Aliens discovered on Venus
Aliens discovered on Venus
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fake news
>when they disclose aliens to distract from pizzagate
Is that moon man
Its part of the lander ya fuckin dingus
It's moonman
Your face is an alien.
>fake news
I mean if this was real it would be on CNN n shit
or the guy would be dead
That was on reddit front page you fucking retard.
Daniel "I Wrote The Foot Manual" Schneider
no you tard we got a agreement and they dont come to the 3 inner planets. they tried to screw around and pretend they had a armada so they could do what ever they want and colonize the moon
then nasa nuked the moon because we could tell that the majority of the "armada" wasnt actual crafts but what nasa thinks were waste disposal tanks jettisoned to make it look ;like there was a huge fleet
now they just mope about saturns moons and father out.... but the new planet discovered wasnt in orbit around the sun 6 years ago. the original name for it was hades when it was spotted so maybe they did have some back up
maybe the waste disposal tanks could have
been there to mix's with the moons soil?
I'm no botanies but I once
saw a ball of soil/shit hanging in a round gage growing with hardly any sunlight or water
Complex life cannot exist on Venus
well, I'm convinced.
Both of these photos are fake.
Here is another one
These images are faked as in artist rendition
More like someone forgot to clean up the set before shooting started.
Top kek
hello i am dr lenoid plz ask of me anything pls thnx no prob
>venera probes were send out almost half a century ago
>today we're limited to LEL faggotry because the soviets fell and NASA got its budget cut for foodstamps
How great it could've been...
You cant land on venus
The space program is nothing but lies and special effects. We have not even orbited the Earth.
Satellite is an anagram of 'latest lie'.
High altitude weather balloons are the limit of our technology.
Life is complex as fuck by default.
I think you mean "carbon-based" life.
Something with Silicon or Nitrogen based DNA could easily work there.
>On Venus
Oh fuck you are a waste of space.
Do you honestly believe what you just said?
How naive can you be?
Of course you can, it just took several tries to figure out how high this pressure is at ground level and build something that can withstand a few hundred degrees C and atmospherical sulphuric acid
Nothing organic would survive on Venus
That's it huh?
We're not hipsters, we can accept regular aliens
Huh. Do you know what year it landed?
There's something really familiar about this thing.
I've seeing a top down sort of crescent half of a mushroom looking thing for the head.
>Nothing organic would survive on Venus
Except us, right? Because Venus is the most likely colony target behind Mars.
Also define "organic" because all you need to sustain organic life is energy, and being that close to the sun means that venus gets a lot of fucking energy.
Stop using the 1950's understanding of how life works.
>Nitrogen based life
>In an atmosphere rife with sulfur, oxygen, and hydrogen
wew lad
Well this is obviously nothing so you should just delete your thread and forget all about this.
Dan "I only beat my meat to feet"
>In an atmosphere rife with sulfur, oxygen, and hydrogen
And nitrogen.
>one probe takes one picture in one place on an entire planet
>expecting me to believe it just happen to photo an alien
Using the non shitty definition of organic, it just means carbon based life, and he's entirely correct on that.
Venus surface can generally be described as hell.
It's akin to what will happen if you put amonea and carbon in to a pressure cooker.
so this is either 40 year old graphical glitch or a deamon chicken
organic would be carbon based life. Some sort of strange silicon based life could live at those temperatures but I doubt the odds of it being in the same solar system as us.
Fucking Russians, man. I wish they taught us this shit in school. Check this out:
Venera 1 was launched on February 12, 1961. Telemetry on the probe failed seven days after launch. It is believed to have passed within 100,000 km of Venus and remains in heliocentric orbit.
>The USSR died more than two decades ago, but a mistake of theirs from the 60s will continue to exist, orbiting the sun for at least thousands of years, outlasting humanity as we know it and probably man as a species.
Moon man moon man can't you see.
Try geting a photo in india without any indian appearing.
why us. ate we stoping the from living
You think we're gonna colonize Venus in our fucking t-shirts? No you dumbfuck we'll either Terraform it or have incredibly good protection from the literal hell that is Venus' surface.
spics and niggaz need to hang from trees
Look at his flag nigger. You know damn well the answer.
First soft landing in 1970. But you could just google venera mission stats instead of asking
Its the lens cap of the camera. At least in the inedited images
Dragon ball Z telling how it is
>colony target
why the hell would you think that? because it's kind of close?
unless we are beyond shit out of things to mine everywhere else, nobody will even touch shitty venus before we have a hundred perfectly usable space colonies
the fucking probes we sent there melted after two hours, fucking steel softens there, and every 8 months you get to switch to the shitty night side which is its own hell to engineer for
looks like a piece of trash to me OP
Peenus is really hot though
the clouds are dense enough that you can float balloons of normal air on top and it will be at the perfect temp for humans
people dont want to go on the surface
they want to have floating cities
i bet you think we actually have vehicles that can move in the air too
in fact colonizing venus would be far easier than colonizing mars
The element silicon has been much discussed as a hypothetical alternative to carbon. Silicon is in the same group as carbon on the periodic table and, like carbon, it is tetravalent, although the silicon analogs of organic compounds are generally less stable. Hypothetical alternatives to water include ammonia, which, like water, is a polar molecule, and cosmically abundant; and non-polar hydrocarbon solvents such as methane and ethane, which are known to exist in liquid form on the surface of Titan.
I am hungry.
I considered that since certain parts of the atmosphere is the only half reasonable place to be on Venus, but even if you did set up a little Cloud City, what then?
It would be more dangerous than a regular space colony, so you would need a reason
That reason probably won't be hard mining, so
what, siphoning the trace argon or something? (Which is more common on mars)
trace neon?
A prison for Riddick?
whoa there friend you might need to slow down
hahah exactly what i saw
He was still more right than you were :^)
>see photo on reddit
>make up /x/ story
>200 guaranteed replies on Sup Forums
Even if it were real, you can see it came of the lander.
That alien just hapens to look like a piece of hardware that fell off and able to live in a barren hostile to life world
Really activated my almonds
Dan "That's not a pen in my pocket" Schneider
>corrosive agents in atmosphere
you're not very smart, are you?
Dan "Show me your feet so I can skeet-skeet-skeet" Schnieder
>tfw no redpilled ayy gf
It's the fucking lens cap retard.
Dan "It'll just be tighter is she's a fighter" Schneider
>We have not
What do you mean by "we", Peasant?