You can't stop lockheeds trillion dollar plane. They will kill him for sure now.
Trump is a dead man walking.
You can't stop lockheeds trillion dollar plane. They will kill him for sure now.
Trump is a dead man walking.
Making America Great Again
If It were possible for someone to stump the Trump it would've happened long ago, he's an unstoppable force.
He care for his people more than weapons for wage war on distant lands. I'm happy for you, America.
Also, I think he is facing a great danger for doing this and needs a lot of protection because some people want him good as dead.
They're currently trying to get rid of him legally. I'm sure he'll be killed by a "kkk member" that thought he'd ban all niggers.
Fuck me, he is going down the exact same route as JFK
Piss off CIA - check
Piss off military industrial complex - check
He'll soon get shot by a random ((( mentally unstable ))) guy.
he's had the same personal security guards for 10+ years
they'll send any traitors (even secret service) 6 feet under if they have to
Good that plane is shit. The only thing I like about it is that it can be used more or less as an observation tool for anti-ship missles so our ships can defend themselves properly. Even then, why can't we just adopt the technology they developed for use on our existing combat proven fighters? F-35 is trash when you account for how much we've spent on it to not even have a functioning airborne armada of them to date.
He's not going to stop it. He's just making observations for future reference.
O fugggg
we ordered taht shit sometihg like 150 fug you drumpf
I hope he makes our military spending more efficient, this is exactly what I was shilling for years ago.
Thank God, that fucking thing has been a bleeding ulcer for 5 years+. Just end it.
I don't think he'll stop giving money to Lockheed
He'll just redirect it to a more useful project. Like drones 'n shieet
He wont stop it because it's already been built. He is just putting them on notice for future procurement.
Under budget, ahead of schedule.
Yes, good idea. Keep killing every single military project, so that the US is stuck with shit from the 70s. Let the F-35 go the way of the Comanche, the F-22 and the Zumwalt, so China's cheap knockoffs can eventually surpass the American military.
The only alternative to finishing the F-35, is to start a new, even more expensive project that will take another 20-30 years to finish.
lockheed skunkworks have connections to ayy lmaos
Please buy
BAE make about 30% of the plane
They definitely have at least "cold fusion"/LENR tech ready, and since there's the Rossi narrative unfolding in the public sector, expect some reveal about "new and groundbreaking" source(s) of energy in the coming years (the militaries have used them for a long time tho)
Remember that this is order simply trying to counteract chaos. The more it resists, the more it shows the truth.
Too late to cancel it, but I hope Lockheed Martin and the political and military personnel involved will be sanctioned.
China is far away from US military technology, even us, Europeans, are surpassing them in many areas.
You're wrong. Boeing is pretty much ready to mass-produce their much cheaper version. They lost to Lockheed just because the F-35 looked cooler. They also predicted this would happen.
>that the US is stuck with shit from the 70s.
F-16s still better than anything the Chinks have. Why the fuck do you care Akmed? Not your shekels. You're welcome to pay for it.
trump dies, pence starts with shock therapy. hmmm
now the lobbyist from lockheed gonna "persuade" the elector to vote hillary instead.
trump is messing with the wrong corporate
trump self stump
The man is really safe... good.
This, this is an opening move, like the thing with Boeing and the new air force one. He starts by saying "too expensive, cancel it!" and the company thinks "we can't let him cancel it, we gotta salvage the deal!" then they come back to him saying "wait we'll do it for 2 billions less" and then Trump says "3 and you must source your batteries in America and we'll call you to build our next project after this one" and they take it.
To be honest, the X-32 is currently under-developed. Restarting the program would be financially suicidal.
>If It were possible for someone to stump the Trump it would've happened long ago, he's an unstoppable force.
(((They))) tried everything they could, they even threw the kitchen sink at him.
(((They))) really fear him. This is good.
No, seriously, it's a based as fuck decision since the F-35 is utter shit and it's just a fucking mega-corruption program ran by Lockheed jews but he's literally dying for this.
>You're welcome to pay for it.
We are paying for it, Hernandez. It's an international project, and we've got billion dollar contracts to make parts, electronics and weapons for it.
We've also ordered 52 of them.
Chinese equivalent to F-16, the J-10, is inferior to the last Fighting Falcon variants like the Block 50+/52+.
Perhaps he's wondering why you would elect someone before finishing building your plane?
