take a good look at his channel. his recent vids all have the same subject, and they are bizarrely long for what he usually puts out. youtube.com
Krauts massive guilt trip, and how to abuse it
Other urls found in this thread:
holocaust deniers truly blown the fuck out
I am afraid to watch his videos. I don't want to have my views challenged.
>holocaust deniers truly blown the fuck out
they already BTFO themselves without any help
He's a racial eligaritarianist. That's more ignorant than flat earthing
Auschwitz was in operation from May '40 until January '45, so that's 1737 days. An estimated 1.1 million have been put to ashes, because there is not a single piece of evidence. That means that (1.1 million / 1737) 634(!) bodies completely vanished into the air (lol) every single day in Auschwitz. How is that even possible? What kind of fuel do you use? Unicorn Dust?
why are russians such dumbasses? i mean we know americans are dumb because of the excess of lipids in their brain (aka fathead syndrome). but why are russkies so dumb. my hypothesis: a combination of FAS and malnourishment in developmental years due to poverty
Are there a lot of Naziboos in Russia?
I'll never understand. Maybe its just like the primo edgy teen thing to do.
I feel like that war was so brutal on the Eastern Front that forgiveness would be very hard.
Hey Ezio Spergattio, how was the hospital?
He is probably a kike
Refute his point
Truly an intellectual argument. Sicilian by a chance?
Use the English, illiterate mong. Don't speak like an autist. As far as historical accuracy goes I see no reason why being skeptical about the Holocaust makes one a Nazi.
Appealing to ignorance. Nice.
Ignoring the difference between races is pretty ignorant, dont you think?
In regards to the second half of the post.
Kek, I love how none of the replies actually challenge what he said. So yeah. Holocaust doesn't make sense, deal with it, you've been lied to.
Im pointing out the fallacy, dope. Also, burden of proof. The denier brought no evidence for their claim.
Burden of proof lies upon the people that claimed that it happened in the first place.
But they never delivered
>brought no evidence for their claim.
Do you ever bring the evidence for yours?
I didnt make one, did i
Thatll happen when all you read is imright.com
I used numbers of operation and number of total death toll. Did some math. Asked a technical question.
Thats funny because I only consume media of the opposite politcal spectrum.
I never visited stormfront and breitbart about 3 times this year.
You know where it starts to get fishy already? When its punishable by prison to question the narrative in half of Europe.
Here is 4h of all different sorts of evidence on why the Holocaust is really questionable
Do you actually believe the testimony that nazis were doing soaps and hair mattresses from the bodies of the jews?
Not available in my country.
Wtf I totally believe that the Holocaust happened now
Continue providing no proof of hjews being gassed. I'll wait
Death toll in Auchwitz was impossible and there isn't a single shred of documented evidence which shows those deaths occurring.
It was an appeal to ignorance. Im not here to debate you, i simply told you this. Am i wrong?
I told user his argument was simply an appeal to ignorance. If you guys werent such lunatics you might get your point across. Jesus.
Did i say i believed it?
For the fourth time now, one of you answer this.
Are you serious ahah
I didn't fully watch it yet but it's about the Triblika death camps and points out inconsistencies with the testimonies and official evidence at Nuremberg which is widely accepted as "proof" of the Holocaust, they also go into great detail to show you how you can research these sources yourself.
For example one of the descriptions of Triblika death camp is incredibly detailed yet it shows that they had a water well right in the middle of a bunch of ditches where they buried around 700,000 corpses which means that water well would have been contaminated and unusable. This is all detailed evidence that was accepted in Nuremberg and never refuted. But like I said I haven't watched the full thing yet, funny that it's banned in Germany.
So what are we supposed to believe?
Am I supposed to believe a narrative that I am not allowed to question by law? Doesnt this raise at least some basic suspicion in you?
+-600 a day
600 / (24*60) = 0.416 deaths per minute over 1737 days
Well, wasnt the trial code for the Nuremberg Laws made that way that there was no evidence needed to "pove" somethign? Article 19 or 21 if I remember correctly.
Also checked.
You deflecting cunt, answer the goddamn question. I dont give a shit what you believe.
>punishable by prison
Funny isn't it? You know there even been realised quite a piece of cinematic art concerning this issue. Called ... "Denial". This film shows Deborah Lipstadt as a poor little lady picked on by this man, in reality she started this by defaming Irvine in a book, in court she was represented by Princess Diana's attorney, she was financially backed by Steven Spielberg, she had the Israeli ambassador on her side in court along with his armed guards, she never spoke to the media, and more importantly, she never too the stand to be cross examined. David Irvine who took the stand and defended his case, and was made bankrupt by this, was one of the worlds most celebrated and respected historians until he refused to add passages on the holocaust in his book "Hitler's War". It was Deborah to inflame ban on holocaust revision
I never mentioned your belief. In that comment you are basically implying that anyone who questions the Holocaust lacks critical thought and is just a gullible person being brainwashed by propaganda. Didn't you imply that with that comment? So I provided you with some stuff to think about that's all.
