This is Nick Cage and his half asian son Kal-El Cage
Why do guys still fall for the Asian vaginal-jew?
This is Nick Cage and his half asian son Kal-El Cage
Why do guys still fall for the Asian vaginal-jew?
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Nick Cage looks like a fuckead shitcunt autist in that pick
Suits him
Why is Nick Cage imitating Andrew Jackson?
I don't mind it. Asians are respectable people.
why does Nick look like he's auditioning for A Christmas Carol?
like omg look at those shoes
we tmz now
holy shit is he really wearing jeans with that coat.
and those glasses
did these people never learn how to properly dress?
Damn, he's got the crazy pimp eyes.
also Kal- El
Half Cast from Krypton
>Kal-El Cage
""""""men""""""'s uggs
that chinese faggot is worst than his son that has a shitty metal band
Do niggers have dreams?
no, we killed the last one who had one.
The vampire rumours were true. He is just wearing what he thinks is casual wear. Kek
Holy fuck
nice outfit, Nic
"Let's do this..."
[low rider]
Nick cage looks like a pimp in that picture
You obviously missed this documentary on feminism in the west
Me on the left
>He doesn't imitate Andrew Jackson.
I know he's not running but that heelstriking triggers my proper form autism.
cage dresses quite cool desu
>Kal-El Cage
he seriously named his son after superman? i swear, only actors do this shit
>Kal-El Cage
>It's fucking real
>Kal-El Cage
I love the pottery since Nick was supposed to play Superman in Tim Burton's version that was cancelled.
Nice uggs you fucking fag, why are you hanging out with scrooge mcduck?
>a white pimp taking his asian male prostitute for a walk
Depends which kind
Wow. Top hat and cane? Cage must really love Baron Semedi.
>Uggs and basketball shorts
they don't think past the sex, to the children.
What a faggot, I would have totally gone with Jor-El for my Chink's name.
his son is named fucking kal-el? nic cage posses great autism power
gotta hand it to Cage for inventing the Full Body Fedora
Nike Cage is a fourteen-year-old autist in a grown man's body and with millions of dollars.
>Kal-El Coppola Cage
I had to look it up to see if this was true. I'm stuck between wanting to laugh and feeling utter disappointment.
He looks fucking crazy.. are they going out to eat cheese pizza and ping pong?
Pretty based desu
high or low, good or bad, the dude never phones it in
Is this picture from a "Thrift Shop" clip?
Everybody needs to watch Face/Off.
That's prime Cage right there.
hehehehe he looks like some gay-pedo magician
Oh my fucking god, the tard really actually named him "Kal-El".
Nick Cage is alright.Fucker can act and is funny as hell.
fuck Russell Brand though.
That's his best movie. I don't even know how he managed to do it. Everything else he's in is mediocre/10.
He wanted to name him Kal-El Bruce Lee Cage
>ka lel
>bah!! Humbug!!!
-said Nick Scrooge
>I hate Christmas!!!
Which one is Nick Cage?
The one with a shiteating grin and a cane
If that's his actual biological son then Cage must have dormant Asian dna or something. Otherwise, he got cucked.
>wasting your hard earned money for this crap.
No wonder I have no friends.
who fucking dresses these people
Is he just trying really hard to hide his identity?
> a tuppence if you flag me a hansom, and be right quick about it lad. CHOP CHOP
>half asian son
that motherfucker is 100% asian
Lok at his other son. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
He is literally LARPing as varg.
Adaptation is better than Face/Off
Looks awfully familiar.
not the canadian ones
>dormant dna
please tell me Sup Forums doesnt believe this meme
Judging by a lazy image search, he seems like a reasonable dad. Lots of pictures of him carrying his kid.
It's Nic, not Nick.
Nu-male Nathan Explosion
His child is rebelling in every way possible
Way to go to destroy your iconic face genes with a generic looking Asian. Is that his biological son or adopted? He doesn't looks anything like his father.
Kids a faggot .pushing the race mix and fag agenda good goy
Naming your kid Kal-El is guaranteed to make them autistic regardless of their race.
didn't he literally get cucked by his current wife?
probably not even his son lmao
Someone was watching the one show the other day
Aw man his son is that fat smooshy faced kind of Asian, that sucks
Reeee why is he in England, I dont' want him here, he's a shit actor and a spastic
Wait, is he wearing that cliched 1800's garb unironically because he's in England and wants to blend int? what a bell-end i'm going to torrent all his films and then delete them.
>not general zod
This is why you are a virgin
Dexfag with threaded cane, I see.
>t. Xue Wong
probably means something humiliating in whatever SE Asian language this kid's real family spoke
Been thinking about buying this Asian kid from my local pawn shop, any ideas what I should name it?
Was thinking Chun Lee.
do you get a discount for getting one without eyes?
Name him Comet Ping-Pong
Dik wang
Don't fucking racemix, kids. His son looks ABSOLUTELY NOTHING LIKE HIM, Cage has one of the most recognizeable faces ever, and all he got for a son is a fucking moon faced asian nerd.
As someone engaged to an asian this scares the hell out of me. God I hope we have a daughter.
The only thing that triggers me is why the fuck would that halfbreed autistic kid wear suede Ugg boots in the rain? You can see the water seeping through the shoes at the toes and just working its way back and soaking his feet.
It makes no sense.
Looks 100% Asian.
Different mother, I presume?
God fucking damn you're my favourite deputy
Nick Cage looks exactly as I expected him to.
looks more normal than this degenerate of his
Face/Off is definitely one of my favourite films