Ancap thread. Is there a more retarded ideology?

Ancap thread. Is there a more retarded ideology?


Can someone please explain ancap and the ancap meme to me?

it fucking works tho lmao

the're both equally retarded

Literally just anarchy, but with more businesses somehow.

Ancap itself is the meme.

Ancap, Ancons, Commies, Left Wingers, Neocons/Neoliberals are all bad.


Nigga go read a book. Ain't nobody about to explain an entire fuckin ideology just so you can understand some fuckin memes.

hello namefag where are the proofs :-DDDDD

You can explain entire ideologies in maybe 3 sentences most.

>He hasn't read TH Green

Protection from extortionist contracts is a necessity even for classical liberal shit dicks. AnCap doesn't fit into any sort of logical framework.

If it has "Anarcho-" in it, it won't fekkin work.

Everybody that isn't you. Right?

Not if you actually wanna understand it. Fuck it.

No gov. All Private. Save money for hookers and blow by not paying for protection from local "police" company.

He leaves a ton of room open for right-wing ideologies. Seems more like a "All leftists are bad" than anything

What is wrong with that?

Money at any cost. The only rule in the ancap world is the 'Non Aggression Policy', meaning you dont attack others as they pursue their money.

So if youre memeing its all about warlords with child slave armies and flechette mines around the stripmine on their lawn.

If you are criticizing ancap and haven't read The Machinery of Freedom then you are like an evangelical denying evolution without examining the fossil record.


We also would've accepted socialism


I mean nothing if you don't want an actual nation-state or any amount of social cohesion.

Slavery, corporations literally owning people and running the country, no borders, theres shit in your food because theres no FDA, you forgot to pay your fire protection bill this month so the fire brigade isn't showing up, the only school within 100 miles is whoring out all the female students so you have to homeschool your daughter.

AnCap is a meme

>social contract

Shouldnt the signee be a newborn?

it is the application of the Golden Rule, which is the new testament covenant between god and man, into the political/economic sphere of thought.

it cannot be denied by any christian, because the holy spirit has turned on their conscience to the truth. we are compelled to come to an understanding of it (eventually), or we are consigned to the eternal fire.

Neocons and Neolibs can properly control society without death camps.

It is only espoused by 19 year olds and fat manchildren making shitty youtube vlogs without a shirt.

AnCap does give some spicy memes tho

Does anyone have the plane one? Its the best one and I keep forgetting to save these things.

You think AnCap is a left wing ideology?


anarcho capitalism, blah blah, protection of property, because anarchists are soooo trustworthy, is ensured. It's retarded, nuff said

Thanks mate.

Save it this time

Backstory for this?

just a meme, sven :+)

Just replace the ancap flag with a nation and it fits better everytime

You should use the israeli flag you idiot

An-cap is flawless faggot. You deserve a free helicopter ride
