Are you too "patriotically correct" Sup Forums? This is the yin to the left's poltically correct yang...

Are you too "patriotically correct" Sup Forums? This is the yin to the left's poltically correct yang. How do you plan to combat this new narrative?

>But conservatives have their own, nationalist version of PC, their own set of rules regulating speech, behavior and acceptable opinions. I call it “patriotic correctness.” It’s a full-throated, un-nuanced, uncompromising defense of American nationalism, history and cherry-picked ideals. Central to its thesis is the belief that nothing in America can’t be fixed by more patriotism enforced by public shaming, boycotts and policies to cut out foreign and non-American influences.

>Insufficient displays of patriotism among the patriotically correct can result in exclusion from public life and ruined careers. It also restricts honest criticism of failed public policies, diverting blame for things like the war in Iraq to those Americans who didn’t support the war effort enough.

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I'm against regulating speech, but regulating behavior is literally what laws are for.

>Browse Sup Forums, the supposed home of the 'alt right', every day.
>Literally never heard of "patriotically correct".


>implying this isn't just the insatiable human autistic need to find a counterbalence in everything that happens to be "fringe"
>oh look this guy said 'x' that means all radical opposition to it is now 'negative x' and not 'y' because I'm a retard and don't know how arguments work


I totally support shitting on the US when it's deserved, which is more and more as lefties come to power

ive literally never heard that term before

is this fake news?

It's a fairly new term that emerged shortly after 9/11. It's getting attention again after the election. There's a book on the concept.

not just that, you're a brit I'm a canadian this board is full of non-americans that support trump and don't really give a shit about american patriotism

>they're now admitting that political correctness is garbage
>literally the only thing they have left is "b-but conservatives can be bad too!"

>Browse Sup Forums the supposed home of the 'alt right', every day
>Literally never heard of "Alt-right"


Fuck niggers, marines are faggots, respect no office, America sucks, faggots are annoying.

Patriotically correct? Is this a joke, the more the right get a hold on political power means the racism and injustice minorities will face in america will sky rocket because of this. It's no wonder why America is so backward today... its sad

There's nothing funnier than seeing out-of-touch liberal journalists trying to understand the grassroots right

>liberal wearing a mask.jpg

Agreed. I think it's a fair point. I have never witnessed it myself, and would need many more examples, but I won't say it doesn't exist in some circles.


Clearly I'm PC!

literally never heard of the term "patriotic correctness"

are the ((media)) just being blatant with their agendas now?

(((((((( ALEX NOWRASTEH )))))))))

He does have a point, lots of burger-retards here will defend their country's stupid foreign policy in spite of all the evidence it's been disastrous for the past 50 years


I often wonder if the left will ever collectively learn from any of it's mistakes.. but then I also realize that them doing so would rob me of some exceptionally entertaining moments over the rest of my life. Watching them flounder, flail and fail over and over again is just too good.

clearly, their new strategy is making up new buzzwords, throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. alt-right and fake news stuck, but I doubt this retarded shit will.

To a certain degree, it does become ideological when things such as a war cannot be criticized. The government should rarely be patriotized; the focus should always be on the people - and if that government is best for the people, then it's institutions should be patriotized. George Bush shouldn't have had so much support in his government and in the war effort simply because he was an American, and our flag was flying in lands we conquered. But when we live in a society as dysfunctional, atomized and immoral as our own, a push towards healthy collectivism is a step in the right direction. Our societies have gotten to this stage that Liberals love, where they have enough diversity to feel good about themselves (but not too much wherein they must feel the actual realities), simply because our society was so White to begin with. Only White people allow these prevailing systems, and invent ideas such as "liberty" and "personal freedom". Chaos always returns to order and vice versa.

I think they're using the term as as deconstructionist that we've gained power again they have to actually do some work and make some new words up as ammunition.

They're either going to use this on normies to keep them from going too right-wing and hedge fascist tendencies or this is just a mirror term that leftists will use to weasel out of arguments.

The funny part is that the Alt-Right in particular has already addressed this by filling its ranks with redpilled ex-military dudes that could give a fuck about "the troops", they've dealt with shitty blacks and all of the gay and trans inclusion stuff for so long that these dudes are itching to clean house. And if you don't believe me listen to the boys on The War Room. Dudes are true believers. Glad they're on my side.

That all being said, people who invent stupid fucking terms like "patriotic correctness" aren't considering their argument as hard as any of us, and as said, they're just "throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks". It's disingenuous politicking.

yeah, we need to out-jew the jews with high verbal IQs...all the shit we get handed rolls downhill from them

>diverting blame for things like the war in Iraq to those Americans who didn’t support the war effort enough.

