why do you plebs have such a boner for nordics and germanics?
You know southern europeans created europe while those niggers were doing nothing, right?
the northern europeans are the ones that have been ruining europe for 2000 years
why do you plebs have such a boner for nordics and germanics?
You know southern europeans created europe while those niggers were doing nothing, right?
the northern europeans are the ones that have been ruining europe for 2000 years
Gold star for you, chaim
>you're a secret jew
sure thing you paranoid freak
divide and conquer
the age old tactic of the jew, that can't fight on his own, so is pitting others to fight among themselves
Don't forget, the southern europeans actually survived the islamic golden age whereas northern europe will be mudslime in the next 15 years.
Italians were the original fashys too.
You greasy piece of shit haven't done anything since Rome. Get the fuck out idiot. You're basically niggers. Go pray to the poop Pope Catholic faggot.
Northern Italy, where they spoke German or other cultured languages, not southern where they were more worried about praying to God than voting. You literally have no idea what you're talking about.
Because nords are a majority and spend more time here.
Medis dont spend so much in this tibetan singing bowl forum, they actually have a life
hey rabbi
t. heritage fag snownigger
Everyone knows that greece and Italy did the most for Europe in the old days. After that Spain and Portugal joined eventually too with their trade and empires.
But now days northern European nations are doing better than the south
it's the americans that have such boner for them
I think it's mostly out of ignorance over european and world history in general (no offense to you op)
yeah most americans are MUH VIKANG HERITAGE and know next to nothing about european history
>Splitting the whites
lel I bet you're a fucking muzzie
Hey rabbi
Were blond and tall, most attractive race, but youre right, not the smartest. But we got the looks, shitskins had to compensate kek
Nice D&C yid
This. Divide and conquer between whites are top tier jew behaviour
Why can't Ivans get some love as well?
I just want to point out that ancient Roman food would be disgusting to the modern palate, unless you enjoy drinking vinegar and eating briny fish gut sauce on everything.
>Amerifat talking about european history
yes goyim you have to hate each other
South Europeans have more Arab rape ancestry
DNA Test of Y-Chromosome Male Lineages
E, J, G & T lineages originated from Middle East (Arab rape or Jew DNA)
R & I lineages originated from Europe
Germans are 50%R1b 16%R1a 22%I 6.2%E
Italians are 13%E 10%J 62.0%R1b 8%I
Ashkenazi Jews are 43.0%J 22.8%E 12.7%R1a
Arabs are 33%J 28%E 11%I 5.1%R1a 1.9%R1b
23% of Italian Males have Arab or Kike Male Ancestor.
However 6.2% of German Males have MidEast DNA too.
this... someone post the "people who post 'you're not white' threads" pic?
This meme is pretty funny, but it's getting oversued
t. pedro cabron mohammed al-baghdadi
>t. Huemonkey
Day of the banana split when?
We kicked their little bitch asses
This is what Divide and Conquer looks like, lads.
We can start infighting once the bigger threat has been dealt with.
's Source from
Eupedia: www.eupedia.com/europe/maps_Y-DNA_haplogroups.shtml
Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org
>Germanicuck trying to correct a Freedom Person.
Ah, a fine point goy! Why don't you Nordic and southern Europeans goys celebrate your differences! It's what segrega- I mean brings communities together!
fuck off kike
thanks user
Also some of the nordplebs thinks they are the only Europeans.
Reminder: the word Evropa comes from the South
Haha. Something tells me OP is a Mexican in U.S.A with spanish genes 3 generations ago.
>there is still people falling for D&C threads
Retards itt think people outside give a fuck about southern/northern europeans.
I cringed
Yea, lets stop this shit
For reference
>E Haplogroup is early diaspora humans (75kya)
>G is second diaspora (50kya)
>I is European Hunter Gather (45kya) (started the blond hair blue eyes meme)
>J is Turkic farmers diaspora creating the pre-mediterranean race (10kya)
>N is the frozen chinks (20kya?)
and of course
>Glorious R haplogroup is the original Aryan haplogroup, Y-DNA of the conquerors and civilizers of Europe, earliest kings and queens, fathers of nobility, and fathers of most europeans today (8kya)
Ultimately, We can reduce the nordic-med dichotomy to the offspring of the mixes of Euro-hunter gatherers and Aryans, and the offspring of the mixes of premediterraneans and Aryans. What matters most is our shared Aryan heritage that makes up most of our DNA.
>We can start infighting once the bigger threat has been dealt with.
We're on it buddy
>women look like lanky man jawed freaks
>southern/northern europeans
Southern Europeans & Muslims have enemy religions. But the Ancestry DNA and physical look are alike.
The pic is a photo with the Spanish King (Juan Carlos) and the Saudi King (Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud)
>demanding gibmedats
Okay now, I've got to step in on this. The goths just walked into Roman land and started farming, and just refused to pay taxes. They didn't pay taxes because they knew the Romans could not beat them in battle, so they had no obligation to. It's not our fault your people are so weak, that even though they were the most organized people in the world with the largest armies, they could not defend a lanky farmer named Hans and his drinking buddys.
