Some are getting their panties in a bunch over it :
Some are getting their panties in a bunch over it :
>frogs posting about our shithole
feels fucking awful
Toronto is way beyond repair, it will never be fixed, probably the worst city in all of Canada
TRS are generally spastic af, and I don't fully condone the text, but it's actually a nice, interesting action
I love this postering stuff
People have also talked about leaving posters in movie theater bathrooms on the night of rogue one premiere
There's some great posters they and other affiliates have done
Shit like BLM hijacking the pride parade woke a lot of people up.
they literally called this poster "hate speech"
nah I think 90% are still massively cucked
But I knew if I saw this stuff in I would've not felt so alone and awful. Hopefully it does that to some students now.
Try Vancouver
I live in Vancouver... (Dunbar)
Toronto is worse
I live in Surrey man, I can't imagine it any worse.
Can you hook a brotha up with some fentanyl?
The real tipping point will be Generation Z. They're paying attention to what goes on in the world. They've been force-fed the same bullshit Millennials were but from a younger age in stronger doses and the blue pills aren't sitting well in their stomachs. Yeah, some of them will internalize the brainwashing, but many have already started seeing through a lot of the bullshit and so they've learned to look for the cracks in logic.
Should have Sup Forums listed on that advertisement....
But otherwise it's fucking great.
You have to pull in the everyman white joe who has been listening to white-guilt rhetoric and liberal brainwashing for years.
This advertisement does that very well, and I think your numbers will grow substantially with that kind of message.
Stay on point with stuff like
-affirmative action? we want meritocracy! choose the best man for the job.
in the future mention how white people suffer because of the epidemic of black/brown criminals. a good rallying point should be "don't let the minority hold back the white majority through pointless nanny statism"
>choose the best [candidate] for the job.
That's exactly the kind of PC bullshit that I'm trying to ignore. Just say "man" and know that your audience isn't fucking retarded.
>don't let the black minority keep us from going to Mars
I am not involved with any Nationalist or right-wing organization, but I would love to post fliers like these in my city.
But I wouldn't respond to any of these that have "meet-ups". Keep in mind AntiFatlards are going to see this gaining traction and use this to lure unsuspecting nationalists unprotected.
If the best candidate is a woman, I'll hire that woman.
Clearly, if it's something that requires a lot of physical strength, it'll end up being a man the vast majority of the time, but I didn't invent human sexual dimorphism.
Who here /kits/?
Canada is shit, even a shithole Russia is better, therefore I don't give a fuck.
These posters work really well as long as they're subtle.
The message may appeal to normies but they also trigger libshits really bad. Instead of ignoring them, they'll protest, cry and tweet about them to no end.
I'm one of them
>aligning yourself to a "movement"
>alt right
sure, i can't think of anything better to do of the millions things on the planet.
Welcome to adulthood. The Boomers and Gen X fucked us.
I-is that a leftie with some semblance of common sense? Is there some hope for him?
Devon Tracey ? No, he just a Sam Harris fanboy that enjoys taking the piss out of the young turks.
AK parts kits??
No, Kits(ilano) is a pricey neighbourhood in Vancouver
I think a lot of older people saw the illogic before, but ignored it easier since it was easy to see the ideals were good, things weren't as far gone yet. Sort of like communism.
Toronto user here.
I moved to the city about 3 years ago.
It's really true this place is infested with SJWs. You all saw, of course, big Red, the violent SJWs at the Jordan Peterson free speech protest, the global "Slutwalks" that, yes, were born in our fair city.
These are noteworthy but extreme examples.
The real dominance of SJWs in Toronto can be felt in more subtle ways. I recall going into a restaurant once and hearing a woman at another table berating a her date with feminists talking points, and witnessing the man just sitting there looking defeated, taking it. It's the "little things" like these that, to me, make up the true 'soft tyranny' of PC in Toronto, much moreso than the Big Reds and the Smugglypuff.
You'd be amazed. Any time a conservative group tries to organize an event in this city it's like all 'hush hush' and extensive contingency plans are made for the possibility of SJW protestors.
It's not really surprising to me that the alt-right would find a niche in this city. Not surprising at all.
>Jordan Peterson free speech protest
Thank god there's at least one voice of reason in this country
I live in the outskirts, but my brother lives downtown. used to be a big shitlib before moving down there.
Sent me a big email recently talking about how much he fucking hates john oliver, lib hipsters that surround him at work, and explicitly mentioned "all they talk about is how much they fucking hate white people".
Oh yeah and "donald trump is the karma they deserve"
>they also trigger libshits really bad. Instead of ignoring them, they'll protest, cry and tweet about them to no end.
Good, that brings more attention to it. Plus triggering liberals is satisfying as fuck.
What the fuck is anyone going to get from Sup Forums??
Someone who comes here will find nothing but shitposting and cuck threads, 0 factual information, 0 citations, fucking tons of "dems are the real racists" cucks.
