Why are negroes so fast?

Why are the negroes so much better at sprinting then the white man? Is it their superior genetics in the act of running?

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Whites are just as capable, they are just discouraged to do sprints or they are too busy making themselves into something.

Look up Richard Kilty or Christophe LaMaitre, both very fast whites

In all likelihood, probably.

would of been a useful trait in the subsahara. now its just good for jumping fences when running from the cops

simple evolution. The slow ones get arrested.


Because niggers are genetically predisposed to being much more athletic than any other race. Little fact the white man doesn't want you to know about.

blacks are commonly ectomorphs, they have long legs, this makes them able to take large strides

whites being slower is just evolution at work. We were smart enough to learn how to trap prey animals and kill them from a distance so we don't have a need to chase them down to the ends of the earth and tackle them.

Dutch women are best female sprinters

Better physique, worse brain

We got better at killing the things chasing us, they didn't.

Physiological advantage. They are a rung lower on the evolutionary ladder and their upper leg muscles are slightly longer and attach higher on the torso allowing them to take longer strides (relative to a caucasian of the same height) and thereby innately faster.

Because they have to run away from cop cars.

Evolution my friend.

>more athletic

white people are much, much stronger than blacks


Thousands of years of having to outrun lions

Ten thousand or so extra years of evolution with the pressure being "run fast or you don't eat". Meanwhile europeans win strong man contests because of ten thousand years of "move this thing or freeze to death"

because the slow ones are in jail

genetical, they are straight out of africa where a few generations away their parents ran away from lions still

we have not had to run away / chase creatures for maybe 2,000 years, whereas for them like 200.

Usain bolt's granddad probably chased giraffes on foot for a living

Whites sacrificed an activation site for protein bonding to create better twitch muscles in favor of more brown fat for polar conditions. Simple as that.
All else equal, blacks will always sprint better.

If they"re so good at running how come these niggahs can't outrun plantation bosses and police?

It's the genetic trade-off for being unable to swim.

How come, despite stealing so many bicycles, they have never achieved anything in cycling?

What are white heavyweight lifters, wrestlers and MMA fighters.

They evolved in hot regions, so they developed body types that have maximum surface area for heat dissipation.

A consequence of this is long limbs and short torsos, which naturally makes running and sprinting more efficient.
They also have a higher proportion of fast twitch muscle fibers, which helps as well.

Bicycling contests will cross-reference bike's serial numbers with theft records.

the world record holder of any fucking race or mile run will be more well-known than any fucking businessman out there you dumb fuck, probably even more known than most presidents in the world

white people selectively bred the most fit and athletic ones for hard physical labor. the weak were culled out


A higher number of fast twitch muscle fibres in relation to slow twitch muscle fibres, depending on their African genotype.

Other Africans like the Kalahari Bushman, have more slow twitch muscle fibres than fast twitch in their muscle composition. This is due to their evolution as persistence hunters, requireing extended endurance for hours. Running an Elk to the ground, the Elk collapses from exhaustion. They do their sacred rites, sprinkled dirt on the exhausted animal. And then ritually slaughter it.


Muscle type allocation.

ACT3/N speed gene, higher distribution in West Africans

I don't know, it doesn't make much sense - you'd think we would have bred slaves to be slow so they couldn't run away.

Leverage. They have longer limbs. More reach/weight, and faster movement. Same reason every wrestler, every strongman, powerlifter, and olympic lifter is white, MENA or Chinese.

That doesn't even begin to make sense

They've stolen more electronics than Japan has created?

How come no Silicoon Valley?


I'm sure it's genetic. Even black people from my country (Papuan) known for their fast running speed

Monkeys are fast too.

Natural selection favored traits that allowed them to outrun the numerous predarora in the sub-Sahara.

yis, gorillas and chimpz can reach 40km/h
magnuss samuelsson is the only blond strongman

same reason they got big dicks. White people are meant for innovation and complex ideas while black folk are more primitive and are more focused on reproduction, speed and endurance

>Is it their superior genetics in the act of running?
Yes. Negroes are physiologically built to be better with athletic feats involving running and jumping. Whites are built to be stronger, which is why all the best powerlifters and strongmen are white, or at least slav

extra bone in their ankles

Nigga is you retarded?

Simple bias. All the slow blacks are in jail.

hahah, fuck

Not only fast but have built in stealth technology to boot. Ever have a black man steal a t.v. during the night?

All you'll see is a set of teeth and a t.v. floating up a hallway.

What if the TV is also black?

No cars


Fast twitch muscles. They're built for running on the open Savannah n shit, white people are built for colder climates and lifting heavy shit and general strenght.

*general strength

Compared to whites, blacks hips are higher than a white of the same height. Which means they have a higher center of gravity making their legs fall faster allowing them to to move their legs faster. There are some other body differences to.

Read the study on it witpress.com/Secure/ejournals/papers/D&NE050301f.pdf

Because when they're running, they're knee grows.

>Cops put out a bike and wait for someone to steal it
>arrest the criminal
>BLM hates this because black people are going to jail for crimes that they have committed

Instead of teaching bike owners, "don't get your bike stolen," why not teach niggers, "don't steal bikes"?

Former professional cyclist here.

