World population projected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050. The current world population of 7.3 billion is expected to reach 8.5 billion by 2030, 9.7 billion in 2050 and 11.2 billion in 2100. The population will grow the most in Africa in the next 50 years. "More than half of global population growth between now and 2050 is expected to occur in Africa," says the United Nations report. "Of the additional 2.4 billion people projected to be added to the global population between 2015 and 2050, 1.3 billion will be added in Africa."

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These poor third world migrants will turn to the west to be taken care of. More mass migration. We are fucked.

because some people wont be happy until the world is 99% golfing green with trillions of people in box apartments in the rest of the space, working their titties off to produce fun things for the rich.

That is not sustainable for the rich either though. They will all come for their Gibs eventually.


>golfing green
>working their titties off

All the population growth is in Apefrica. They turn jungles into deserts and don't work.


Because it doesn't fit the liberal narrative. Its very costly to use war as a means of population control while keeping the leftist brain washed. The entirety of their political ideology depends on this not being an issue

Google mouse utopia experiment


> Pay niggers to breed at home by increasing their stipend per child
> Encourage niggers to breed abroad by providing external food while their ruined nigger infrastructure has no way to sustain the growth
Because it's enemy action. Sage and report.

Yeah we need to stop humanitarian efforts there. Or without political backlash, contaminate the water with something that makes them sterile. Then cause a big state funded humanitarian effort and they can't (((figure out))) whats going on.

Wow this is very interesting

So, any solutions other than kill the niggers?

That's because when another economy crash comes, niggers in Afrika will start dying in millions, and no amount of gutmenschen flailing will stop it.

Time of charity and gibsmedat for nighers to have ten children comes to an end. Only question is if we manage to stop the wave, and thank god for the migrant crisis, because when the real thing hits, we will already be in the right state of mind. Well, tough shit for Italy, but they have only themselves to blame.

I would not worry about packs of niggers, I would rather worry about China and what it cooks for us in the future. Similar thing with India.

Because there really isn't a population issue, just a greed issue. Imagine the whole world. Now zoom in till you see just the US. Now zoom in even further to the state of Rhode Island, and realize that every man woman and child can fit shoulder to shoulder in HALF the state of Rhode Island. Now zoom out again...

Equality is unattainable. It exist no where in nature or the universe. The only way equality is achieved is thru force. Why do sub human IQ africans deserve to be saved and dumb down the genetic pool. Why should people who are not able to support or take care of their own children deserve to breed and take what is not theirs? The reason this planet is so screwed is because natural selection has become unnatural.

> You have to go back!

And Greed.

Since the dawn of man it has consumed us.


It's mostly in Africa and Asia, who cares about those places

What's important is shutting the borders so they can't spill over into our lands

They will its over for europe. 1 billion Africans will make makeshift boats and sale across the Mediterranean. Millions will die due to storms but they'll make it trust me.


> Make boats
They're given the boats for FREE, my friend.

By who?

And to thin that 90 of those will be niggers and poos

Poor people are having too much unprotected sex, do you see why abortion is good for the world?

i wonder how world would look like if we only had 3 billion people today.

The world can still have a possibility of having first world countries if its pajeets and asians that are taking over. If the world become predominately nigger then the world is fucked.

Holy fuck...

Look at the map. The popultion growth will be primarily Niggers.

Its racist because niggers


Its retarded.
Human's aren't mice.
More overly, humans aren't capable of building any form a utopia.
Not for themselves, or for mice.

To a human, Utopia is what.
A fucking cage with unlimited food and things to fuck.

Yes what a truly amazing, stupid experiment.
What a load of shit, anyone buying into this 'experiment' should off themselves for having given up and placing themselves at the same level as a caged rat.

left wont mention it because it means billions of niggers moving to europe and the usa all voting for leftwing politicians

Invest in water, crude oil, and minerals, all that shit goes up. China's buying up all 3 en masse.

Looks like a tumor.


>More overly, humans aren't capable of building any form a utopia.

Government housing and gibs. Sounds like nigger utopia.