Building up expectations that he can never meet. He's going to end up universally despised. Dis gon be gud.
This. I literally don't care what he does anymore, I follow him because of his will to power. This man will be as historically important as Hitler.
He's going to be killed.
There will be an iBusiness plot.
No worries, the Goldman Sachs mafia got his back.
He definitely knows what he is doing.
The amount of money spent on the F-35 program is really abysmal. Especially when you consider how many setbacks and issues they've hide.
The end product really isn't worth the costs now.
>We are paying for it
Va fanculo, you've paid 1/1000th. You have money to nurse sand niggers, you're big spenders, take it over. Call (((Stoltenberg))) at Nato, you fuckers take it all over. You lead Nato, all yours. No more free healthcare and cushy jails, you can die for Israel and take in your sandniggers. Enjoy.
I completely agree. I feel as if someone of his mental capabilites combined with a strength of character and will only come about once a generation, Hitler being one of the last ones. He will do to America as Hitler did to Germany (minus the Holocaust), and go down as one of the best Presidents of all time. It's awesome to watch.
He's right though. F22s are far more agile, stealthy, and faster than F16s. We need to be ahead of the world, and the F22 is the aircraft that will help us achieve air superiority.
These are orders from Putin. They're doing everything they can to undermine our military global influence.
Try and launch one from a ship numpty
>spastic bullshit
Calm down, Captain Cuck.
>tfw the Holocaust will never be real
Ayy yo send sum high end planes our way, Trump knows we need sum
>These are orders from Putin.
NATF program.
Implying your country isn't literally killing itself from within...
>Every graduate 200k in debt
>Country in so much debt to the CHANEZE
>Economy is fucked
Putin doesn't have to do anything, the US is falling faster than the fucking twin towers.
>Trump is out to undermine US military
>US armed forces personnel and brass all love Trump
pick one
I don't think he's implying he'll stop this one. He's only saying it won't happen again.
wow, great comeback. This board has turned into amazing entertainment. All the fuckers starting to realize Uncle Samuel is broke and finished, you're on your own. Fucking asshurt all over, right up to Mods is great.
you can't launch them from a ship
Programs like the JSF are undermining more your military than Putin. The F-35 is wasting money that US military needs in other areas.
They'll be at Putins service. In case you haven't noticed we have a traitor in office.
Is the F35 really that bad? I remember everyone saying that it was amazing. Whats the best fighter jet now?
It's a perfect comeback. I'm tired of correcting braindead posts by triggered conspiracy fucktards who resort to ad hominem attacks in lack of actual arguments, so it's better to just tell you faggots to fuck off.
>Google Calico
>Calico is an independent research and development biotech company founded on September 18, 2013 by Google and Arthur D. Levinson with the goal of combating aging and associated diseases.
haha what the fuck tho,this is some real comic book sheeit
Its fine, most memes about it have been debunked
its just behind schedule
Of course you could. It would be designed by this role.
It is, Jewgle is filled with billionaire kikes who want to make comic book shit reality. They grew up on that (((comic book/scifi))) shit and they believe delusionally that it will get them to live to 120 and beyond while still looking 35 the whole while.
Jews fear death and seek to live forever because only creatures with souls endure beyond death.
But then where should go all investments on research and technology?
I agree with him in this time, the US is spending way too much on that sink hole that has turned the military spending.
You the UStates are spending time and resources just to kill better, that is all, while all your creativity and research is not applied in new industries, so you are losing your jobs supporting that "mahhh fredumz" bullshit.
You have lost the leading on robotics and green technology that is the future for the technological an industrial workforce, too much time wasted.
If this guy is not big mouthing as usual, this will turn "america" great again...but i doubt it, he is just a fucking troll, that is all.
It is surreal watching leftists criticise Trump for attacking needless military expenditures.
so you want to start a whole new project from scratch?
yeah that will save money
It's alright but it simply isn't worth the money. Drones are the next big thing.
Thank fucking god, our corrupt government ordered 40 of these over priced pieces of shit.
Come on don't stoop to Canada's level for (You)s
Where at the Salon/Hufflepuff articles about how the F-35 is actually a good program and essential to America's security that Drumpf if undermining now?
I owned you mothers in BF2 with the J-10.
>to start a whole new project from scratch?
