Any muslims here?

Any muslims here?

What do you think about Islamic socialism?, Socialism as an economic system. Not as a social system. I honestly dislike capitalism, the rich must suffer and pay Zakat.


What did Ataturk have to say about Socialism?

Afaik he used soviet economic system (5 year plans and so on) and wanted to make land reforms and industrialize the country.

Stop doing with islamism in it. First islam needs a reform because of the fucking sectarianism. You what would islamic socialism look like? More fascist iran. Btw i'm atheist.

...*You know what... Sorry

Islamists hate socialism/anything left wing in general.

This will probably make Sup Forumsacks lose their shit but i am very certain that Emps from WH40K was based on Ataturk.

Yeah, they do but don't forget that there were a lot of leftist movements in middle east during the cold war era. I think Deniz Gezmiş went to Palistine sometime in his life.

We are the fucking kebabs in the end.

i guess he was
but was he the only one that wanted a secular empire

lmao well at least the emperor is. I think Ataturk/emps was right enforcing fedora on everyone in Turkey.

Why don't you just refer to yourself by the appropriate term of cancer?

Of course he was, that is what turkish people need because we are so ignorant.

did i trigger you friend?

You never said anything about the sectarianism in islam world ''friend''. Why don't you comment on that before sending islamic pics.

>sectarianism in islam world
it's actually forbidden by allah and the sectarians are breaking the rule.
read An'am 159

Yeah i know. If you take only quran not the fucking hadits as guide, islam is actually quite peaceful. But retard sunnis, shias and salafists or basically everybody with dogmatic views ruin
not only the middle east but the whole world.

Read the one before and after just to be sure.
Great idea. I truly believe the Iranians are onto something.

Isn't that just Ba'ath

Ba'aths are nazis.

>baath is nazi
>nazi is socialist
>thus, baath is socialist

Wasn't ba'ath secular?

nazis are not socialist.
stop that meme.

National Socialism. When did ever something named socialism enforced democracy or truly the socialism pal? Btw i'm not even socialist.

How to spot socialism
> means of production are in the workers hand
nazis installed their cronies everywhere relevant, thsu owning means of production by proxy.
> wife sharing
Ask the russkies. Enough said.

>All mudslimes got suckered into worshipping a moon devil

All heretics shall burn in a lake of fire

then it's state capitalism.
nazis even supported the bourgeoise families such as Krupp and allowed them to own factories and other stuff. Why would a socialist state support capitalist families?

He said it must be bashed whenever its around.

Give one example of a socialist country has not done state capitalism.

Revolutionary Catalonia, Ukrainian menshevicks and so on.

That is too much generalization. Do some research.

And how long did they last?

> Why would a socialist state support capitalist families?
Because you need their support to gain more power. Hitler had to remove the remnants of the republic gradually. He needed money, men and weapons. Krupp got protection from Nazi goons in exchange for money and weapons. Once Hitler had total control he tossed those industrialist families aside.

i literally cant think of anything more cancerous

t. serbian muslim by nationality


CGP Grey had a great video about this. I think it was called ''The Rules for Rulers''.

This gives the American liberal an instant erection.


Socialist islamist genderfluid and for only people of colour. Here you go liberals, nice orgasms.

>the rich must suffer and pay Zakat

Third world mentality

Islam is a shit religion. It'll never be a dank meme.

Shh. Let them try it out themselves. Let evolution take its course.

here comes the lolbertarians.

I would throw a nuclear bomb on Mecca.

That is my thoughts on Islamic socialism.

Don't get me wrong, muslims getting rounded up by the islamic version of the nkvd and put into mass graves is exactly what I want.

How can we even discuss with europeans when we are living in a fucking islamic shit hole dude? We need to sort that out first.

we have a double nigger, would you look at that. how many of these guys are their? it would be great for divide and conquer of the left, especially if we can get them to spend their time raving against leftist social values.

Talk with germans in that case

Embrace Christianity or Tengrism.

Eh, i would like to have that kind of govermental foundations, science, society and culture. Thanks to sectarianism tho all we get is sunni islam. Kill me.

As i said earlier, i am atheist. I am not even blaming islam. Even a basic discussion about sectarianism would get this country 10 years to the future. In reality if i critisize sunni islam in tv, i would get fucking shot. Or car bombed. Check Bahriye Üçok, killed by Hezbollah.

Do you think they are some kind of master race?
They are just teenagers.
You're brainwashed by pol.

Well, no i dont think they are some kind of master race, they might be teenagers but their countries are much more advanced than ours, is that a lie?