Drumpf supporters talk openly in admiration of Russia

>Drumpf supporters talk openly in admiration of Russia

If you don't acknowledge that Russia is the enemy, you are 100% a traitor to the United States. Your predecessors fought and died to contain the Russian menace, it is disgusting to see the extent to which collaborationist sentiment has risen. Russia has shown over the last 500 years that it is incapable of democratic governance.

When the civil war comes, I plan to kill as many traitors as possible.

is this from CTR's new meme division?


are you the new intern they sent here to gather intel?

Neck yourself kike

kys, faggot


Russia isn't our enemy.
We aren't at war with them, so why would we treat them like an enemy.

We are all living one the same rock, why make entirely unnecessary fights between us when cooperation could benefit us all so much more

In all honesty, whats wrong with Russia?

>serbia in a ocean of blue

This ti it's personal

>Turkey red

cant argue with that

Yes, let's just let another country treat us like a bitch and openly manipulate our election without consequences. Let's also ignore the fact that that country is an authoritarian regime that annexed part of Ukraine and openly challenges us at every available opportunity.

Just because the right guy won doesn't mean that it's not a problem. Pathetic fucking cucks, as soon as someone suggests that Russia is manipulating us they immediately yell about how it's actually Israel and the jews. They're not mutually exclusive you stupid fucking retards.

WTF is this map?

>If you don't acknowledge that Russia is the enemy, you are 100% a traitor to the United States.

This sort of coordinated response is getting pretty old, don't you faggots have an onion dome to get drunk in or some political opponent to assassinate?

>fought and died to contain the Russian menace

wrong. we fought to contain the communist menace. currently, we are more addled with subversive leftism then Russia is. we should work together in a pan European alliance, fighting against leftism and the brown southern hordes together

Did I say anything about Hillary? Step the fuck up nigger and ditch the strawman.

I said it was a problem that people don't seem to be upset about our country being manipulated and fooled. If you're a trump supporter it should still bother you, they did it to destroy his credibility as a candidate and sow dissent among the american people.

>They're not commies now so it's okay

Facists and commies should lie together in the same grave. Fuck putler.

Please. They didn't manipulate the election, you mental fucking midget.

Ah, my mistake. They must have accidentally hacked the DNC.

Die ctr die

>Your predecessors fought and died to contain the Russian menace
They also fought and died to contain the German menace, and the Mexican menace, and the Spanish menace. I don't see your point.

We fought Soviet Russia, not Putin's Russia. The Cold War is over... do you really wanna go back to daily videos on how to avoid a nuclear attack, knowing anything you do will be futile?

>Did I say anything about Hillary? Step the fuck up nigger and ditch the strawman.
>Drumpf supporters
You're easier to see through than Hilldog. Good luck killing us with your tears faggot.

get off my board shill

>Your predecessors fought and died to contain the Russian menace
No retard they fought and brought the rise of the soviet union

>Russia is the enemy meme

Two of my best friends are Russians, totally bros. We have alot more in common than I will ever have from anyone from the fucking third world shit countries

>Drinks vodka
>Likes video games
>Contributed immensely to science, culture and history
>Based as fuck in chess, even though we beat em
>Likes winter sports
>Beautiful women

Fuck the muslims, negros and other shitskins. We have nothing in common with them. The US/Russia/Europe should form a union against rest of the world.

Good white Russians are the conservative West's allies. It's the filthy sand nigger ex-'Russians' from the Caucasus who are our enemy. Amerifat and Russia need to come together to wipe them out, but everyone knows it will never happen.

Putin let swarms of these Chechnyan rapefugees in, Russkies are fed up of it. Everyone knows how much Putler loves sucking North Caucasus cock.

What's this map about?
Blue for degenerates who shit on the street and red for not?

It's not the Soviet union anymore dumbass

We aren't at war with Russia and we should not fight them.

The government is clearly paying you to meme about it. Fuck you guys for trying to ruin everything with corruption and deception. I'm praying to my Lord God that you fail hard and are these disgusting elite is exposed to the masses.

No war, progress through peace!

You seem sincere so I'd like to hear you out.
How exactly did the Russians manipulate our election and do you have proof?

