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hahahaaha. he's actually killing it. kudos to the cunt
spencer btfo asian journalist
> It’s not every day that a self-proclaimed white nationalist calls you an “honorary white person.”
>He was joking, of course
lmao honorary aryans trying to hide their powerlevels from the darkies
what made that cute white girl specialize in inter-racial porn?
i mean, whats wrong with her?
i thought OP pic was a robot waifu
hella disappointed
this thread not what i hoped for at all!
Weaponized handsomeness
gee, i wonder
Who is this?
>he doesn't know who this is
lurk more
>being 25% b.f
>being handsome
Pick one
That's Daeneris Niggerian.
>was promised qt asian lusting
>only get a spencer interview
I see what you did there you fucking faggot, stop shilling for this cunt it's been weeks
stop shilling this blacked whore
These non-whites would gladly start genociding problem groups in their own countries
lol this jew was typical
Problem is that we don't have a strong sense of national identity. Whats makes America America is its entrepreneural spirit and personal freedom. We need to go back to male civic education the most important thing taught in school. We should only accept people that are aligned with these values, and English, they need to be able to speak English proficiently
Dumb/lazy is not always da Jews
being a nationalist and having "honorary white people" sounds retarded as fuck honestly
it just means you find your own race so incompetent that you try to think another race as your own while trying to keep the ego that you associate with the race you hold (but not the people actually in your race)
basically what they're saying is - "i'm great because i'm white, but white people are shit but these people are just as good despite not being white"
just drop the nationalist thing entirely if you think anyone can be white
shes my favorite
Calm down it's just a meme
SPLC, alongside most of these anti hate/white organisations are always run by Jews
Its more than just a meme. "Nationalistic" losers suddenly think its okay to mix cause of it
Are there really people here who still believe (((Richard Spencer))) isn't a left-created actor? I mean just listen to this shit, abc (((news))) anchor calling him the "founder of the alt-right". This is a hoax.
i have to agree with you. for us that have been on pol for years and this is the first we've heard of him? i dont trust it.
He should say more Anti-Consumer Culture things, like he did in Texas. The leftists used to be, but lost that brand once Apple came into the scene. We can take it back.
stop it, it's not funny
Kinda looks like a female PJ Watson
Assuming you woke up tomorrow and everyone was onboard with ethnostates, how does that work out? What ethnicities constitute 'White' and what percentage of that person needs to be white? And what happens if the other ethnostate doesn't want to take them because they're too white?
>What ethnicities constitute 'Japanese' and what percentage of that person needs to be Japanese? And what happens if the other ethnostate doesn't want to take them because they're too Japanese?
>Therefore Japan can't exist!
Just make America like Japan. That's all anyone actually wants.
It was a joke you fucking sperg.
I'm so tired of leafs having opinions about American politics. 90% of the time it's unfounded conspiracy or trolling.
The left runs with their narrative. It's got nothing to do with Spencer. No serious person believes he's a plant.
>says trump is the alt right hero
Doesnt stop this being a thing losers believe faggot
Sorry if i made ya think
wasnt he saying that during the election? it didnt cost him votes. its fine.
Hey buddy, I don't think you and I have to debate what constitutes white. You either are or you aren't, you either have what makes it tick or you don't.
It's not that hard.
fuck off plebbit frog poster
All countries should be like japan in a lot of regards but we dont need to be japanese to be so
LoL at the beta protestor.
Also what the fuck is up with her eyes one seems off and it bugs me
"Honorary aryan" is just recognizing that some foreigners are worthy of our esteem.
>BTHO hate
>Blow the heck out of hate
She has a pig nose, no loss there. Almost all porn stars are drug addicts anyway.
You're trying to act like it was rebuttal of the idea, but it wasn't. Answer the question. What are you going to do with the hapa kid who has grown up in white culture, speaks English and isn't a fucking degenerate? The end game after several generations is easy to imagine, but meanwhile having Sperger going full 1488, "You're not allowed in my ethnostate, azngorl!" isn't helping.
For once you're right leaf. Obvious controlled opposition is obvious.
Interracial is way more profitable and most porn-stars do it after trying everything else first.
Autists lack the ability to differentiate between serious statements and jokes
>It's not a Roman Salute. You know that.
Holy shit what a retard. It's literally called a Roman Salute.
You already know the answer. Stop playing coy, goy.
Your country is a joke
>don't think you and I have to debate what constitutes white
Someone eventually has to in the world of ethnostates. When dividing people every state is going to need to accurately define what they will and won't accept. Saying, "You'll just know." is some cop out bullshit.
Yeah, she doesn't know what she's talking about.
Which is really very normal for reporters. They're stupid, ignorant people who do not read. Their only qualification is how far politically left they are.
>but meanwhile having Sperger going full 1488, "You're not allowed in my ethnostate, azngorl!" isn't helping.