>southern/northern Europeans
And Slavs have another distinct DNA.
>this pic triggers the ice niggers from the north Caliphate
Divide and conquer. Divide and conquer.
Saged and reported.
no, I'm polish and greek
>Ultimately, We can reduce the nordic-med dichotomy to the offspring of the mixes of Euro-hunter gatherers and Aryans, and the offspring of the mixes of premediterraneans and Aryans. What matters most is our shared Aryan heritage that makes up most of our DNA.
No, "Greeks" and most Italians are mongrels. The original Greeks and Romans were white.
You could compare the most impressive aspects of both cultures, and surely the Roman empire would come out on top.
What you also could do, is to compare the poorest, least honorable citizens of the Roman empire, and compare it to their counterparts in the Nordic society of that time. The problem is that the north don't have such people.
The Nordic countries where too cold for the weak to survive.
You are not the descendants of the high born Romans. You are the descendants of the filthy and poor.
What we take pride in, is our true heritage; our own bloodline. That is how we come out on top.
this user gets it
>The notion that Mediterranean peoples were responsible for the most important of ancient civilizations was a problem for the promoters of Nordic superiority.
>Giuseppe Sergi's much-debated book The Mediterranean Race. According to Sergi, the Mediterranean race was the "greatest race of the world" and was singularly responsible for the most accomplished civilizations of antiquity, including those of Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Persia, Ancient Rome, Carthage, Hittite Anatolia, Land of Punt, Mesopotamia and Phoenicia.
>To Sergi, the Semites were a branch of the Eurafricans who were closely related to the Mediterraneans.
>He also asserted that the light-skinned Nordic race descended from the Mediterraneans.
Source from en.wikipedia.org
Rise and fall. Medeterrain's did a lot back then, but they're pretty shit now, while anglos, celtics and germanics did better over time.
Kind of the amazing thing about white people, they were literal illiterate barbarians while others were building great wonders, then somehow exploded into blatantly the best nations.
>South Europeans & Muslims have enemy religions. But share DNA Ancestry .
Cleopatra and Mark Antony
>muh civilization
it's the ultimate bluepill
Stay ugly.
posts like this are so fucking stupid
mediterreneans didn't have great civilizations because they are ubermenschen, they were just copying inventions from each other, for an example "greek" alphabet is just edited phoenician script
Ah yes, the medis. Let's not forget their borderline Islamic love of little boys in Greek and Rome, shall we?
There is no master race.
Only one pride.
>"greek" alphabet is just edited phoenician script
Name 1 alphabet that isn't neither an edited Phoenician script (Latin, Cyrillic, Runes, Arabic, Jew, India, Thai, Mongol, Korean) nor a hieroglyph (Egyptian, Chinese, Mayan)
Recent political events in Austria and Italy respectively should have been enough to settle this argument desu
This. They would have been about the same color as Modern Albanians or Northern Italians
even poojeets have R haplogroup Y-DNA
pick one
Refer to here:
posting my div and conquer memes
dey wuz just more in tune with nature n sheeit
>even poojeets have R haplogroup Y-DNA
Many Germans & South Asians share the same R haplogroup Y-DNA (Male lineage)
my hero
right, but you would call south asians neither aryan nor white so my point is saying R haplogroup Y-DNA makes you aryan would be false.
Technically South Asians are the offspring of Whites who raped Abos, so South Asians are more distinct and different from Europeans
>tfw spanish but country falling into disarray and now living in southern US
I just want my country to live...
We don't care. Suit yourself.
>Northern Italy, where they spoke German or other cultured languages
Um...excuse me? You really need to get out of your room more. Travel the world and verify this for yourself lol
must have been a plague that killed off all their women
i mean how desperate would you have to be to stick your dick in this
I agree. South Asians are offspring of Whites who raped Melanesians (related to Australian Aboriginals).
And then they came back and skull raped your entire population in vengeance
>imblying anglo-saxon-celts (or British descended peoples in general) aren't the best
Seriously, British Empire was fucking epic.
And it gave birth to the USA, which went on to become the sole global hegemony, put men on the fucking moon, nuked another country during a war, and in general is pretty fucking epic.
Also between the two countries, they're responsible for the vast majority of scientific thought and innovation, modern medicine, technology, industry, and so forth.
Nords and Meds can't compete.
Cleopatra was greek you moron
>must have been a plague that killed off all their women
>i mean how desperate would you have to be to stick your dick in Abos
Yeah. really desperate (LOL)
>Cleopatra was greek
slide thread
North represents Romanticism and shitty philosophers like the german ones. They lack moderation and are extremely brutal (Sweden, Germany)
South represents order, moderation, proportionality, empiricism
please share some antirome and anti germanics memes, i need a good laugh.
its all the albo subhumans fault
swedish vs italian
man i can just imagine his germanic cock going to town plowing that italic ass.