They're just talking about neocons. Don't worry, we hate neocons too.

Where the fuck did this even come from? I didn't hear it until Donald won. Did Soros fund the media to relabel the conservative boogeyman so they could try to turn people against them again?

This is actually a fair point.

Yeah, that's what they do. It is a Cultural Libertarian/moderate "rationalist" stance to take, to try and paint "political correctness" as something that transcends partisan lines. I suppose leftists are probably picking it up now, because it sounds right until it's given any further investigation and helps their agendas stay afloat. You'll often see SJWs trying to equate some sort of hypocrisy with right wingers expressing social dismay at something, and then them trying to say it's the same as them being told they're special snowflakes.

This is worse than that retard Sean Hannity saying alt left. He's on our side but I can't overlook what a retard he is.

"Alt-Right" is a term that Jared Taylor and Richard Spencer have been using for a long time. It sprouted from the NRx and other neo-reaction Nationalist ideologies.

>combat this narrative.
>implying Sup Forums is a political organization with anything remotely resembling a party platform
you fucking loser retards need to get off my Taiwanese origami board

But why the sudden influx in usage by college student "intellectuals" and mainstream media? Just curious is all.

That's not true though? It's not like he's even spinning something as a means of injecting his bias, he's flat out making shit up. I can just picture this faggot sitting at some hipster coffee shop in manhattan conjuring the new narrative, believing that he has made some groundbreaking assessment of the current political climate.

There are people on the right who aren't patriotic in any sense. There are people right here on this site who despise patriotism, seeing it as weak and disingenuous effort designed to market to "murrica fuck yea" individuals who still believe we are living in the 1950s (culturally and economically).

This man is not just passé, engaging in the type of yellow journalism reminiscent of an article you would have read in the back of the new yorker back in 2003, he's delusional and detached from reality as well as his fellow countrymen. It's very sad to see someone so isolated from the world. It's difficult to grasp why these people are still held in such high regards by others in their socioeconomic circles. It's indicative of an endemic illness in the media which I don't see being resolved any time soon. They need to step out of their cosmopolitan echo chambers and back into the real world because not everyone has the same "privileged" lifestyles they do.


you're proving his point, spencer and AmRen have only recently become popular as the media have picked them up

Because its gotten really big and Hillary named it.

NPI attendance tripled, the Daily Shoah gets 100,000 listens every week and there's been more on ground organization.

>"""immigration policy analyst"

a nation without borders isn't a nation, and the self-styled government of such a shitheap is nothing but an armed mafia of thieves who rob you at gunpoint

also what the fuck Trump was the only one with the balls to call Iraq a FAILURE. and it WAS. a giant waste of tax dollars fought to enrich the kikes in the military-industrial complex and the kikes in Dick Cheney's Halliburton Co. and Hillary Clinton voted YES for that shit war, too. And letting an incompetent, small-dicked neocon cryptojew rat like Rumsfeld play General and pretend he had a fucking clue what he was doing did more damage than fucking Shock & Awe did to Iraq.

Jews, literally. They needed a term to marginalize any sort of anti-globalist, or social conservative, nationalist ideas, so they pushed the term "alt-right".

They did the same thing with "racist" when Trotsky started using the term in his communist propaganda in the 1930s.

>Jews, literally.


>Washington compost


if theres any doubt in your mind that our universities are anything but zionist institutions, there's no saving you.

Just leave Sup Forums. Make your own image board and shitpost there because you'll never put a lid on the information thats out there

>patriotic correctness
Liberals have to make up more newspeak every year because their terms always become hated and are used to mock them. If they go through with this one it'll be the same.

He stole this line from Patriotic Pepe on twitter. He was tweeting "I may not be politically correct, but I am patrtiotically correct!" memes all election.

you're retarded.

The alt-right was previously a group of ex-libertiarns ex-NRX guys jerking each other off over how different they are to mainstream conservatism until it eventually managed to catch on and with trs's daily shoah (which gets 100,000 listens a week) its managed to grow a large base, the NPI conference usually only ever got about a 100 or so old segregationists and cranks, now its 300+ majority of whom are youth.


Its alt right all over again

Dude I am not shitposting I am legit curious and seeking knowledge.

libertarians who realize libertarianism only works with white people

where did you come from? most new people here are civic nationalists from /r/_the_donald and antifa who just got kicked out of their DIY spaces thanks to us

other than the dixie chicks (who came back) when did it ruin anyones career in the way that PC does.