I'm not entirely sure what this picture is supposed to convey but I disagree with India being blue

>Based as fuck in chess, even though we beat em

Russia, under Putin, got under control the corrosive effects of the degenerate money-lenders and oligarchs (read Jews). That's why the U.S. establishment hates him.

Pretty much this.

Trump winning is great but Russia getting away with breaking international law while completely rejecting American conditions only makes USA look weak in the eyes of the world.

Ffs, Ukraine told Russia to fuck off so they could join America in Nato or the EU and Russia just invaded amd took over Crimea and other Ukrainian territories (I don't care whether it was justifies or not) and all the US under Obama could do was say "stop it or we'll put sanctions on you >:(" which clearly didn't work and was obviously a very weak move to make in the struggle. But now, you retards want Trump to forgive Russia because HUR DUR muh white race and not expect the world to think just how weak and ineffectual the US has become.

Even George Bush, Putin BFF would've reacted negatively to Russian aggression in the region.

>inb4 meme responses

>When the civil war comes, I plan to kill as many traitors as possible.

>spam of impotent rage
Please please please try to "kill as many" as you can.

>They must've accidentally gave the world access to just how much Hillary and her campaign hated America and the people in it.

Doesn't matter who hacked them, its the content that is important, the blatant fraud, talking down about the people they expected to vote for Hillary, her collusion with the media in order to manipulate everyone's opinion, the DNC completely fucking Bernie and Killary's obsession with starting wars and toppling other governments including melding in Ukraine's election.

Russia hacked & targetted DNC (not the GOP), gave all of the juicy info to Wiki leaks (selective leaking) to hurt Hilary's chances.

I love that Trump won, but you can't deny Russia made an effort to indirectly back Trump while completely destroying Hilary through the leaks. Which, again, I support but to say they had no hand in it is a bit ridiculous.

>George Bush, Putin BFF
He stabbed him in the back on the way out by starting the conflict in Georgia

Those mountain jews i swear

Why do liberals so badly want to be at war with Russia?

>Russia hacked & targetted DNC
nice meme

>This triggers the Russian.

It's the Jews who own them. Remember who funder the Russo-Japanese war. They are pissed off Putin would not let them destroy Russia, like they are destroying the U.S.

Is there evidence of this hacking?

Because they don't have to fight it. Blue states give the minority of military personnel. That's why the military voted overwhelmingly for Trump. They don't care. They've always been the real traitors. These are the same people who undermined men like McCarthy and made up the hippie movement and dragged their feet through the Cold War. It wasn't "we hate Russia!" then.

You are a fucking retard. You're either a dnc/neocon shill, or a subverted useful idiot. You have zero clue what's occuring behind the curtain. You are not representative of american militia combat power or the power of our combat vets. Your threats are hollow. You're most likely correct about a civil war coming, and when it does, ppl like you and the ppl who condone the corruption of our republic (not democracy) will be the ones to be slayed. your bodies will be mechanically plowed into ravines, your leaders will be assassinated in serruptitious raids, your members will have their roofs dropped on them. No mercy, no quarter. You are the enemy of liberty and the republic.

Are you not concerned that the information in the emails were actually able to sway people's opinion? Because if there wasn't anything for them to hide they wouldn't be so butthurt that Podesta got caught in a phishing scam...
>his password was p@ssword
>and DNC thinks its takes Russian expertise to figure this out.

I'm going to hand you and your family over to the FSB for execution.

>Russia was the enemy last generation so it should be the enemy this generation despite massive changes in power structures
>Hurr people alive now are responsible for the problems of previous generations

Grats OP you are using the same shitty reasoning as SJWs.


is US a 4th world country? How is it possible for 3rd world country to have so much influence over "best country in the world"? I would be ashamed even to admit that, not to talk openly about that

also you need to remember, US recognized Kosovo, therefore she opened the door for Russia to do the same with Crimea and other Russian satellites

Slightly above the level of CTR, but certainly not a 3 letter agency unless you're mimicking how we speak. Probably some commie fag straggler from plebbit still trying to carry out those grand infiltration plans.

Either way, KYS.


