Cenk says Russians hacked the general election voting booths. youtube.com
isn't that a conspiracy theory?
Cenk says Russians hacked the general election voting booths. youtube.com
isn't that a conspiracy theory?
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I have hard evidence that Russians hacked Michigan voting machines.
It's over, Drumpfkins.
maybe he should degrease his head
>Select all images with pizza.
Please don't post this fat autistic fuck here ever again.
I find it amusing that we would be more likely to manage to hack their shit from 8000+ miles away and they couldn't do it from within their own buildings.
Are the machines even networked? even if they were, I doubt they'd have online access.
> everything I don't like is the russians
These dems say that pizzagate, which there is some proof for, is bs. Yet they say these things which there are NO proof for.
Very funny.
literally who?
what'd he say about Russians hacking his face to make it take up 90 percent of the screen?
Is this Armenian bitch realising she's betraying her people by working together with a Turkish Armenian genocide denier?
I don't think they are connected to the internet at all.
Before the election they were saying they could set those machines in red square and leave it alone--the Russians still wouldn't be able to hack it.
Now liberals are all claiming Russia hacked the election, which is bullshit. Obama is a fuck-up and if the Democrat party wanted the white house they should never have attacked firearm freedom.
The investigation is centered around the Democrat Party hacks and Hillary's email server.
They will find that every intelligence agency in the world worth it's salt has been passing around Hillary's state dept. emails like a $2 hooker and it will make them look even worse.
They'll say "Definitely Russia hacking the Democrat party and getting our strategy papers and emails showing we fucked over Bernie Sanders" and no one will give a flying fuck about it.
Damn. Cenk has busted the case wide open.
Who do you think his source is?
When is he dumping the proofs?
Really makes me think.
How can he not see his theory is even more retarded than pizzagate?
Yeah, not even the biggest msm rags were saying it (they were saying Russia hacked and leaked the emails). Cenk has finally come full circle and is back to being an angry guy screaming into a youtube video.
Any time a leftist clickbait video has a question-mark at the end of it their answer is yes.
Weren't the dems going on and on about how elections can't be rigged etc before Trump won? Talk about sore losers having to eat their own words
the russians are so powerful they can hack offline equipment
>the young roaches
They mad.
All that matters is that it wasn't a significant enough a number to effect the result.
This can happen, tho. See "airgapping"
exactly. If the nsa can I'm pretty sure the Russians can.
All those lugenpresse are wrong in one thing: it wasn't "Russians" it was "Putin".
>Putin here, Putin there, Putin fucking everywhere
>Hilary won the popular vote
>Russia hack the election
Pick one.
I'm not.
The NSA is way out ahead of everyone else.
They'd be even further ahead if the Israeli's hadn't botched one of their biggest jobs to date.
whats this image from?
According to this roach, the death of millions of Christian Armenians by the hands of his predecessors is a conspiracy theory.
Wouldn't trust him, not even with a kebab.
Redpill me on Vladislav Surkov, Ivan.
Is he a real person? Is he the real Putin?
How can it be a conspiracy theory when "real news" outlets like CNN support it? Russian election rigging is as real as satanic cults and weapons of mass destruction.
Where is the plane tho?
>Putting a question mark after everything so you can save the integrity you have never had.
he is a left-wing alex jones, nothing surprising here
t. KGB
They don't. Not a single msm outlet claims that the election itself has been tampered with.
Could we start a conspiracy theory where George Soros actually is a Putin double agent?
Man, he needs a bone through his nose. Looks like a fucking caveman.
Honestly what is obama trying to achieve? Even if they find 'evidence' of fucking lizard people hacking the machines, does he honestly expect to have any say in stopping trump? Everyone in washington will get fucking lynched if they pull anything.
I literally just saw John McCain talking about it on Fox. They weren't full on "listen and believe", but they were at least in "huh, really makes you think" mode.
>Trump is weakening the faith in our democratic process by saying he might accept election results
>the Russians hacked our democracy
The greatest irony is that Obama said that Trumo needs to stop warning his voters of voter fraud, only to turn around and accuse another country of hacking voter machines not even connected to the internet.