Because it's what Jews do. They push terms like this to marginalize, stigmatize, discredit and divide.

It's pretty much straight-up an Alinskyte tactic.
>“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.

I think that spike in June is from when (((Milo))) wrote that Breitbart article about the "alt-right". And it's mainly people like him and (((Shapiro))) who have been pushing the term so hard.

Same shit with "fake news", "hate speech", "conspiracy theorist", etc.

they are just throwing everything they can at the wall to see what sticks


You guys better be patriotic about Obama enough or well 'exclude you from public life' and get you fired from your jobs you fucks


I haven't seen anybody accuse anybody else of being unamerican or going "muh terrirsts will win".

But then Spencer pulled off Hailgate and both of those cucks stopped using the term

So is Spencer working with them to provide to push the platform further right or what? So far I have no reason to believe he's a plant. He basically singlehandedly re-took the word from them with his actions.

Fair enough.
Article actually makes good points

>wanting to own land, make good money working and support a wholesome family is somehow subservient to something a bunch of liberals complain about

Too the extent this is a thing, Trump violated "patriotic correctness" just as hard as actual PC. He criticized the Iraq war. He told Jeb Bush his brother didn't keep us safe. He insulted a war hero for the lulz.

Muslim Brotherhood actually studied the origin of Homophobia to come up with Islamophobia, pretty interesting

>having a narrative at all
Shit like that makes me suspicious. I prefer my left-wing tactics.

That's not how meme magic works, Alex.

Might as well add: the term "conspiracy theorist" was pushed by the (((CIA))) to discredit people who questioned the Kennedy assassination.

>As Dan Raviv and Yossi Melman wrote in Friends in Deed: Inside the U.S.-Israel Alliance, “Abba Eban recall[ed] that when a team of American inspectors arrived at Dimona, ‘it cost us…a lot of money to arrange it so their inspectors wouldn’t find out what was going on.’ False walls were erected, doorways and elevators hidden, and dummy installations were built to show the Americans, who found no evidence of the weapons program secreted underground.”

>Gen-Gurion became increasingly furious with Kennedy for his interest in Israeli affairs and lack of support, he also despised Kennedy's view of them as equals.

>On the day Kennedy was assassinated Yitzak Rabin, then defense minister was in Dallas. He was accompanied earlier that day by Jack "Ruby" Rubenstein who was acting as he described as an interpreter.

>"There has been since almost the earliest days of the Israeli state and the earliest days of the CIA a secret bond, basically by which Israeli intelligence did jobs for the CIA and for the rest of American intelligence. You can't understand what's been going on with American covert operations and the Israeli covert operations until you understand this secret arrangement."
>Andrew Cockburn on C-SPAN'S Booknotes, September 1, 1991.

There is a shred of truth to what he says, but "patriotic correctness" is not nearly as strong as political correctness, nor is it as damaging when you break it. I can run outside and scream "Mexico is the best country in the world!" or "India is the best country in the world!". My professional life is not ruined. But if I go outside and scream "white people are the best race!" and that gets caught on camera, it's over for me.

This is great honestly. All they are doing with this is throwing the politically correct crowd under the bus by equating it to a negative aspect that they create for the right.

I for one am glad to finally see the fall of this most recent wave of political correctness.

Such horse shit
Trump proved this wrong with his calls for tranny and gay acceptance at the RNC, socialist views on labor, and peace mongering

Fake news!!!

That's because Trump was an out of touch, billionaire elite liberal from new York city before obama. He decided to harness the power of gullible uneducated white people to ascend to power.

except Trump has ran loudly shitting on American foreign policy, including when running for the primary in a state where Bush had 99% approval rate

>Peace mongering

You can't be serious.

Ask an Asian American female how much injustice she experiences you stupid maplechink

Yeah, all the anti-Putin leftist warmongers who want the siege of Aleppo to last forever

yeah them gullible white people standing up for their interests and against a woman who wants them to outsource all their jobs, have open borders and start ww3

guys what if we are making america great again for nothing?

>people still pushing this meme

Trump ran for the Reform Party alongside Pat Buchanan and called himself a conservative in the early-2000s.

Honestly, I wish there was "nationalist correctness". The speech of Jews, liberals and leftists should be stifled. Patriotism is cancerous because it manipulated Americans to fight wars for Israel and WW2.

