What the fuck is their problem?
Unemployed people
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Parents cut off their foreskins then spanked them.
not a augment
>Not an augment
Noice feed.
Lack in sense of purpose...
>What the fuck is their problem?
not having a job, i guess
Medical problems.
I'm scared of everything and have actual diagnosed depression.
They are lazy and/or stupid DDUUUUUH
They are free people who don't want to be Wage-Slave, if the plebs want to enrich politicians they can do it, but they must not except that others will do the same. Some are born to be free-men, some are born to be slaves.
Housing is too expensive. Who wants to spend their life working to enrich a greedy parasite Landlord? Our society is full of over-paid bureaucrats that serve no real function also. Nothing but corruption, and cronyism.
They are unemployable
not unemployed but you'd be ignorant not to see that employment is yet another one of the state's pyramid schemes in order to fleece the people out of half of the fruits of their labour; it's either give us half of your shit or work the black market
imagine a world where one would work part-time and retain the standard one currently "enjoys" while working fulltime
B- Big Boss?
Is that really you?
they realised work is for slaves.
Had a full-time job for 5 years, had to get a major surgery on my leg in April and haven't been able to walk well enough to work since. Lots of really good warehouse/industrial work around me, but too crippled to do it.
Tfw too enlighten to be a wagecuck
What's your opinion on automation, OP?
wagecuck detected
Because my boss can capitalise on my labour and charge me a tenth of what it's worth. Would rather drain from everyone equally, via government.
Long story but I've been looking for almost 2 months now, both here and while I was overseas in NZ. When I got back to the US after job prospects fell through there, I reinjured my knee within a few days doing absolutely nothing and it's been swollen to the point where I can't walk right for a week. My job history is all labor related so I'm unemployed until I can get my knee sorted or I likely go back to school. Shit sucks: can't work seasonal stuff like I planned, can't go climbing or lift, just waiting for my MRI and blood work to go through.
Take a break. Do what you love for a few weeks.
Focus on simple pleasures. Sleep well. Eat well.
God speed user. I made it and it was worth it.
this, globalism and immigration driving wages down.
if they keep at it, soon we'll work for poo in loo wages
Take a break. Do what you love for a few weeks.
Focus on simple pleasures. Sleep well. Eat well.
Godspeed user. I made it and it was worth it.
Lazy. Even my lame retail job feels amazing when I do a great job while I go to school. When you work hard and care about your job even if the customers and fellow employees are shit. You can sleep peacefully
i know it sounds lame but the unemployment rate on my country for people under 25 its 42% so i guess that can work as a lazy excuse
bad luck + the addition of a million extra people into the job pool every year
I havent even finished my degree yet, and I'm already working at a law firm with a part time position.
I study political science and alot of my fellow students are bound to fail, because they dont put in effort. It's sad really, if you are motivated to make something of yourself, nothing is impossible imo.
Siestas are the reason your people suck.
Spanish labour laws and working culture are absolutely retarded.
Its near impossible (or extremely expensive) to fire someone on a full contract, so nobody gets hired.
Noone is authorized to take decisions in an organization, yet they all behave like they matter and hang on to what little power they have, squeezing it for maximum gains.
Fucking shit tier country when it comes to red tape and work ethic, 0/10 would not do business in or with.
Because Im rich and living the decadent bohemian dream
Fkin kek
Also this, my country is full of gibsmedat who think the nordic model can work with them, pathetic
Wage slaves are the ultimate BLUEPILLED people if you think about it.
>I work so hard I'm a good person now!
Who would want you to think this? Exactly. Now go back to paying my government benefits while I make some money on the side and KEK on the daily
Have fun living above the bare minimum for the rest of your life while I rake in the dosh
I tell you whats going on.
This guy I know
>Made it to somewhat comfortable level despite low end education
>Bought a house and made a kid
>Started living the boomer life
>Did not stay on top
>Got laid off
>Naturally the bitch left
>Fast forward 4 years
>Still no job because I deserve what I once had mentality
They're unemployed
Quit being a faggot, depression isn't real. It was invented by kike psychologists to sell pills and (((therapy))).
Too bad you're wrong, you fat autistic loser.