>some people made up certain facts about the holocaust
>whole thing must be fake
eagerly awaiting arguing with fags on cyberpunk hologram Sup Forums in my 90s who say 9/11 never happened using those sad cunts who lie about their husbands having died in the towers for attention as proof no one died
Where did i say anything of the sort
You did not ask me a question
Well as it gets slowly too obvious discovering 100 years old "survivors" they do the next step to keep the coming generations under their yoke and spin the denial narrative.
In 10 years there will be movies about how jews are not to be questioned about this time by the goyim because its like anutha shoah for them
ignore the amerifag, he's not contributing anything of value to the discussion.
Yeah, like we were found guilty of doing Katyn in 1946 by that rightful tribunal right?
Must have had a high standard of proof
Noone said the whole thing must be fake but that depends on what's your definition of Holocaust.
What's your definition?
> you didnt ask a question
"Did i say i believed it?" Is a question. You replied to it
I ask you again, did i say i believed it?
Its called a jab, you autist.
>that jpg
haha cry more FAS babby. your views will never be mainstream and worth a damn
You still did not ask me a question.
No you did not say that but suggested it by your comments. And by applying different standards for the burden of proof.
You responded toAnswer the question
Assuming that your definition is that there was an "extermination program" by the nazis to get rid of the jews, then there is nothing to actually support that.
If your definition is that a lot of jews died in the war then yea there is a lot of evidence supporting that.
You dont understand what burden of proof or imply mean.
I told someone why their logic was flawed and implied nothing.
>that JPG
What about it? Barely shows real life Irving and real life Deborah. Aren't we all thriving for the accuracy and truth?
>FAS baby
I assume you mean that I have FAS because I'm ethnically Russian? May I have a look at a peer reviewed medical study that suggest wide spread FAS within the ethnic Russian group?
You implied that the Holocaust was already objectively proven and therefore the burden of proof lies upon us who doubt its existence. And that is logically wrong since it was not proven before a neutral court.
So I recently had the breakthrough that the major reason why the West has bought into the Holocaust narrative is because deep down everyone is a little bit of a sadist and fascinated by the idea of evil. We want to believe it was real because the Holocaust is the traumatizing Evil that shapes the Western society. The Jews by themselves couldn't construct such a vast conspiracy, the truth is that we (the West) want the conspiracy to be truth because we are fascinated by evil. What better feeling than to believe that your recent ancestors are the ex-libris of Evil and that you shall was away their sins by bringing in mass refugees etc? In a society that has lost all purpose due to atheism and nihilism, the Holocaust is the one true provider of meaning. The Holocaust fuels everything from SJW to mass migration to "save the blackie".
If one of the vectors of meaning (from a nihilist perspective) is pain, then what greater pain to inflict yourself than to consider your grandfather to have committed the most devilish acts that even Christians couldn't imagine being a part of Hell? Sure, the Jewish conspiracy is a possibility but it's completely irrelevant at this point. The only way it could work is if we wanted the Holocaust to be true and we do. We want to bask in the face of evil and tell ourselves that that could be us if we really tried. But the truth is we could never become that. Unlike the fetus-eating Asians or the dog-fearing Muslims, we are compassionate and kind. And that's bad. That means we are weak and doomed to self-destruction.
I don't want to know the truth about the Holocaust anymore. Blue-pill me on the Holocaust and let me go back to praising myself for not being as evil as them.
stop getting baited
>You implied that the Holocaust was already objectively proven
Link the post where i said that
>waaah why don't the actors look like the people in real life, that's not accurate
I'm assuming you have FAS because of your mental impairment, if you're saying your retardation has other causes so be it.
If you only you applied half the effort in actually refuting that you do in shitposting
This is called me pinning the douche that is misrepresenting me down.
Im logically showing him hes dishonest.
I simply told someone why their logic was wrong there.
>how could that even happen? I dont believe it
Thats an appeal to ignorance.
>waaah why don't the actors look like the people in real life
In a fucking biopic. Casting directors usually get BTFO for such mistakes. Usually
>FAS due to mental impairment
How does FAS affect the cognitive abilities?
>mental impairment
May I ask you what kind of scientific literature did you use to get a skill to tell apart mental impairment judging by one's writing?
Well now we need it because we are used to it, at leas tthe leftist fuckheads
How? Literally
-days of operation
-official total death count
Math applied
>question pondered
Technical question at that.
Le fake pretentious voice man tells us all how to be rational once again
In my book it's called shitposting since you managed to derail the thread into being about your feelings instead of being about the fact that the numbers don't add up
Not you, the german.
Hitler had resources, im not sure why thats out of this realm.
occasional brutality and logistic genius of Großdeutsches Reich were not yet questioned. Just one particular camp, and you know - the laws of physics
In a discussion, when you show a fallacy and people start misrepresenting you and what you say, im not the one with hurt feels. Im showing them why theyre wrong, and when they fucking double down on their bullshit then the discussion cant progress anyways.
