Do you use the rubber jew?


Other urls found in this thread:

I'm not married, so I don't have sex


Only with craigslist. Friends are allowed to take a load.

What kind of fucking cuck uses contraception other than a staircase and your fist?

Enjoy getting HIV on craigslist

I only creampie girls

lambskin are the patrician condoms

Nope. And I've had two near misses.


Nope, I'm allergic to latex.

>Bristol Palin


Only time I ever had an "accident" was with a damn condom

It was called a "tuxedo" given to us by our fucking school (freshman we literally had a condom casino night), I didn't know that it meant it was small as fuck.

Barely got it on and then it fell off in her. Plan B is expensive.

Not cool.



I'm so sick and tired of Jews - no Jew is worth living. Jeez oh man, fuck kikes. Can't we just toss every kike into the oven? Fuck kikes, am I right?

Last Wednesday I saw a black girl pass me on the street. We all know it's (((them))) who secretly planted the nigger there, right?

I seriously hate kikes. I hate kikes so much I wouldn't even allow one to look at me. If a kike glances a seedy eyed merchant look at me over his hook nose, you know what I do?

I curb stomp that motherfucker and then I mutilate his body and turn it into soap. And then I put him in an oven.


All of you will burn.

nope, i don't get laid

Uhh.. that's pretty anti-Semitic

only with non whites

Yes, how else I going to fuck my Paraguayan and Bolivian whores. Also i don't want a disease

Jokes on you parents had me before they got married.
They're still together after 25 years and 19 years of marriage.

I love how Mexicans even have their own versions of Mexicans.

I've never had sex without one because I haven't found someone I want to have a permanent monogamous relationship with yet.

>TFW Trojan only makes one model of XL, so you miss out on all the textured/warming/cooling/coloured/flavoured condoms

for fapping?


Cock specs?

~7" long but too fucking wide, lol.

My ex referred to it as my "baseball bat".

Theres always someone worst than you, might as well take a piss on them since the guy above does it

>asking about another man's penis
>trying to spread homosexual degeneracy



>all these people ITT playing with fire just to get a better orgasm

risky desu

Yes, because I'm not white so having children would not be good for the dying white race in Sweden

Argentina is white, mate


I'm married, so I don't have sex.

Also my wife is fixed.

I'm actually allergic, fag.

>Not making other men ashamed of their small penises and then brutally fucking their ass

you need to get tested for severe autism there, adam

Daily reminder contraceptive pill cause frontal lobe damage.

>dicking Bolitas

They make latex-free condoms.

No and I don't care that JPII approved them; birth control should still be illegal.

I know. Some people don't know that though.

Mine's 7.5" last time I used a condom was at 15-16 when I had 7" and it wasn't comfortable as it was waay too tight and those were the only ones school gave since then I didn't use a condom ever.
What do you recommend appart from Trojan XL

>not white
>not embracing being the one thing whities fear
>not doing your part to genocide whits for lulz
Youre just playing to the jews by not playing to the jews

'Fraid there isn't much available, man.

I'm told make good ones, but I've never order from them.

No, I used them in the past but quit having sex 3 years ago.

I thought why the hell am I doing this for? I don't need women or kids really.

Of course, otherwise my girlfriend's fur could get messy. Ever try combing man mayo from faux fur?

I'd give Bristol my pistol.

Cucking swedes out of existence can only be a good thing at this point

We have to go deeper!! My 3/5 white friend

Well I can't trust what someone from worst Korea has to say

>Hellooo Willow

It is impossible to use a condom after you've done it without one.

I made a webm that frequents /gif/ of me hitting a black girl from behind without a condom, and my grunting "ruins" it for a lot of people. It really does feel indescribably better.

What the fuck are you?


nice numerals

Literally just went to /gif/ and typed in "black" and saw it immediately.

Theres not much in the market, bolitas basically dominate the sex market where I live. Is a bolita or a Paraguayan or the local faggot

only when vaginal
>using them for blowjobs or anal


>origami message board
>having sex

brazillian education


Sex feels so much better sans-condom. Its a slippery slope though because soon after that you discover how insanely good it feels to cum inside and that is a bridge that can't be uncrossed.

