Race isn't real...

Race isn't real. You can't point at two random black people and say that they are part of the same race anymore than you can point at a white and a black person and call them part of the same race. Get over it, you're debunked. Focus on socioeconomics or leave the politics board spooks.

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Okay then, get rid of government assistance programs and hiring quotas based on race

>Philosophy not even once.
It's about as useful as sociology.

People like you have set the biological sciences back by half a fucking century.

Species aren't real. You can't point at two random dogs and say that they are part of the same species any more than you can point at a cat and a dog and call them part of the same species. Get over it, you're debunked. Focus on socioeconomics or leave the politics board spooks.

Race is a definition. By definition, it's real. "Get over it" isn't an argument nor is proclaiming one is "debunked."
Isn't this a racial slur for niggers?
Logic is a branch of philosophy. Your incomprehension of philosophy isn't implicative of philosophy's inadequacy.

> Can't point at them and say they're a part of the same race
So sensory data is a fucking spook then, you can't rely on what you see and hear and taste to tell you anything meaningful.
> My bad man I totally forgot how socioeconomics can totally completely reshape skull shape and proportions and features and either give white people a nasal spine or remove it from black people

Nope. All white people are evil and the black man can do literally no wrong.

Then why does race correlate better than socioeconomic status in terms of:

>academic performance

Explain that and I'll stop believing in race lel good luck

>You can't point at two random black people and say that they are part of the same race
What if i do it anyway? spooks BTFO xd

Yes, we've ruined the good old days of phrenology, bloodletting, and blaming witches. Such degeneracy.

No it isn't. It's just that people forget that philosophy can be wrong and you get people like op saying stupid shit.

Do you believe that chimps and bonobos are the same species, and that their intense difference in behavior is due purely to the environment?

Hasty generalization

Logic has more in common with mathematics and science then it's meaning in the philosophical termns. It's usefulness in the past is noted but at this point, we don't need it anymore than we need gender studies.


But guess what?


Who would have thought it, huh. All the while those jesters were saying "there is no such thing as race" and just leaving out completely that there is something pretty much the same as race.

>then it's meaning in the philosophical termns
than*. Logic is a branch of philosophy, and pervades all branches of philosophy. You are betraying a clear ignorance about what philosophy is.
>It's usefulness in the past is noted but at this point, we don't need it anymore than we need gender studies.
Logic is useless? As you implied, without logic, there would be no math or science.

Spooks are not spooks

>This is true and triggers the Sup Forumstard

...and yet...

....a microscopic snippet of DNA left at a crime scene can tell what race you are
with 99.99% accuracy

....even the cheapest genetic tests from ancestry sites can tell what race you
are, and what percentage of other races your ancestors may have mixed with, up to
less than 1%

...medical science recognizes medical differences in the races, by different
illnesses prevalent to each race, and in treatments specified differently for different races

....biological sciences classifications of humans recognize the racial differences with observable indicators

...Europeans and East Asians have admixture with Neanderthals, whereas Southeast
Asians, the Indian Subcontinent and Australian Aborigines have mixture with
Denisovans. West Africans have admixture with Heidelbergensis. And other sub-
Saharan Africans have admixture with potentially unknown groups of hominids.

...These are excluded admixtures that are not shared between the races

....Meaning not only are the races different races of homo sapiens, but the different human races are each up to 10% of a completely differing human -species- from each other. Aborigines are up to 6% Denisovan, and do not share that with European whites who are up to 4% Neanderthal, who do not share that with Aborigines, etc.

We are not just different races of Homo Sapiens.... The races are also from different species.

The nigger is clearly with an Italian. It doesn't trigger me at all.

Absolutely. We are one nation, we should be under one law.

>race isn't real
>historical ethnic make up shouldn't be a factor when determining certain heart medications

Guess medicine is a spook faggot.

It was useful in the past when we didn't have the scientific method. Logic or formalism is the only thing showing truths about the world, coming from philosophy. The rest of philosophies consists of making statements that can never be falsified, putting them in same category as other things we can't falsify like religions and the eternal questions about a god or creator.

you're a moron

also pay debnts

First off, hello /his/, you ruined what could have been a fantastic board. Second, mathematical logic and mathematical philosophy are so different from conventional philosophy that you certainly cannot call them the same thing but I wouldn't expect a fucking faggot who can only argue semantics to understand that. Third, The uselessness of philosophy is debatable mainly because philosophy is often concerned with subjective matters such as how we should live. But data science and advanced statistics will shut that down by giving completely objective data on the hypotheses that philosophers propose, allowing us to asses their validity with more and more accuracy as time goes on. Eventually, sometime in the farflung future, philosophy will be contained to unknowables such as metaphysics and thought experiments with unrealistic universes.

In short: get fucked. Anyone can study philosophy. It doesnlt mean anything without being trained in hard sciences where the hypotheses have some sort of relevance.

Anyone that has ever smelled a wet nigger in the rain can't honestly believe we are all the same species.

We get these threads every fucking day. Why is it so hard to accept that RACE IS A BIOLOGICAL FACTOR IDENTIFIABLE THROUGH GENETIC ANALYSIS?

There is something called Fixation Index (FST), which measures differences in genetic structures among populations. The higher the index between two populations, the higher the genetic differences.

Look at the picture on the left. Each point represents an ethnic/racial group. The distance between points represents their FST.

Can you see how European ethnic groups cluster together? Or how Europeans and say, Bantus (from Kenya) are far apart?

If you refuses to believe this is a proof of the biological basis of race, you are beyond salvation.

Read/Watch these materials too if you are interested:

Arguments Regarding the Existence of Races

Biological Differences Between the Races

The Biological Reality of Race

DNA Proof of Racial Differences

Human Bio-Diversity Reading List


Race Differences in Intelligence

Race, Evolution and Behavior

Race is More than Skin Color!

Races Exist - How Could You Ever Doubt It?

The Reality of Human Races

Ten Fallacies of Race Denial

I meant to post this picture.

it's not a spook if it exists

>you're debunked
if it were that easy I could say the same thing for you