Redpill journey

Sup Forums I semi-recently started my redpill journey from stuff like how the rothschilds rule the world to the greatest story never told. What woke me up was this election process and seeing the news go full propaganda mode.

What are the absolute most red pill things you guys got? I want the shit that you don't tell people till they been down the rabbit hole learning for a while. Hit me with it.

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Death is the end - any way you slice it:
>atheist, agnostic, heaven, hell, reincarnation etc.
It is a final judgement and the parameters by which life is set upon.

Consciousness can be explained purely by materialistic/physicalist principles.

The death of the universe most likely will not be thwarted or escaped, but we must try.

Low-IQ people are greatly outbreeding High-IQ people in quantity and rate.

"Free will" as most people look at it doesn't make sense in a materialist universe completely made up of non-random variables, in a materialist universe made up of random and non-random variables in a materialist universe made up of solely random variables, or a non-materialist (God, "higher power", simulation, Dharma) universe. Any way you slice it, "free will" as most people see it needs to be either redefined or thrown away entirely.

We are living in a world that could have been avoided if the past several generations had any sense of questioning authority.

Well these are really blackpills eh?

Some more

>The US' foreign, domestic, and economic policies cannot be "fixed" because the current shit situations are themselves "patch fixes" over previous problems, compounded so forth from the beginning of life

>If there exists a species whose gap in intelligence to humans is analogous to humans' to chimpanzees, they would have no issue steamrolling us in the blink of an eye

You could also say that it is mathematically logical that we have a 99.9999% chance of being in a simulation. :/

You saying we need a hard reset of society to fix all our issues?
Neil de'grasse Tyson. I like. Once we hit singularity that is proposed to occur around 2029 where nanotech can be advanced enough to be pilled or inected and then go to the brain, so any of our questions can instantly be figured out because we as a species now connect instantly with all the internet and human intellect... I would imagine we "evolve" to the next stage of man. Maybe then we might have that edge needed to not be chimps to the aliens.

>You saying we need a hard reset of society to fix all our issues?

In the same way that killing a person removes all diseases from that person, sure.

If, say, we got rid of the military overnight, the US dollar would collapse since there would be nothing to enforce it, or the safety in trade from piracy and conquest of goods and services denominated in it, which would lead to lower quality of life worldwide, riots, wars, power vaccums, etc until we purity spiral to anprim paradise or Mad Max warring clans.

If we continue on this path though, we're on the slow decline by triggering proxy wars and blowback into perpetuity until something breaks in the system.

>Neil de'grasse Tyson. I like
Kek, I thought you were going to hit me with
>Quoting le Black Science Meme Man, tips fedora
He's an idiot on politics (e.g. gun rights), and philosophy, but he has some poignant points on humbling ourselves and that was one that stuck with me.

>Once we hit singularity that is proposed to occur around 2029 where nanotech can be advanced enough to be pilled or inected and then go to the brain

GITS will more likely occur when and if meatbag humans create auto-didactic, self-evolving AI. IMO interfacing the human nervous system so perfectly with bots will not be viable, and that cognition will likely switch from meat to android within a generation, without skipping a beat for cyborgs.

> so any of our questions can instantly be figured out because we as a species now connect instantly with all the internet and human intellect
Here is the "problem" with that, if you consider losing ego (essentially game-over/death) a problem: the borg has no individuation. So like a hostile takeover of a corporation, or Braniac analyzing, copying, assimilating, and deleting data, the data/knowledge/components of consciousness will still exist, but not the individual consciousnesses themselves.


Wolkmar Weiss has written papers about dysgenic breeding cycles and their impact on history. Links are through the shitlord hub.

1. Aryan pre flood super civ
2. the sum of all of my occult research and secret society to understand the differing factions of today. How actual magic makes sense and the meme shit pushed to bluepills is just to keep retards away from what could hurt them/ not understand
5. government type matters very little but its the people that matter. (monarchy is still the best government and above that theocracy)

I heard a theory on 1, essentially how preflood societies lived way longer, so their Einsteins could be around and innovate for way more, and how the tower of babel was an attempt to remake Atlantis... That the one?
2. Highly interested, I bought the secret teachings of all ages and have started on that, but I still don't know much and am trying to find more.
3. ? missing?
4. Watching the greatest story never told, really interesting. I could easily see this.
5. I always felt that those types of governments could be really effective at making change or stopping corruption super fast, it just depends on who's at the top if it goes super good or super bad.

>wanting to be spoonfed
Fuck off

>what is a US6506148 B2?
That should be enough