Why don't we punish criminals properly anymore?

Why don't we punish criminals properly anymore?

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ONU, Geneva convention or some other bullshit.


Sabbatean Frankism

>muh fee fees
That's why.

Death penalty and lifetime labor camps should be permitted.

because muh human rights
muh rehabilitation (protip: a nigger with 3 prior arrests and 5 warrants isn't gonna change in rehab)
muh humane treatment

They've been elected

Repeat offenders once you've been to jail the second time you should get executed
2+ life sentence with no parole should automatically be death sentence

They wanted to help out there fellow criminals.

All of you are right

But here's the question: how can you sit in a job, knowing that you're paying taxes which fund prisons, and not be pissed off at the fact that criminals statistically have more children than the rest of us*, while we have to slave away if we want to raise families, all while we pay for their food and shelter?

Like seriously, how can one not be pissed off at this?

It used to be that being a criminal was a massive risk because you could be executed.

Nowadays you just get a slap on the wrist!

*Source for that fact:
>Convicted criminal offenders had more children than individuals never convicted of a criminal offense.

the lugenpresse demonizes the klan instead of glorifying it

There's a new cultural trend in town;

Everybody is a victim.

>"You can't jail that guy! He's got a family!"

>"Don't you understand why he killed that man? Because society is hard for people who are black! So by making him accountable for his actions, you're only proving my point!"

>"Those aren't illegal immigrants! Those are undocumented citizens! Never mind the millions of people that come here legally, those who are undocumented are really just oppressed!"

>"Those refugees that raped her? They didn't know better."

>"That school shooter? He was bullied, so it's ok that he murdered those other kids!"


Texas does.

well, i find peace in the fact that those kids will probably grow up to be gangbangers too, and you know they don't last long if at all. sooner or later they're gonna get themselves killed so it balances itself out, you know?

Texas prison system is based
10/10 would move to Houston for Google Fiber


I mistyped
Meant Austin


You are absolutely right

But I just don't understand how law abiding citizens don't get mad at this

A lot of criminals have fucking cushty lives - free accommodation and food in jail, and they can just impregnate a load of women during their conjugal time and they've got kids too.

While we have to fucking slave away if we want kids. People can't even afford families anymore. And we're paying for criminals' upkeep while we do so, through taxes.

How come more people aren't pissed off at this?

I fucking hope so. I wish there were studies that proved this. I would sleep better at night.

I thought Austin was full of dirty scummy Democrat-voting hipsters?

Regarding Austin
It's got a lot but it has Google Fiber and it's in Texas so it has Texan laws which are generally based
Plus I'm not an asshole so it's not like I can't get along with demos

Because that would bw racist

kinda funny how liberals are the most vocal about human rights and "humane treatment" when most of those same liberals are atheists. By being atheist, that means they believe human life has no value and they should be agreeing with killing off bad people for the most efficent advancement of the human species

>By being atheist, that means they believe human life has no value and they should be agreeing with killing off bad people for the most efficent advancement of the human species

That's not true at all

You can perfectly well be an atheist who believes in the value of human life

Whereas wars and genocides have been carried out in the name of God. They didn't value human life did they?

Get your facts str8 m8

>dats raycis
In all seriouseness though, what do you mean by that? Killing the hopeless ones would be a good idea, giving his organs and tissues to those in need, the only issue being that the judge may not have all the data when pronouncing the sentence. Torturing is shit tier, accomplishes nothing good, fuck it. Forced work needs to be implemented, especially for those graffiti painting smelly pot dealers. Fuck the right to work, they should be obliged to contribute to society.

>I thought Austin was full of dirty scummy Democrat-voting hipsters?
It is, he's retarded.

It's literally where all the Cali transplant trash moves to because it reminds them of home.

A belief that rehabilitation>deterrence.

The problem is that not all criminals can be rehabilitated.

We really need to bring back the death penalty for serious crimes like murder.

I hadn't considered this. Ideally, after the first felony a mandatory vasectomy would be ordered. I don't know whether or not it would be better to have that vasectomy be reversible.