Activists Protest Killing of Ohio State Terrorist

Activists Protest Killing of Ohio State Terrorist

>Ohio student protesters are concerned about the way police handled a recent terrorist attack on campus, saying police went “too far” in shooting and killing attacker Abdul Razak Ali Artan, Law Newz is reporting.

>The Ohio State University Coalition for Black Liberation, which has kept a running tally of people killed by police since October, added Artan’s name.

>Last week, according to Ohio State University newspaper The Lantern, the group held a rally on campus where they displayed a list of names of “people of color” killed by police, then read a eulogy for each person, including the names, ages and the location of their deaths, followed by a moment of silence.

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>Libs whining about a literal terrorist being shot

Not even surprised at this point

This is what happens when you allow idiots to have opinions. I can't wait until the day this exact sort of shit is dealt with by death squads instead of media attention.

This is so fucking surreal and weird.

That hambeast on the left tho

>Ugly mystery meat half breeds
Of course

There's no way this can be real.

Please be a troll

not The Onion

I saw Matt Jarbo's video about this earlier today.
Honestly, is it worth the risk of showing empathy to Abdul Ali Artan if it also means showing disrespect to the people he attacked? And I do believe, eulogizing the life of an attacker on the campus where the people at risk and the people he hurt go to does show disrespect to the victims.

I mean fuck, even the leaf gets it...

Every day I become more and more or a fascist, /pol.

Oh boy, time to play guess the gender with that thing on the left.

I'm guessing "genderfluid" bulldyke, probably also a "moderate muslim" who has no idea how haram xir life choices are.


Here's the link.

they never learn
what can we do to save them from themselves?
will libcuck reservations work?

Why would you even want to save them? Sometimes an animal is just too far gone and you have to put them down for their own good.

They want us to believe that all black people are innocent no matter what. And they actually wonder why Nazis have become a threat again.

Do they really think that the USA, a country that elected Obama for two terms, has been a seething cesspool of racism this whole time? Do they really not see how they birthed and nurtured this resurgence of hatred?

This is not going to end well.

why not let the liberal states protect themselfs?

that's not humane thing to do
these people are clearly mentally ill and need psychiatrist's attention


Anyone else smile and think "thank good trump won" when they see shit like this?

They made it so retards went to college too and this is the result. These clowns arnt smart enough to realise that they cant act like victims and cry over terrorists.

Why save someone so imbecile?
Let Darwin's law take its path

lmao they still don't understand that this is the kind of shit that got ohio to vote trump

Top kek

There are plenty of other retards who have done this, too.

When viewed from a grand historical perspective I think that peace between races in the US will be seen as a tiny blip.

It was only about 50 years between the black civil rights movement and now and relations are breaking down as the white majority dwindles.

How can there be peace when half or more people are thought to be victims that they are justified in commiting violence or feeling hatred towards whites?

When are we going to protest all the hate crimes niggers commit against us, Sup Forums?

HAHAHAHAHA the irony can be tasted over here

Its real. Fuck. People are dumb. I wouldnt even do that as a man because I am aware that people are not just misunderstood angels.

Raped by multiple peopple and then strangled to death. I wonder what last few thoughts went through her mind.

Because Progressives with guns make Confederates break out in hives.

>Maryam Abidi, a fourth-year in women’s, gender and sexuality studies, defended the protest in a statement to the campus newspaper. She said Mr. Artan, 18, was added to a list of names of those wrongly killed by cops because lethal force cannot bring justice.

>4th year gender studies


The best part is how far she got.

It's actually great. It breaks off the extreme left and retard SJW type from bluepilled normies who just wanna be nice to everyone.

Idiots need to hand over all their money to American colleges too, you know.

Cant have them going straight into waiting tables.

Didn't she make it like 20 miles?

>*record scratch*

I'm still not sure what the creature on the left is supposed to be

The truth is not PC, and it's rarely ever been.

The term "Fake News" is truly horrifying because that label can be applied to anything outside the narrative, damning it with a label the way libs love to do (sexist, racist, NAZI etc)

Eventually legislating that only certain news sources are valid, the ones that lighten the skin of murder suspects and show the face of any white criminal as long as they can, 24 hours a day.


she didnt even make it out of turkey

That's a pretty badass looking version of Steiner.

Shit like this makes me hate being born a nigger more and more every single day.


you stole the post from my fingers

She was just barely on the other side of the Bosphorus.

We have to save her she isn't safe there

Here's my take on it: Once whites, us, are a real and true minority, once PoC are the majority, how will we be treated?

That thought is why I stopped caring about their feelings Seamus. They would never match the accomplishments of White Western Society and only seek to destroy it. Detroit Michigan is beta testing the next generation of Americans. They can not hide the truth forever.