I question how anyone could become redpilled from this website, this board has no information at all and very few people here seem to understand any of the evidence for the notions that they do put forward.
>tfw you know an all out race war is inevitable in 2017
2017 is the breaking point for Western civilization
These posters are always tl;dr. All you need is a fun meme and a link to Sup Forums directly to hook normies.
pic related, cuck detected
Daily reminder, there's no such thing as "alt-right"
I haven't been to every city my leafy friend, what are you implying?
>less white people
FEWER white people
Stop this alt-right meme you fucking idiots.
Stop labelling yourselves.
And "Whites" sounds so pathetic. Why not
>Hey, Patriot
Wasn't always like this. Right now its drowning in all the Reddit fags.
>Stop this alt-right meme you fucking idiots.
Let's fucking meme it into reality.
(((Jacob Yoss)))
>labeling chaos
Prepare to be fooled.
>yfw 2017 is 100 years after the bolshevik revolution
Because not all patriots are white.
Yeah, yeah and yeah
But.. ever so often an user posts up some brilliant links or writes something worthy of a screenshot.
This place saved me. However, I don't know if we want an influx if people who couldn't find it on their own
Have we sorted out logistics and ordered ovens yet? I would think lead times could be substantial for the sort of volumes we need.
Because it goes against the nose people.
But hey thank these idiot sites for spreading the message.
I am a minority and the amount of neo-nazi demagoguery I've seen on posters around my community college campus makes me literally shake with fear.
go home then lol
What's pisses me off is this labeling that white people are hateful for wanting to preserve themselves.
In America it would not last too long.
White people are hunters and outdoorsmen and gun owners. The spooks are a small number.
>inb4 ifunny
Just the first result on google, cunt
This poster would have been better if it didn't have the fascism symbol. Then there wouldn't be much to complain about without looking 100% hypocritical. The fascism symbol gives an "out".
this triggers the harpies.
Hamilton, but I went to Brock university..
T. Basement dwelling virgins with nothing going for them in life
Captcha; select all tea
>unironically linking buzzfeed and huffpo
>no archive
fuck off new fag
False flag. Sage.
Stay in Pakistan.
Your mother is a false flag.
Brampton holocaust when?
remember when we got zimmerman off the murder charges?
>Left Quebec because I was tired of being harassed for speaking English, despite being perfectly bilingual
>Live in Brampton for a year, leave because I got tired of being mistreated because I'm not Indian
Breddy gud poster. No fashy symbols, a variety of sources to check out. 9/10.
The alt right was born when Richard Spencer rode a bus in Toronto
>starts with "hey, white person"
>isn't obnoxious lecturing or abuse
feels weird, man.
>mfw my thirteen year old little brother may as well have been strapped to a chair and forced to stare at Sup Forums for the last twenty years straight with the political views he presently holds
He is a walking fucking redpill armed to the teeth with knowledge of race, the evils of communism, hatred of non-whites, and white pride. I do not take complete credit for what has happened but for what part I played in him coming to this point so early, he is my finest work. This country's salvation lies a generation away with what statcan identifies as generation Z. From what I hear they are all little fucking nazis. This country is going to swing to the right so fucking hard the libcucks are going to feel their necks fucking snap
Until then it's shit city up here. Rest assured the youngest of us are politically minded and watch with the utmost scorn as sjws drive this nation into the dirt.
/Burnaby/ here. I'm tempted to print some of these out and put them around.
Do it.
>Roadways signage aesthetic
>That based logo
Oh my sweet baby Jesus, I'm in love.
>Trumps in the white house
>EU favorable leaders are being sacked
>Natives are waking the fuck up
>Says noting about mass immigration
Why bother?
why would anyone join a "white rights" movement when the CNN proclaimed leader is Jewish a Communist think race realism is provably false and was trained by Gottfeld a personal friend of George Soros who bank rolled his training and currently employs him.
Tbh Canada is the worst city ever
Goddamn shitposting Australian.
Alt left propoganda, of all places you think that would be real in that shithole?
Frogs are getting in on it too. Get some posters boys and spread the Pil
>Smug pepe
Call him up and ask him yourself.
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i am jew, destroyer of nations
That's bc you're new as fuck you fucking faggot
I'm thinking of having some small stickers made instead, like 3" x 2". They will be much more discreet to place around the city on poles and such, and much harder to remove or rip down.
Unfortunately Gen Z probably has the fewest whites yet, but as somebody who is technically the start of Gen Z, this generation is redpilled as fuck. The schools may preach diversity, white guilt, etc, but the news shows the problem of multiculturalism.
You have obviously never been to Canada if you believe that.
Should really leave the anti gay stuff off, white homosexual males are sick of the whole LGBTBBQ shit
>white people don't have a right to exist
Go back to Africa.
I mean Detroit.