Oh shit hitler confirmed, Trump really was hitler

Where were you when the theories were correct?

>"I’m old enough to have been able to listen to Hitler’s speeches, the Nuremberg rallies, not understanding the words, but the tone and the reaction of the crowd was enough to leave indelible memories.

>"And watching those results come in did arouse some pretty unpleasant memories, along with what is happening in Europe now, which, in many ways, is pretty frightening, as well."

Other urls found in this thread:


>not concerned about low IQ desert and African hordes rushing into the west

Who cares what this hack thinks? He is making a bullshit implication here on top of ignoring biological reality and cliodynamic forces. Why does anyone respect this mental midget?

> "I did not understand German at the time"
> "I just remember the crowd cheering"
> "Therefore the crowd cheering at Trump's rallies is totally nazi OY VEY"

The Holoax never happened but we totally need it to never happen again.

Hes right about Europe though, and that we need another Hitler too.

christ the old linguist fag is at it again. shut up old man.

oy vey it's another holocaust

Funny thing. Hillary's media monopoly and manipulation and her attempt to disrupt trump rallies remind me of hitler as well.

The old kikes better watch out, for one day our patience will run out and we will shut their dirty, lying mouths!

He's full of shit. The reason the right has lost debates to this hack is that they've played from largely the same logical bases. When both sides deny the biology bedrock of intelligence and culture and both believe even if only sentimentally in the basic idea that all men are created equal the one further to the left is going to have an innate advantage. This hack has been fighting within a favorable environment his entire life.

>that name
>fucking annoying to deal with

(((Noam Chomsky)))


>(((Noam Chomsky)))

Chomsky is a meme even amongst the left

Seriously, though, Trump's speeches sound a lot like Hitler's and it's pretty beautiful desu

>a militant labour movement might beat trump
>the same down-trodden working class peoples who came out in record numbers to vote for him

Noam was always a quack supported by incredulous fangirls, but this is now sad. So out of touch for an already fringe thinker.

Is this guy retaerded or whaty? Hitler is good and I voted for trump because he's like hitler.

>working class

you mean poor dumb libtard niggers who deserve to be enslaved and culled.

I hope Chomsky lives long to get personally thrown in an oven by Der Trumpenfuhrer

>militant labor movement

so what do you think the "whitelash" was lmao

What did this remind people of?


You notice these "intellectuals" never consider for a moment WHY sometimes events go one way or the other, only whether they personally like it or not

>Gnome "You know who's to blame right goys? Yes, that's right all of those rich people, I'll tell you how, but only in my latest book! OUT NOW! Priced $19.99 (plus tax)" Chomsky

I would rather listen to an untuned radio.

Yall are mad he's always right