This year has been fantastic as far as happenings go. This board has accomplished so damn much for the benefit of all mankind by memeing Trump into office that I honestly believe more great things are to come.
Ill start:
>France gets another terror attack
>Germany has another cologne rape incident
>some lib tries to kill trump
>trump bullies justin Trudeau into giving us more land
>cucks try to delay progress on the wall by destroying building mats
ITT: We predict happenings in 2017
> ww3
> end of earth
> You finally ended your life without going outside
every populist candidate will win their perceptive elections across Europe and the EU will begin to dissolve
Massive economic crisis.
Italy leaves euro
LaPen wins france, france leaves
Germany declares they can't
queue WW3 germany fucking everything up AGAIN
Big French terror attack in January
pendulum swings again
Terrorist attacks will become more frequent in an act of desperation as the world goes through a domino effect because of Trump's presidency.
are you predicting some sort of time machine?
Bingo. Inevitable.
Bitcoin is valued at over $10,000/coin by midway through the year.
In October, CERN opens a portal to the beginning of time, at which point our understanding of quantum mechanics is solidified. US develops quantum computers capable of shitting the dicks out of any cryptography. Bitcoin value plummets to zero. Spergs and Ancaps mass murder/suicide.
Hopefully I get a root
Nationalist parties start to fail in Europe
>Le Pen will fail
>Geert Wilders will become the biggest but the other parties will form a huge coalition so they don't have to rule with Geert.
>Angela Merkel will get elected again but will be more right wing than before
>Sweden will stay cucked forever and will get a terrorist attack
>EU will start expanding again
Sad future
theres a bigger chance of trump being assasinated by Clintons saudi aid than there being another incident in cologne.
security is insanely tight here now and the police dont want to embarass themselves again like that.
France attack is very well possible.
Can all of you please move here and help us outbreed the hispanics and masochistic whites so we can just have one decent non-pozzed country?
After Trump instills the same shills that helped Obama and Bush WW3 will start (he has already assigned exxon CEOs and known pedos)
Israel will have no choice but to invade Lebanon and Syria due to "Trumps" (really the elite's) policies towards Russia
>tfw people really though Trump would change anything
An international race for the development of the time machine causes World War III, CERN takes over the world and enslaves mankind.
This could have been prevented if Stein had succeeded in becoming US President.
Islam invades Europe and takes it over, starts holocausting Jews and Christians
Russia says "told you so faggots"
Europe begs America and England to save them again
Can't because liberals ruined us, Islam is now the master race.
>implying the US did anything of worth in both wars. picking up the pieces and hailing themselves victorious aint saving.
You wouldve saved europe if youd just finished of the russians but noooo. You had to fuck it up for everyonen completly.
Attempt(s) on trump's life but fails until 2018.
National Front win France, start movements to leave EU.
EU starts crumbling, no long term investments because investors unsure it will last that long.
The EU lets Turkey join in desperate attempt to keep country together.
Last push from isis, mutipul terror attacks through Europe including Britain.
isis gets defeated in the middle east.