When did he say that? He never actually tells his "solution" - which pisses off the questioners every time, since they're waiting for a "final solution" evisceration. He's always thinking long-term. To a protester asking "U GONNA DEPORT ME?" "You're a legal citizen of this nation, why would I do anything?" while mocking them.
What he's saying in his speeches is very simple
1) Make whites race-conscious and have their own identity-serving politics just like other races do
2) Stop immigration, deport illegals
3) Minority demographics eventually dwindle, while whites make nation their own like before. Long term solution, many decades.
>Saying, "You'll just know." is some cop out bullshit.
Japan "just knows".
They still have tourists and minority populations. Just very, very restricted ones.
>nazi salute
>not roman salute
Absolutely retarded, I thought Asians were smart. Another myth busted.
why is the media giving him so much attention? did they learn nothing from trump?
>you said german words!
This interviewer really was brainless
Don't think she is particularly fond of it tbqh
She looks way more excited in her other work, but the pay is probably better kek
Reporters are some of the dumbest people our society produces.
Shitlibs are incapable of "learning" things.
>Repeal Immigration Act of 1965
>Deport ALL illegal citizens
>Wait until visas expire and deport
>Make H1B's illegal
It isn't that hard. Think in terms of counter-genocide, this problem exists on a scale, and you're thinking in terms of absolutes.
I'm aware of that and I think most people are. I guess what I'm trying to get down to is the real social interactions. We're obviously not going to forcibly remove well-adjusted and productive minorities (assuming they stay minorities), but obviously there's going to be people who mix. It's inevitable and it's pretty much the only way minorities won't maintain their numbers. Will they and their children be looked down on or are we just accepting that small amounts of minorities are inevitable?
Mussolini fascism is the true red pill
So you're saying you are too retarded to know the difference? Okay, that's why you don't get in. Fine by me.
a lot of "stars" form has white bfs and one has white husband. hilarious. and ofc they are coke heads, most of them will end up broke in their 40ties both financialy and mentaly like many other pornwhores
Whats she about to do there? Is she a proctologist?
>accepting that small amounts of minorities are inevitable
>Will they and their children be looked down on
To a certain extent, I would assume so. That's just human nature.
>whites in south africa
>muzzies in europe
>Will they and their children be looked down on or are we just accepting that small amounts of minorities are inevitable?
Both are true. They'll end up like Native Americans. Dwindling out of existence.
Sorry Mixey.
My god he's greasy
Whats she doing there? Is he a lingerei salesmen she is trying on clothes for
So wouldn't it be way more relatable and easier to explain that rather than give them sound bites they can use to try and dissuade people taking their first doses of red-pill? It doesnt make anywhere near as good memes, but it would probably get more people to take the first step on the slippery slope.
Trump Method. It works.
Bad makeup and lighting. They did that to him on purpose to make him unattractive.
same reason you got black porn actresses who only fuck white guys. Exotic is erotic. You got white women who only fuck black dudes and got black women who only fuck white dudes.
>honorary white
nips only spencer you dumbass
you have to pay them more money to fuck a black guy
really makes your zappers zippy
I'm not saying you need to cuck for them. Be upfront about the end game, but you don't have to leave out the middle part. I get it, Trump Method work, but... I'm just so tired of winning.
He got a bunch of money from some political group to try and tarnish the alt-right before it actually grew into something large, united young white men are (((their))) biggest fear so they will try anything to dismantle it, and Spencer is their card. There's no doubt that he's a pawn, but entertaining to watch nonetheless.
Elsa jean
It made me think they're setting hi up for something Stalin-esque or some shit.
I'm just glad the alt-right doesn't exist and I've never called myself alt-right publicly or revealed my power level to anyone. It really makes you think.
>I asked about his quote in Mother Jones magazine that “Hispanics and African Americans have lower average IQs than whites and are more genetically predisposed to commit crimes” -- a pseudo-science argument of white supremacists which has been widely discredited.
I always this this type of reply when it comes to the IQ question but I've never seen people actually debunking it.
Especially the chapter 13 of the Bell Curve.
Leaving out information with a smirk makes shitlibs head explode with outrageous possibilities. "Let's make the 2nd amendment people handle it".
Outrage = media coverage
Self-righteous outrage = irritatingly smug media coverage
Sounds like a plant tbqh.
I forget that Liberals aren't very smart. Report on an out of context quote--don't dogpile-- let social media do the rest, and roll back on their anti-white shit and keep a slow but steady profile and there probably isn't anything we could about it, but they just have to double down and REEEE at everything.
>juju chang
This the guy from "There Will be Blood" ?
Na logisch uezs
Richard Spencer is controlled opposition. sage
Based Leaf.
You'll be raked last.
This goy gets it.
Even Hitler had an honored Jew among him.
The more they shut down the Alt-Right
The more I love it
Livermouth Goldberg
t. cernovich