Nice, don't use the condom, get the bitch pregnant and pay your lawyer, or use the condom the bitch will get pregnant from jamal anyways and you have to pay for your lawyer.
Jews - don't mess with us.

>Rubber Jew
>Helps stop the spreed of STDs
Yeah, the rubber jew is a good thing dumbass.

That just means your dick was too small to fill it out.

condoms are the most ridiculous things ever created

HIV/AIDS medicine prevents the natural end of STDs.

Raw dog crew reporting in.

You're still a virgin until you raw dog a thirsty sloot.

Aruba is an island, you ignorant franco-faggot.

No, I stopped using them back when I was a teenager. I'm 27 now.
You'd actually be surprised the amount of woman who don't give a shit if you go in raw.
Like 9/10 times they don't even expect you to use one.
I'm talking one night stands too.
The whole MGTOW idea that woman are emotional children, and would rather do whatever feels good, and then pick of the pieces later is incredibly accurate.

>The whole MGTOW idea that woman are emotional children, and would rather do whatever feels good, and then pick of the pieces later is incredibly accurate.
The whole MGTOW idea that you should stop having sex and let women shrug and fuck the nearest immigrant isn't.

Yeah except I don't want a kid, so that's a good enough reason to wear one
but you're 100% accurate anyway, my gf acts the same way.

I have never used a condom before in my life. It's just not really done in rural areas with a white plurality.

>on a date with Bristol
>Todd rides up on a snowmobile holding a moose rifle
>he's got a vicious look in his eye

what do?

Sniper the Piper

>Not using condoms for anal

It's like you WANT to get a UTI.

>Barely got it on

do you think I don't know the difference between a loose condom and something girdling the top of my dick or did you just want to insult someone manhood on a south korean parenting forum?

I just pull out. Works every time.
Condoms are disgusting, they stink, they are abrasive, and they remove all the feeling.
It literally feels better to masturbate.
I'd unironically choose masturbation to having sex with a condom.
Fuck condoms.

The whole MGTOW idea that aircraft are machines, with strict limits on weights and weight distribution on takeoff, is remakably accurate.

>falling for the vaginal jew

Back to Sup Forums leafautist

and everyone else in here won't use a rubber when fucking a girl in the pussy, I would rather risk UTI than spawn a fucking kid

Where's the down syndrome kid?

Never actually browsed Sup Forums.

I've mostly been on Sup Forums, /k/ and /ck/.


>oh dear God, not a fucking KID!!!!!!!!!!!
Pure degeneracy.

>tfw I'm a fucking 22 year old kissless virgin

Although it can be an effective method a lot of guys either don't have the control, or don't know their bodies well enough to use it effectively.
You can't pull out just moments before you cum. Your penis is leaking semen before you actually ejaculate. You gotta masturbate enough to know the a good time when you start precumming, and pull out to wank off on their tits at that time.
It seems to be an art most men can't handle.

Same here
Turning 22 in 4 months
Not even bad looking, I just never approached a girl in my entire life and I go out like 10 times a year.

The only women who let you go in raw are coal burners.

No quality woman is letting you go in sans rubber.

thank me later

>they weren't born with Kleinfelter's
I'm effectively sterile but can still have valid sperm extracted surgically when I choose to have kids.

it looks like the took "nouns are naming words" literally

uhm... no, my gf is on the pill, we've been fucking for 3 years and no baby...

>he wants to raise a kid in his early 20s
are you fucking retarded?

I'm diddling a bitch who's infertile, no need at all

>haven't pulled out in months and i don't think i'll ever be able to go back to blowing on a sloot's face

She's also into getting choked and slapped, and plays with my balls for hours afterwards.

Now that I've typed that out I'm now realizing that she's probably fondling them and thinking about those potential kids she'll never have.

Fuck i just made myself sad.

>raising a family as a young adult is "le fucking retarded man"
Pure degeneracy strikes again.

>not being married and using the Catholic church approved method Billings, in wich God's will decides if you are having another kid

>raising a family without a stable job or money is a good idea
please consider suicide

>implying he doesn't have a job or money

nope, I creampie all my conquests under a pseudonym
I'm careful only with those who know my actual identity