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Heil Hitler!
You just figuring that out?
I'm too lazy to watch. Could you please tell me on what aspect he was right, and why?
Hitler was a leftist whiny loser
Wheres the one where hitler is speaking while that song from inception plays. That one where pictures of stalin mysteriously show up for a couple of seconds toward the end. I love that one (except for the stalin).
>Blue eyes
What is it with this propaganda? Hitler was of hun-mogolian origins, if anything he should have gassed himself together with the jews and other mudslim gene polluters.
Sieg heil
Beautiful. Thank you.
You're welcome
That's a nice naive speech he's got there. Well that explains why he was so dumb to start a world war with a bunch of countries which never deserved it and why he thought he could win against the soviet union in less than 4 months.
Of course he was a hypocritical ass-talker who copy-pasted his entire speeches and inspirations from the roman empire and other glory-driven materials.
His speeches almost sound goddamn american in how liberally hypocritical they are.
>Calling propaganda the only thing that isn't.
Do you have speech where he make a list of all the countries he will not invade while everybody is laughing?
What wasn't he right about?
It wasn't a list of countries that he wouldn't invade. It was a list of countries that Roosevelt claimed were worried about Germany's expansion.
It was funny, because it was Roosevelt speaking for those countries -- not those countries speaking for themselves.
To be fair he did not copy as much as invented modern politics, he set up the populist standard that we still have today, politicians do not hesitate to copy Hitler.
It's like Goebbels who pretty much invented modern state propaganda, his work is still used today in many states or add agencies.
What did she mean by this?
>there are people on this board that still don't know Hitler was right
smdh desu senpai
took you long enough
While I agree with the speeches being very truthful, his execution was such a disappointment.
If his speeches were truthful then he wouldn't have started a war with fucking Britain, France, Poland of all countries. Neither with Norway, Sweden, Finland. (Maybe with Spain and Italy because they've been affected by turkish genes all those years ago)
He would have simply kicked out or killed the jew-originators from Germany.
If he was speaking the truth and believed intelligently in what he was saying... then he would have went straight marching with all his army and tanks to turkey, iraq, libia, saudi arabia and convinced the rest to make way to get rid of garbage that ruined Greece and the Roman empire 1000 years ago. (and Babylonia)
No need for a goddamn world war. A simple war would have been enough.
But of course what can you expect out of a lying austro-hungarian who only wanted a nice bloodbath like his ancestors before him. Atilla the Hun taught his predecessors well.
Not too long ago I used to think that Hitler was a genocidal egomaniac. More and more I was forced to conclude that he was a good person undertaking a righteous mission.
Even if you don't value his views, or believe in the National Socialist beliefs. Or if you don't respect it's creed.
You cannot deny, that in the end he was right.
Most people only care about themselves and the sad truth is they need to feel some pain and uncomfort to open their eyes...
Autism the thread
Hitler was a very bad man
he ruined germany and most of europe
I'd prefer it without piano music and the swastika but I guess you have to be into neonazism to make 3rd reich history on internet. Thanks anyway.
As if he was the one who started the war.
Kill yourself.
Right in how hypocritical he was or what? Yes most hypocrites preach a lot of morally-correct nice things to sway you in their way.
>not avaliable in your country
Go put a pole in your ass, communist
You cannot learn from history if you are not being told the truth about history. There is more disinformation surrounding Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany than any other issue on the entire internet and mainstream history books.
>all this bs
France and Britain declared war on him cos he rustled some polish jimmies, honestly war with Poland was over in a couple of weeks but Churchill decided war was a preferable option.
>pic rel
He was right about everything. His movement was literally Sup Forums IRL
There was no incoming war. Stop making fucking kindergarten excuses.
>They pushed me. They looked mean at me, I had no choice. I knew what was going to come.
Please, he was a psychopath like the rest of his family only looking for a well-constructed excuse to fuck around with the world like his hungarian buddies would have did in his place.
It's a video made by a Spanish guy from burbuja.org board about jews and international banking.
Thanks! I like poland too much to do that though.
Did he declare war on UK? Did he declare war on Italy? Did he declare war on US?
Go fuck yourself, gypsy sub-human.
Watch the fucking video, it's the best 6 minutes on Youtube. You don't even need to watch it all, the main point is reached at 3 min or so.
That's a funny way cause last time I checked he outright yelled his "my aryan race" agenda to everyone and declared the world war himself.
If he had said "Hey, britain and france... we can cancel the war at any time you'd love to. Just after I kill these filthy pro-islam traitors, kay?"
But thats exactly what he wanted to do. He can't control other countries declaring war on him and he can't control the narrative being twisted after his loss.
>That's a funny way cause last time I checked he outright yelled his "my aryan race" agenda to everyone and declared the world war himself.
But that's provably wrong
UK & France declared war on germany because they were allied to poland, hitler asked britain twice for peace
Sadly Adolf could have done good things, but he decided to be a retard with the power. Never allow a student who can't even finish his artistic homework exams on time to rule a country and push that big of an agenda on the world.