"I guess my dad was right"

>so you're probably wondering how I ended up in this mess
>Let's go back to where it began
>Cut to synagogue

Stop with the cuckish self loathing. Instead of bemoaning the state of your race work to improve it. Be a nigger Alexander or napoleon. You obviously have cognitive ability, so your people aren't totally worthless.

>interrupting your enemy while they're making a mistake

I hope you lads don't do this

Let's just give them what they want and let the next terrorist to show up on a college campus rampage unimpeded.


>Black Liberation

Literally Black Supremacists/Black Separatists.

Amazing how the MSM is freaking out about us, while these people operate unmolested.

More like break out in laughter

I'm not even angry anymore. These people are the reason the NWO is dead.

>Amazing how the MSM is freaking out about us, while these people operate unmolested.
That's because we can actually get shit done


I'm glad we can count on leftists and BLM to discredit their movement without any external aid.


cop isn't exactly a hero

Needs to be overrated

It's both surreal and great. Though idk how many "blue pilled normies" see or care about this kind of shit.

An orgasm

"Fake News" was a mistake on their part. Its a sword that cuts both ways and everyone worth a damn already thinks the MSM is worthless.

These people need a public beating.

They are fucking delusional. To a degree that can only be called mental retardation.

It's why this will inevitably end in violence because there is simply no way to talk this out with them.

they should go to prison for supporting a terrorist

It also killed their last shred of credibility. They always claimed that the other side is obviously lying and wrong but they can never disprove any of it, they just keep spouting their nonsense about "Fake News". Even the dullest centrists are catching on to it by now.

Embrace it my dude.

These deluded liberal and socialist cunts have no idea the back lash they themselves will create.

>Do they really think that the USA, a country that elected Obama for two terms, has been a seething cesspool of racism this whole time?
Yes. Yes they do. Nothing will ever be enough. Thats how most of them quit being SJW's. They realize that they will never meet the peoples ever upgrading standards and one mistake is never forgiven.

I was dwelling on what Dylan Roof said in his manifesto about whites as a minority still being rulers. He thought that even 30% of whites left in Europe could still take it back and rule it. like South Africa,Rhodesia and other colonies.

If i saw that on my streets I would make a point to stop and laugh.

>Muslim clerics love Hitler for killing Jews and Communists
>Soon Leftists and Jews will praise Hitler as an anti-Imperialist

Look at the rest of the multiethnic world. An ethnic minoirty has the wealth and the power and the poor masses all belong to some other ethnicity.

The west is heading to the exact same place because of basic human desire for riches. Small educated families accumulate wealth.

>muslim literally rams truck through pedestrians and begins stabbing them in a Nice-inspired ISIS copycat attack
>gets shot by (rent a) cop

They must be hoping George Soros will swoop in and drop a million dollars in their hands.

The more likely scenario is that they are total idiots that have misinterperted others (shitty) philosophy and that they dont think much at all.

It's shit like this that makes me doubt the concept of absolute freedom of speech

don't have that attitude

> rationality

Protesting and victimhood are all these people have. It's their evolutionary trick, like lights or lures on deep-sea fish.

This guy needs to off himself asap.

What this guys said.

What the fuck is that thing holding up the banner? It looks like it can stand on two legs but is it human?

I feel that not everyone has the desire for riches, here at least. Brexit was proof that people still would vote for something that would be a massive economic blow back, but hold onto principles.

I see us heading for a Children of Men style Europe.

The fuck is wrong with these people


Thank god this shit is more recent because I fucking guarantee you if these fucking faggot kids were around when 9/11 happened they'd actually be praising Osama Bin Lantern and sympathizing with the terrorists. These people are fucking insane


We all do user... We all do..

lmao, she literally just crossed the threshold into the Middle East and then got raped and murdered.

>Ctrl F
>George Bush
>0 results

So nobodies gonna talk about how George Bush III was killed?

>wanting to save a roach
kill yourself, mane.

Likewise, I see nothing wrong with doing away with these people publicly to send a message to their kind that 'tolerance' has reached it's limit and 'diversity' is coming to an end.

this. Faggot roaches aren't worth shit

We should get a hash tag going on twitter supporting the Ohio guy and this movement, the more people that see this the better and it only makes their side look bad.


Don't use the term "people of color" and ESPECIALLY don't ever abbreviate it as PoC. That's straight up SJW jargon. The correct term is "non-whites" alternatively "shitskins" or "mud people"

>George Bush III
Hmmm, lemme take a shot in the proverbial dark, a career criminal, committing another criminal and probably felonious activity, gets interrupted by police and refuses to comply with instructions, attempts to evade/resist custody and is ultimately responsible for his own demise because he was jeopardizing public safety or represented a threat to law enforcement officers.

I go to tOSU, I'm going to scout out these protestors

What should I say them/do to them? Maybe I'll even record it

>List of colored people killed by police is one poster-size page

Really activates your nuts

>George Bush III