped ship. But the day before you were all proudly waving the alt right flag.
>CTR is this mad
Someone has the "Everyone I Don't Like It's Jewish" picture?
>citing horseshoe theory
>all filenames are image.png
You know what, I miss CTR sometimes. Rarely, but sometimes. They had something of a clue about how to do this.
Unfortunately, I'm mobileposting, so my redpill folder isn't here. So, I'll tell you to try and yell at people in /nsg/.
Not an argument
Schadenfreude. Love that word.
Because his great grandparents immigrated legally here decades ago and as all the good little retard sheep know, "Dolan Drumpf hates immigrants!!!" so somehow calling him the same name as his probably very hard-working ancestors is an insult.
Remember, shaming someone for being an immigrant or descended from one is only okay when it's someone the left doesn't like.
Threads like these only satiate my thirst for liberal tears.
Keep it going, cucks. Alienating working-class white people worked out so well last time.
>The profligates, Dahnald.
It's a forced leftist meme from John Oliver because they couldn't come up with any real arguments against him
I'd really like a serious answer. What's the meaning behind this meme? Did a guy named Drumpf do something really bad?
>Sup Forums was ever alt-right
Yeah, I'm SURE you've been around since /new/. On that subject, since you'r such a veteran, I'm sure you can tell us the mascot of the one thread that survived a certain raid with a WW2-esque name last year. You know, since you know so much about Sup Forums.
Trump called out Jon Steward for hiding his real name (Jon Leibowitz).
The kike got triggered.
He ordered his fuckboi John Oliver to meme Donald Drumpf.
But neither is this Checkmate, atheist
I thought he only went after illegal/undocumented immigrants, though. I don't think he ever said anything about legal immigrants.
What's with all these non arguments. Sad.
>Don't worry, I won't have you tortured and tied to a cross like these other delegates
Bruh, you have no arguments to counter.
>another image.png
Man, for someone who's been here since /new/, you have a very disorganized file tree!
>18 posts
>17 posts
>19 posts
Nice, except it has evidence behind the hate.
It's literally the best they could come up with, and it was so bad that it's used almost exclusively ironically.
>Sup Forums invents alt right to describe themselves
>gets disavowed, so they pretend they never called themselves that
Slimy little shits aren't you?
>thinks I'm that much of an autist.
I never said im a Sup Forumsfag, I just said I was here since /new/ back in 2011. Sup Forums is a cesspool lmao, I come on here once in a blue moon to see the progress of this board going downhill
The one image Trumpfags can't refute.
But still, why do they like it so much? It's just a different version of the same name. When u looked it up, I found that it was quite possibly derived from the Germanic word for "Trump card" or "to triumph"
.But Drumpf isn't his name. He isn't hiding anything. My West African great grandfather changed the spelling of his name too: I'd be more confused than insulted if someone called me by the archaic version of my last name.
Surefire way of detecting lies and/or asshurt.
>Sup Forums invents alt right
Unless Sup Forums means (((Milo))) and Richard Spencer, try again.
>the swamp is anything I don't like
This is why Kek doesn't love them...
But the tears nourish user.
>what are sources
>t. salty lib
Seeing the cognitive dissonance the day trump disavowed these fags was amazing. Everyone was in denial/jumping ship.
This is a containment board. Why would you expect it to make any "progress". If Anons developed opinions that aren't so edgy they can only post them here, there's little reason for them to come to this board.
Catalog was 95% fucks like you spamming "Sup Forums BTFO" and Sup Forumsacks going "called it". Archives exist, you know.