World peace stems from the fact we will fucking END YOU in regular or nuclear flames if you act up too much.

so the left is admitting that their political correctness is stifling?

>Wanting a thriving multi cultural society, contribute to society and the environment as a whole and support both traditional and nontraditional families is somehow subservient to something a bunch of conservatives and altfags complain about

See i can do it too.

Maybe in 2002 somewhere in the deep south, clearly not in 2016

Of course.

Unlike most of the spineless libertarians here, In know that the right-wing cannot be divided from authority and we must work for a Fascist or Monarchist regime as much as we can.

So fear mongering is the same thing as peace mongering? Why didn't you vote for Clinton?

I don't see anything wrong with patriotic correctness. It doesn't discriminate against any race, sex, or economic class.

Nearly there bro. Your pills get redder once you realise (((trump))) is as much in control of (((trump))) as you are.

No, it isn't. We're not conservatives. Conservatism is a dead issue, anyway.

nobody objects to thriving multicultural societies
what people object to is lefties having the furious desire to destroy thriving western cultures with unlimited immigration because they're too white
lefties can create nothing, they can only destroy
so they see white people, and since they HATE white people which makes sense because WHITE PEOPLE ARE EVIL and WHITE PEOPLE DON'T EXIST, they want to import millions of violent Islamic refugees because RELIGION IS WRONG AND BACKWARDS and they want to disarm the populace so only cops have guns and all cops even black ones are RACIST WHITE SUPREMACISTS who want to KILL BLACK PEOPLE

>freedom of speech includes lack of political correctness

You can't label freedom of speech as language policing because freedom of speech is by definition in favor of free speech.

>So fear mongering is the same thing as peace mongering?
Fearmongering = what Hillary does ("Russians are coming! white supremacist neonazis will destroy everything you love!")
Peacemongering = what Trump does ("uh, why should we go to war with 901 countries on false pretenses? that's real retarded sir")

Try again.

>this board is full of non-americans that are cucks

>Trump cares about poor people

Seriously, why does anyone believe this? Before running for president, did he ever indicate a genuine passion for helping people? These next 4 years are gonna be rough.

it's been said for ages. Speak softly and carry a big stick.
You can go to negotiations without a stick and no one will listen to you. If the person with the biggest stick wants war, they get war. If they want peace, they get peace.

So a term that a single author made up that is virtually never encountered in the wild.

Even if "patriotic correctness" is a real thing, it has nowhere near the influence and power of political correctness. Political correctness is ingrained in all mainstream media, instilled heavily in public education, and writ large into law. To equivocate the two is disingenuous at best,

>nobody objects to thriving multicultural societies
>he fell for the multikulti meme

>Totally not projecting

Just think these people are getting paid to write this garbage

He is right.

Fearmongering = what Trump does ("Brown people are coming! Muslims and mexicans will destroy everything you love!")
Peacemongering = what Hillary does ("uh, why should we allow countries to commit human rights violations against innocent people when we have the power to maintain peace without actually fighting? that's real retarded sir")

Try again. Your patriotic correctness is hindering productive dialogue. I suggest you read more and come back later.

>Before running for president, did he ever indicate a genuine passion for helping people?

He's donated millions to charity, so yes. And he's ran on a platform of raising issues that would not be on the radar without him (antiglobalism would not be a thing without Alex Jones, and it would not be a household thing without Trump; opposition to illegal immigration would not be on the radar if it wasn't for Trump weathering the storm).

Why did you even bother quoting a union leader? Rich little gangster pieces of shit who chase jobs out of the country and whose mission in life is to make people in their trades that don't pay protection money unemployed.

Job creators > career JOB DESTROYERS

are you fucking RETARDED? read the next sentence idiot

there are no fucking 'thriving multicultural societies,' but if they were no one would object to them

It's crazy how much liberals want to project onto conservatives. I've never had a hard time advocating liberal ideas - like universal health care - to conservatives. Generally they're at least willing to hear the arguments and in many cases (especially libertarians) they'll even have rebuttals. But advocate conservative ideals - like an armed populace - to liberals? No fucking way.


>Fearmongering = what Trump does ("Brown people are coming! Muslims and mexicans will destroy everything you love!")


>Peacemongering = what Hillary does ("uh, why should we allow countries to commit human rights violations against innocent people when we have the power to maintain peace without actually fighting? that's real retarded sir")

Hillary and the CIA's desperate desire to start wars over hacked emails is not "peacemongering," retard. Try again.

Now these people are just making shit up as they go, and it's getting sad.