Sometimes its better to do so thAn to continue the failed program.
they're stuck in destructive contrarianism, his constant provocative statements have caused them to hate him viscerally beyond reason, which makes them hate everything he does or stands for. He could gay-wed Bruce Jenner to a black Jewish catamite and they hate it.
Not until his imperial acceptance
*they'd hate it
They are probably waiting for money tranfer for these articles.
>He's standing up to the industrial-military complex
Dead man walking, he's gonna get JFK'd
Fucking poorfags
More than a trillion dollars wasted on a jet that's still subpar.
Don't worry m8, we've undermining ourselves.
so what will all the wasp-class carriers get? you'll need to start another program for them because they aren't CATOBAR carriers
why is it sub par?
It's basically the fucking Edsel with wings and missiles
Can't they make some drones for them? Some convertoplanes as Osprey but better and more advanced? Imagine hellicopter based flying refueling stations for long range operations.
You know nothing about the Aircraft,
They fear death cause they know they're going straight to hell
When was the last time that the US military was involved in a conflict to protect US citizens and not interventionist bullshit? Literally no need to spend what they spend on a military budget
Putin: "Hey Donald! Hey bro, how are you man? Well I'm just calling to tell you that my experts, and they are really the best experts, they told me that those F-35 that will give the USA the greatest air superiority advantage they ever had for the whole 21st century? You know which ones I mean? Yeah, they completely suck, and they are soooo overpriced. It would probably be the best if just trashed the whole program. Okay, bro? Nice. Also, don't worry about public backleash, i have my propaganda agencies set since years creating memes that the planes suck and will be a complete failure, because I fear the.... *cough cough" because i feel for the american taxpayer. Yeah, thats what i was trying to say . So no worries about that. Okay bro, that's all. I'll call you again whenever i need something. Bye, bro! And never forget, you are the best president ever."
Trump timeline is best timeline.
Democrats are completely upside down. Even saw them defending the CIA the other day.
As I said, now it's too late. But buying more F-22, launch the NATF program for the Navy and make a Super Hornet variant for the USAF, it would be a better choice.
My proposal:
400x F-22 (upgraded with F-35 technology like EOTS, DAS and helmet and improve the air-to-ground capabilities)
200x F-15E
1400x F/A-18 Super Hornet (USAF variant)
US Navy
250x NATF
250x F/A-18 Super Hornet
200x F/A-18 Super Hornet
(without STOVL airplanes, they can use AH-1 Cobra helicopters for CAS missions)
He has no clue what he's doing.
Haven't you figure dthat out yet?
The military is primarily there for defensive purposes, genius.
This mang. This. I was just having this conversation with my buddy last night. We'd be lucky to have any President with Trump's beliefs, but we have Trump. I mean, imagine for a moment that Romney wasn't a globalist cuck and he had the same convictions as Trump, and that he was PE right now. We'd be ecstatic that he won, but we'd be bracing ourselves for a grind over the next 4 years and likely failure. But no, we have Trump, the unstumpable, the most fucking competent madman we could ever dream of. Not only are we going to MAGA, we are going to have fun doing it
Thanks for the kind words Brazil and I agree
>spent 1 trillion for a plane that doesn't work
>Israel will get it for free and sell it to China or Russia
Lockheeb Martin and the jews won't allow this.
>Is the F35 really that bad?
No it isn't. All these people that bash it fail to realize that it is government that are driving up costs.
They are trying to make this plane a one size fits all in capabilities. It's not just the US requirements. There are also French, British, Dutch, Spanish, Italians, etc.. There are a lot of countries invested in this thing and they all have different requirements they are forcing Lockheed to adhere to.
Even for the US, the Navy, Air Force, Army, and Marines all have different requirements and they are all not on the same page. And it si typical engineering. Make a change to one area and it affects another. Appease one requirement, fuck up a different requirement.
For instance, right now there is a big push to replace all verbage associated with the aircraft into symbols. Well, there is a cost to that. There is engineering costs, operational costs, material costs, etc..
The biggest factor in costs for this project is government.
This is actual, pure, retardation.
Good job clappers, you've actually elected a moron who will speak on matters using TWITTER before he's been properly briefed on a subject (or simply doesn't care)
>le ebin 'he just mr. magoo'd his way to the top' maymay
F-22's are mainly used for defence only,
and what you're suggesting is that the US military will project it's power by using 1970's airframes for the next 40 years