The dark races have no real tradition of bicycle racing, no real amateur program, school program, etc. While some spend time riding bicycles as transportation they never experience racing conditions.

One of the teams I rode for imported an African and though it could generate very high tier power output, no one was ever able to teach it team tactics or pack riding or aerodynamics or energy conservation.

Another significant factor was that it didn't respond well to oxygen vector enhancement techniques. Putting its own blood back in did little to increase performance, and EPO was similarly ineffective.

Some day if the youth cycling programs in the dark countries hold up they will likely dominate. Track cycling at least. Unless the above oxygen vector problem can't be unraveled I don't seem them competing on the World Tour level.

White men can't compete physically, they have to rely on sports where it's too expensive to play so black/brown people can't play it. Do you ever watch the winter olympics? Prime example of white sports.

>White men can't compete physically, they have to rely on sport

Swimming is a really expensive sport.

Do you know much it costs to train in an olympic pool every day? If black kids had the same access to swimming facilities as upper-middle class white kids they would dominate swimming too.

To run you just need some relatively flat terrain.

you don't need a fucking olympic pool

Pot-bellied Slager caught up with Walter Scott, who had a pretty good head start and was fueled by cocaine

just sayin

It is partially genetics and partially culture like most things. As one of the only white sprinters at a top ranking Division 1 college, I would know a bit about this.

Growing up, blacks are really into running. It is very common to have a big focus on being fast if you are young and black. This also means they are more likely to get into the sport in the first place to test their abilities. Having almost all black coaches helps as well.

And yes, I have been racially discriminated against in the sport. Really easy to tell when it is attached to a god damn timer. Times don't lie, but apparently someone can "look faster" or "have more potential".

Ask me anything

Afro Caribbean fast twitch muscle fibers for sprinting and long/triple jump

East Africans slow twitch usually good at running middle-long distances

Europeans usually better at throwing events like discus, javelin shot put

There are exceptions but this is the trend.

Their belly buttons are lower so they have a better center of gravity for running.

longer legs and greater bone density.

leafs pay attention

How far back into your family tree do you have to go to find a black?

There is no black in my family tree. I am of Spanish origin

"fast twitch muscle fiber"

Still can't outrun a bullet.

I lol'd. Good job friendo

Completely unverifiable and false


Every single winner of the World's Strongest Man competition has been white; and almost all of those winners are Northern European or Slavic at that.


Lower center of gravity helps em run faster but swim slower.

Blacks never evolved out of this cuz africa as dry as fuck yo. No need to get killed crossing a river.


>tfw no bull-running genes

This^ Evolution has given us slightly different bodies. Does not make a difference most the time but in extremely high end sports the difference can easily be seen and does make a huge difference.

Blacks are fastest
Whites are strongest
Comparable endurance (blacks in marathons, whites in cross country, of course these in particular are affected by cultural factors)

Who is the most dexterous/gymnastic?

Well eaten, but this.

wites, messi and cr7 aint niggers


Isn't it bizarre that the Olympics exist, everyone knows that certain countries and races seem to constantly produce the best athletes in certain displays of athletic ability, the announcers will even do backstories of these athletes coming from a long line or village of runners/lifters/swimmers, but once you cross into the realm of saying "maybe genetics has something to do with it" people think you're evil?

They're okay with saying "it's in the family", but not okay with saying "there seems to be a scientific, genetic link".

It's the definition of political correctness. You can say it *one way*, but not the other, because it's *too* true.

Because they had to out maneuver a pride of lions, leopards, gazelle, etc in order to kill them/escape from them. Whites only had to worry about shit like Woolly Mammoths, wolves, and bears which were slower.

Tigers and bears were a non factor for the most part since they are solitary, anyway, and aren't dumb enough to attack a pack of hunters without provocation.

>world record holder of any fucking race or mile run will be more well-known than any fucking businessman

And how much do you make for winning top-tier races?

>World-Famous but poor as shit
>Unknown but rich enough to ensure generations of your family to stay at top 1% of society

give me number 2 please. none of us know who the Illuminati are but you can bet they're aren't clamoring to join USA track and field.

Niggers evolved to run away from authority.

>why are animals faster at running than humans
hmm i wonder

>You lousy slave! Get the fuck away from my wife!
>Aw shieeeet! Massa's gon give me that whippin gud if I don't skip on out!
>Underground Railroad here I come!


I've had my bike stolen when i was using it to work. Gas those fucking thieves

>he unironically believes there are no female heavyweight lifters, wrestlers and MMA fighters because they're weaker than males

Right, they're Mediterranean.

You don't take a slave that is unfit, all the Negros that are really fast are from nations which had slaves and were probably the decedents of slaves while in actual Africa they aren't as fast as African Americans of slave offspring

Blacks evolved to sprint faster because in the open plains of Africa it was beneficial to be able to run really fast. That is why blacks dominate in sprinting competitions.

Whites evolved to be more bulky and powerful because it was more beneficial for survival in the harsh cold of Europe. That is why whites dominate in strength competitions.

Asians endurance.
>rice fields all day every day

Whites strength.
>lift thick winter blubber over alps

Blacks speed.
>chase antelopes outrun cheetahs

They have 33 muscles in their ankles. All other races have 32. I'm completely serious.

Correct answer