>George bush Putin bff

>what the fuck did I just read

>implying India will not join the enemy

way to stab your second best ally in the back

>le evil russia meme

the wall fell 30 years ago

Holy kek this autism

>I don't mind being gangbanged by big oil, corporations, and russia bc Trump's got my back :-)

>implying we give a fuck about chess


>Hillary in 2010 as Secretary of State on Kosovo, “For me, my family and my fellow Americans this is more than a foreign policy issue, it is personal.”

She's an evil cunt. End of story.

One more word about our Russian allies and i send you into the mass grave.

B-but Igor, w-we kinda do.

Mah boi

I love how they still haven't figured out how to shill without outing themselves. Low IQ. Low energy.

Russia is not or enemy. They are our natural allies, and the only reason relations are so bad is because the globalist Jews who run the western world hate Putin because he's a nationalist who won't sell his country out to them.

Russia, America and Canada friends forever.

guys, let's calm down, it's time to recognize that we are not to your teeth and start to agree, okay?


>Drumpf haters think that they can kill people with guns that are backed by the full power of the United States armed forces while completely unarmed
>Drumpf haters think they won't just be droned

How are you gonna kill a drone when it's so high up, you can't even see it, faggot?

Either shills got too butt blasted or we got trolled.
Im gonna go with trolled.

You forgot Europe, we gotta help uncuck them.

> you are 100% a traitor to the United States.
> says someone who support saudi jihad

I absolutely salute you brothers

>He doesn't understand the Drumpf joke
I hope you're just pretending to be retarded, Justin.

I said that in regards to Repubikeks always saying how Bush and Putin were BFFs. Not that I personally believe it myself.

I'll admit, I'm not very well informed on this matter so I'm not sure if there is concrete evidence one way or the other. But I do recall Russia hacking the DNC months before the leaks, and I don't seem to recall Wikileaks being accused of hacking them.

How else would they have gotten all of those spicy emails?

Like I said, I'm not against what Wikileaks (and by extention: Russia) did. Them leaking all of those emails and exposing Democrats for the corrupt little bitch boys that they are was magnificent.

But you still have to question whether Russia did in fact play a role...for better or for worse.

>How else would they have gotten all of those spicy emails?
Maybe an insider. Maybe it was some 400lb hacker. Getting into someone's email isn't a task that requires state sponsorship.

Then why hasn't that greasy neckbeard been outted? It is a serious allegation.

AFAIK I remember hearing about Russia possibly hacking the DNC as early as July, months before Assange said Fuck you guys to the Democrats and released all of those emails.

From what I've read, the server involved was from a Russian VPS. So basically the FBI would need the Russians to be cooperative in order to investigate it, and Russians are obviously not being cooperative because the hack does benefit them, so why would they? But keep in mind that the hacker likely used a Russian VPS precisely because they were the least likely to cooperate.

>AFAIK I remember hearing about Russia possibly hacking the DNC as early as July
Russians, Chinese and Americans are all constantly probing each other with cyber attacks. That doesn't mean they're necessarily related.

Fair enough point. There is reasonable doubt so I don't think anything is really going to come out of this whole investigation into Russia's involvement.


slide thread
false flag thread
demoralization thread
welcome to Sup Forums newshill

>Your predecessors fought and died to contain the Russian menace
>Your predecessors saved the Russians from being annihilated by the Nazi's in WW2 with the lend lease program.

Pick one you fucking retarded nigger.

>If you don't acknowledge that Russia is the enemy, you are 100% a traitor to the United States
Realpolitik. If we don't befriend Russia, they'll simply buddy up with China instead and make things harder for us.

They also have the largest total nuclear stockpile in the world. Not the kind of people you want to openly antagonize.

>Hurr durr that country is enemy, we must kill each other because someone told us to do so

This is how WWI started... Serbia did everything A-H wanted except for A-H agents to roam free in Serbia and investigate and jail anyone they want, and the happening was in A-H, great plan Shilldogs, couldn't you be a bit more imaginative

The libs and neocons ARE "big oil". Trump is just a man, he isn't the end of any of the issues that will inevitably escalate.

How is Russia the adversary again?