Where did my feelings come into play here?
>laws of physics
>the laws of physics
you don't know what that means right? that's why everyone thinks you're retarded
He hasnt defined why its relevant, to be fair.
>they already BTFO themselves without any help
On the german Wikipedia the collected Death Toll is around 3 Million. Where did the other 3 go?
Im german and i never knew him until last weekend. He seems to be a sad and lowly educated dude, he claimed in one Video that Nazis pushed the german timezone onto Frenchies during WW2.
People like him are like a handbrake, he tries to sound eloquent when he puts on this fake accent and gullible goys fall for "muh Culture is all that matters even If im surrounded by 6 Trillion Pakis"
(You) want us to believe in it. You have to bring proof it happened. How can we bring proof of things that didnt happen?
Your feeling came into play because you had 3 choices:
1) Double down on "appeal to ignorance" and make the whole thread about this bullshit
2) Do a 30sec google search to find out there were 52 ovens in Auschwitz and continue the conversation from there
3) Leave the thread
However here you are because what you want to do is for someone to tell you, you were right about the appeal to ignorance thing. So ok you were right, now what? If you're not going to address the actual relevant point why are you posting
>0.416 deaths per minute over 1737 days
And now People should look up how long it takes to oven someone. Holocaust debunked
>everyone thinks you're retarded
Yet again, citation needed. You seem to have problem with that
>Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München graduate
Pick one, Terrone
It doesn't matter whether Holocaust is real or not.
Holocaust proponents are Americans and Soviets. Nobody sane should believe what these cretins have to say.
Holocaust denial doesn't stem from the fact that it didn't happen, but from wish to oppose everything Kikes say. Holocaust denial therefore isn't denial but a promise that next time we will make Holocaust even grander in scale.
Don't mess with us.
I remember how I called to a crematory on a loud speaker during history class and asked how long would it take to cremate my "dead grandma".
Its a logical fallacy. Because someone doesnt know how it happened it must be a lie?
People didnt die from sickness/starvation/shooting/etc ?
I have to leave because i dont agree with a post made? This isnt a safe space, faggot. Go fuck your mother.
You address the fallacy and move on in the goddamn discussion if youve ever been in one.
Good point, Kanakebro
>but it might freak him out more to accuse him of being a nazi. pose as a sjw or an antifa and say hes been found out, maybe say new skeptic is just alt-lite.
He got doxxed by Antifa saying he is a Nazi and he lost his Shit.
In the End he is just another Sargon, but even more obsessed with his own Voice.
And even more anti-racist.
>i edited a wiki page
no one cares hans
even your fellow stormfags think you're retarded
>larping so hard
i'm sure no one wants to mess with you, pimple faced virgin
>I remember how I called to a crematory on a loud speaker during history class and asked how long would it take to cremate my "dead grandma".
Based Ivan.
Hopefully your "Hackers" put Frauke Petry into Office here so we can get started with that Washington-Berlin-Moscow Axis
>even your fellow stormfags think you're retarded
Yet again citation needed.
I don't think that asking a technical question makes one a Nazi/Stormfront reader per se. Statistically speaking, chances are, you are inbred
And not that smart either
Italy IQ 102/99 (95/92) Basilicata (-/89) Bozen/South Tyrol (-/100) Campania (-/87) Emilia Romagna (-/97) Friuli-Venezia Giulia (-/100) Liguria (-/93) Lombardy (103/96) Piedmont (99/96)Puglia (-/88) Sardinia (-/87) Sicily (-/86) Trient (-/99) Tuscany (99/-) Veneto (102/99)
You can come here and see for yourself.
If they give you visa, that is
I'm afraid that as a BRD citizen I wouldn't need a visa
So what proud citizen of bundesrepublik in Rusland?
*is doing
It does matter because that's the basis of the self-hatred in Western culture. All the SJW and leftists are doing is suiciding to make up for the inherent evil that is in them which is proved by the Holocaust. It's not a coincidence that whenever someone wants to make an analogy or an example they say "that's just like as if Hitler did X" like when Trump shows up in Time magazine what's the most terrible thing these people can come up with? "Oh Hitler was in the Time magazine too."
Being unable to question the Holocaust is the root of SJW and modern day leftism
Helping out fellow Bavarians and Austrians to avoid taxation. Opportunities are limitless here
So nothing stoping you from visiting Holocaust theme park.
Holocaust is not something that should be denied but something to be completed in the near future with the adition of islam and refugees on the final solutin list.German people should be proud of their Natzi era achivements.And by the way that fag-ass ,niger,jew,and muslim bitch should go in the oven with the rest of them like the traitor he is.
I ignore it as a matter of principle, since I find holocaust to be irrelevant. No Bavarians, Swabian and Austrians involved? Not my fucking problem
>German people should be proud of their Natzi era achivements
I agree