Just like his family of psychopaths taught him well, in the end they know how hard it actually is to uphold morals so he decided to go full communism with it and promise his socialist bullshit while raging a war on europe, the most civilized and cultured nation in the world.
Why not ally with america and europe against russia if he wasn't a hypocritically lying turd/douche? What would you call him, Sup Forums? a douche or a turdsandwich?
> Just after I kill these filthy pro-islam traitors, kay?
You're literally a meme person.
It was KEK giving humanity signs all along.
Jew must be new here.
Romanian friend visit /nsg/ threads and ask around you'll get all info you need.
He was right about many things but gassing the kikes is not a good idea, look at where it got us. The more you attack them, the more they use it to their advantage, the victimize themselves and guilt trip altruistic whites.
We don't need invading other countries with tanks.
We don't need gassing.
We need to awaken people from their slumber through Internet propaganda such as this video.
The kikes have no power over awakened whites.
>kike propaganda: the plebbitard
Oy vey
OK I don't want that discussion now, my point is just that we can do it without violence.
We can do it with knowledge, awakening.
>not available in my country
oh well
Let's talk about Nazi uniforms. Do any of you have one or maybe an armband?
When exactly do you wear them?
Pic related, one website I have found. I am really thinking of getting the SS Armband.
>Hitler really really wanted violence he was a bad goy by definition
Refer to these posts
>Wants peace
>Sets conditions and pushes the same shitty speeches.
Kind of like a bitchy whore begging to not get raped.
It's like... he was autistic and never watched even children's cartoons to understand basic human instinct.
An 8 year old could have worded a better peace message than him.
If he wanted peace then he wouldn't have worded himself like an antagonistic double-faced villain pretending he wants to be the good guy till he backstabs you in the ass.
He would have ignored them and went on with his own agenda without bothering anyone or make his facts speak louder than his bullshit-spewing mouth.
I'm not sure if it's the ending or not because I haven't seen it, but the rooftop part of Look Who's Back is incredibly accurate. Someone might have the webm of it.
>but gassing the kikes
Stopped reading.
Can you link me to something better than .jpegs though, Crobro?
you need to pay $100 extra for every piece of clothing (pants 100, belt 70, etc) so its like $600 for a full set + boots
would be very ebin though
mfw he made it unavailable in my country so i wont comment and hurt his feelings.
""We have received a legal complaint regarding your video. After review, the following video: Adolf Hitler's Warning has been blocked from view on the following YouTube country site(s):
Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Germany, France, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Israel, Italy, Martinique, New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Poland, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Reunion, French Southern Territories, Wallis and Futuna, Mayotte
The YouTube Team"
Of course it must be censored because his words are more true and relevant now than ever before. Use this site if the video has been blocked for you. proxfree.com
Dude I can't even.... I CAN'T EVEN MUH FEELS
>Hitler was right
Where do you think you are?
Yeah. Even the armband only + shipping comes to 40 USD.
I have no idea when to wear it though with the multicultural rats around me running amok.
Get the general litwak, good price
Of course he was, but what kind of nigger edit is this? The original version is better:
>uh sir, maybe we shouldn't turn on Russia while we're also fighting the Allies? You know, wait to get rid of them and then regroup and go for Russia if we must?
yeah, hitler was a moron
>A muslim inspired him to kill all the jews
Oh really? Is that true? would that "muslim" have happened to be a fat white kid?
>Wants peace
>Instead of turtling up, he decides to go all the fucking way to russia to invade them.
>not waiting for the atomic bomb before the swedish special ops disabled them.
He had one job and he failed. He should have grabbed the muslim by the hand and threw him into the jews, killing both of them with 1 nitrogen gas tank. Oh okay 2 helium gas tanks to be sure. Maybe if the germans had made 3 tanks at the rate of 1 like Russia did then they wouldn't have lost the war.
Germans suck cock just like Sweden does.
Aw not Romania? I feel left out, guess I wasn't important enough in WW2.
No one really cares about romania
I mean, he was on time magazine. Only good guys should get time of the year, right?
OP version is much better.
The attack on Russia was a pre-emptive strike. Hitler didn't want it, but he believed he had no choice. "A war on two fronts would be disastrous" - from the only recording of his normal speaking voice:
>Gypsy in charge of history
Truly the niggers of Europe.
>swedish special ops.
>OP version is much better.
Nah. That smiling, blonde little girl during the "AND NEVER DESPAIR!" part is vital to the impact of the clip. Also too many niggers in OP's version.
This one's also pretty epic:
perfect to watch before going to the gym
I listen to it at the gym haha
lmao, make sure your headphone jack doesn't fall out
This has to be bait because thats
exactly what fucking happened
You're a deluded fucking mongrel who knows absolutely fuck all
Jesus this fucking Romanian kike
Nein shithead watch it it's 5 minutes of redpill
I worry about that at work. My new mp3 player is god awful and it has a speaker that I disabled. It wouldn't surprise me if it suddenly enabled for no apparent reason.
>10 posts by this ID
Heil Hitler!
>Romanian with this little knowledge of history
Cordelieu is spinning in his grave
About 99% of everything.
What could have been lads...