Pero ya aprendo español amigo. Tengo que practicarlo con los Mexicanos en mi estado, pero mi sueño es visitar españa y comunicarme con a todos alla (especialmente las mujeres). Pero españa ya esta arruinada?
please tell me there is more of that story
>wage slave
>owning a 911
Wage-slaves don't drive Porsches, at least ones made in the last decade. You've gotta be self-employed or own a farm of wage-slaves to afford that car.
to lazy to work for others as in 60%+ of my job stolen via taxes
the wages here are fucking garbage unless you're a (((lawyer))) or (((politician))), also, there's fucking nowhere to work at depending on which city you live in.
My parents had both at least 2 jobs each for most of my life and it still was barely enough for a middle class average lifestyle.
Oh, and soon the retirement age is gonna be like 70 or something, things are looking very bad here, that's what years of commies in power do to your economy
kate has nice tits
Hiring is a bullshit process.
I have two stem degrees from U of Michigan, a 3.8 GPA and 4 years experience in my industry along with a list of professional references, no criminal history and I have no disabilities or anything silly like that.
Got turned down for an entry level job in my field last month without explanation.
it's amy not kate wtf
who cares tits have no name
*stem hiring is bullshit
I was severely depressed for many years, but then I understood that nothing of it is real. I still hate life and wish somebody would kill me, because I'm too much of a pussy to do it myself, but at least I'm not depressed.
i can see my future
Being scared is good for you, retard. If you shy away from your fears your world gets smaller and smaller until you can't even face opening your bedroom door. Most people are dipshits and are successful because they don't realise they're stupid so don't care about possible failure. Go outside and get scared.
I feel the exact same way t b h
>inb4 the butthurt NEETs come out of the woodwork to disprove it
>"I'm happy with no responsibilities and having made no progress in the last 5 years, wagecucks btfo!"
Dependence is slavery. Independence is freedom. The real slaves are NEET deadbeats who depend on gibs to survive.
Slavery is usually about being owned or working hard for no pay. The thing wageslaves do in nations with fiat currency.
Depression is bullshit. Take a day at a time do shit that makes you happy then get hungry for success and go find it.
Depression is self indulgence.
So, technically, everyone is a slave except the DIY innawoods farmers.
Those are nice
you cannot destroy the vessel.
Why u hate Sarah Palin so much?
Those who don't recieve a paycheck from someone else isn't either.
This is basically spot on
fuck the USA.
Fuckin aye
So you WERE depressed, but now you just hate life and wish someone would kill you. I'm not sure I see the difference.
Though that does sound like the first line of a hilarious stand up routine.
I like being a stay at home wife taking care of the babies while never having to worry about money. Why would I want a job?
Why the fuck would anyone want a job over doing nothing all day?
>you'll never be a housewife with no pressure put upon your shoulders, having the whole day to shitpost and play videogames, sleeping and waking up any time you feel like
Yeah that must suck for you fag
You know how it goes femanon
I just got laid off between getting married half a month ago and Christmas from a relatively decent consulting gig because our female director wrecked an entire department in under a year of leadership.
because doing nothing all day is fucking boring?
Customers are horrible so people dont want to do service jobs.
People dont want to sacrifice their joints and cartilage for manual labor jobs.
Those are about the only jobs advertised where you dont need 5 years experience and a master's degree in something really specific.
Because doing the same task for even weeks doesn't get boring?
I'd rather play games and take care of animals all day.
Gimme programs.
No seriously. If you can sit around and jerk of to anime porn and not starve to death, a lot of people will do just that.
Welfare, housing assistance, food stamps, disability abuse, Medicaid etc. Ive heard many horror stories of "poor" people rolling up to some public assistance office in a new car and all their little spawn hopping out in new Jordans and shit.
Get rid of the fucking gimme programs. Reform them so they can't be abused but only go to those who actually need them. And cut back on what they pay out.
>a job
>A good thing
>Not a conscient slavery
>Not done by every sane person just to survive
To be honest i would never employ if i didn't need the money. And i do not know any person who think otherwise.
I inherited lifetime supply of chicken tendies. Why work
Because i cba haha
Yes! Goyim exist only to serve Jews as slaves. Goyim were only born to serve us. Without that they have no place in the world. Only to serve the people of Israel. Why are gentiles needed? They are only here to work. They will work, they will plow. They will reap. We will sit like effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created.
>work at fortune 500 company
>top performance
>be friend with all of the office
>they hire a new VP, she is a massive cunt
>lose job because of "budget"
>since I'm friend with everyone find out that she hates me for no reason
Sometimes I wonder why I even try to find a new job.