You're not getting it. The russians didn't hack the voting machines, they hacked your fucking MIIINDS!!!!
>Pizzagate is absurd!
Meanwhile, when the victims of the mass hysteria aren't Democratic party members...
>voting booths dont connect to the internet
>Cenk is now the tinfoil hat conspiracist
>Alex Jones is friends with the President
>a fucking roach
You're wrong. His face took up approximately 21.5% of the screen. Your guess is about 70 percentage points off which means you should really be alarmed at your tenuous grasp on reality.
So Cenk, how exactly did they do it? Tell me the engineering behind how the Russians hacked the voting machines. Go on, I've got all day.
>we have evidence Russia hacked election
>yea, it would change everything but we dont release our sources
>why can't you trust as, public?
At least Alex Jones is entertaining and tries to jew you with his SUPER VITALITY and water filters.
Cenk is meh.
he would sell butter and grease products very well, though
he didn't find his true profession yet
>Hacking paper
ancient slavic chain mail technology
>If you read this big misfortune will come upon you if you dont vote for Trump, make 3 copies of this letter and send it to 3 people you know.
I bet the (((Armenians))) where behind this
>I'm not saying it's the Russians
>But it's the Russians
When can we Raid this roach
Only if there's a Bluetooth, WIFI, or some wireless network connection the general public is not aware of. Otherwise, the hackers would need to physically alter the voting machines where they awaited distribution, all the while under armed lock and key. And no reports of break-in's, neutralized guards, etc., etc.
And the Russians, for all their bravado, are not the best hackers. Their cracking successes were greatly dependent on the incompetence of their targets. As is true for most cracking jobs, anyway.
Unless there's presence of data packets, viruses, and such, I'm not believing the left. As well as the vast majority of they say.
3 points here:
1. Voting machines are not connected to the internet so wtf?
2. Obama quoted on video while campaigning for Hillary in response to Trump's allegations that the elections are rigged, said "How do you even do that?" And went on to explain how it would be nearly impossible given how every voting office is separate etc etc....
3. Instead of naming a country while providing no evidence why not go after Soros or whoever had a hand in the voting machine manufacturing and distribution since they would seem to be complicit in this egregious attack on our democracy?
All this to say it's not as simple as "they did it so let's do a revote" it's really not that simple at all, but that's the story they're driving down your throats. Shouldn't we be asking more questions? How can they dismiss something there's worldwide evidence for that is pedophilia making it's way into our government (i.e. Dennis Hastert) and yet they want to dig in into something there's no evidence for, the Russians hacking our elections? HOW ABOUT COMEY MAYBE HE HAD SOMETHING TO DO WITH INFLUENCING THE ELECTION 'MEMBER???????????????
truely a wonderful timeline
no because the democrats say it, therefore it's not a conspiracy theory its a fact
Fake news.
Actually I hacked it. It was me, user. I work for the jewish lizardmen invasion force. I'm also CIA, so you can trust me.
Neo Ned
The great thing about this is that regardless of whether or not there is any truth to it, the Democrats will never, ever audit the election, because doing so would reveal that hundreds of thousands at least, and possibly millions, of illegals voted during the election.
>Cenk says Russians hacked the general election voting booths.
Typical 80 IQ Turk shit.
from my understanding those saying russia hacked the election are not not saying russia itterally hacked into voting machines and changed the numbers. only a true retard would think that.
however, what they mean is that Russia's CIA hacked the DNC and RNC. Stole documents. Then only released those that damaged Clinton. this is not the whole reason clinton lost. But if the MSM and Dem elite can pin it on anyone but themselves they will.
Russia stole docs as china did in 2008
the real question is, what dirt does putin have over the Rep. elite and possibly what he still has over the dems. What is left of them
Obama said there was no rigging in American Elections and that it was impossible to hack.
Totally true !
Russians also hacked the armenian genocide, which never actually happenend !
Wake up guys it was all russian propaganda !!!!
He is a top tier hacker, we must listen to him.