Are you concerned that he's a traitor?
Why or why not?
Are you concerned that he's a traitor?
Why or why not?
Who cares? America is not the only country in the world.
It's hard to be concerned about something that isn't true.
because he doesnt hate the Russian boogeyman?
Not really, ive known it all along
Oh hes a puppet, this isnt news to anyone.
But hes the puppet for anarchy user, and thats up my alley.
Americans care
How are they not credible evidence?
We are the best one
I won't believe anything the media says anymore, they were completely wrong about everything relating to this man.
In Trump we Trust.
You guys are still trying to use concern trolling?
We told you weeks ago that it doesn't work here.
America has been ruled by traitors for decades. If he is, it won't even matter.
>concern trolling
You mean "People who aren't as blind as I am". Kill yourself, I voted for Trump same as you. I'm just not a big faggot like you are who calls everyone who questions things "troll". Again, kill yourself. Please? Will ya? You seriously seem like a waste of life.
No. Unlike you, we like appointments such as Jeff "KKK was okay until I found out they smoked pot" Sessions, and an anti-union ceo etc... and actually read the news stories to see hes not keeping Obamacare, just the part that says you cant be denied for a pre-existing condition.. and that the Russia thing was bullshit from the start, and regardless, the revelations which came out were what mattered, not who hacked them.
Anyone who cares about who hacked the information instead of what came out of the hacks is a fucking scumbag and a perfect example of why democracy is a failed concept. Hang yourself, faggot.
What makes you think I don't side with you? A complete fucking strawman you just posted there.
Sorry if I'm not the only Trump voter who didn't bend over to allow his 70 year old dick into my ass. He's our President, we're not his slaves. We vote for him. We want him to work for us. People see it the other way around.
The whole "I used to be a Trump supporter, but now..." thing doesn't work either. CTR has been pulling that shit since 2015.
Just go back to ribbit, okay?
What can we do? Nothing so why trip.
based leafs thank god, makes me proud to be Canadian born
I'm still a Trump supporter, so there goes your entire cockgobbling case over here. Not everyone is going to be completely on the same side as you, just like not everyone is going to look the other way if Trump fucks up.
When's the last time you questioned anything, son? Was it when your mother didn't buy you the meal from McDonald's you wanted, or was it when the Goldman Sachs kikes were chosen by Trump after he said he's against these kinds of people?
Where there's smoke there's fire
Thinking like this causes weakness
We have power as a whole. It's almost baffling how many Americans think like this.
Who/what is the smoke and who/what is the fire?
> acting like an edgy newfag to try to fit in
You sound like a """journalist""" or fbi agent
i think russia US rapproachment is a great thing for the battle against radical Islam, which is the only war worth fighting for. I also think his elections is a way to rethink the current economic paradigm, which is let everyone buy cheap chinese shit to offset their loss of jobs.
I think Democrats selling USA to China are far greater traitors.
You seriously cannot find any credible evidence that I'm trying to fit in with the glorious brotherhood of this shitfest. I'm a Trump supporter who's not blind. God forbid, right? Kill yourself. There's no other way to respond to people dismissing anyone who disagrees with them as a "troll".
I hate survey threads. Share your opinions first. Don't ask me questions. Or lurk more and learn how forums/image boards work.
listen CTR
President-Elect could appoint Hillary fucking Clinton to his Cabinet and I would have no doubt its another move in 4d chess against Soros-globalism, a step or three before he locks her up. He has proven to be the greatest strategist of our time, winning against all odds, that I have no doubt he has a gameplan the likes of which you have never seen. You are right to be afraid. Your world is coming to an end. Ours is just beginning.
>will never run for president
>will never survive calling some Mexicans rapists and criminals
>will never poll higher than 10%
>will never poll higher than 20%
>odds makers say Jeb Bush will be the nominee
>will be doped by the Pope
>will never survive attacking McCain
>will drop out before the first debate
>will never survive the first debate
>woill never survive not making the pledge
>Ben Carson won the 1st debate
>will never survive calling for a ban on Muslims
>Carly Fiorina won the 2nd debate
>will never poll higher than 30%
>will never survive a war against Fox News
>Ted Cruz won the 3rd debate
>will never survive skipping the debate
>supporters won't show up to vote
>he is finished, he lost Iowa
>doesn't have a groundgame
>odds makers say Rubio will be the nominee
>will never win in New Hampshire
>will never win in South Carolina
>will never survive the KKK scandal
>Romney has stumped him
>will never poll higher than 40%
>will be finished after Super Tuesday
>will never poll higher than 50%
>John Kasich won the debate
>hand over the delegates, Donald
>won't reach 1237
>won't be the Republican nominee
>is finished, Hillary was cleared by the FBI
>is finished, Hillary is ahead in all the polls
>is finished, he will never survive trashing a Muslim gold star family
>is finished, he lost the first debate
>is finished, he will never survive pussygate
>is finished, his party is abandoning him
>is finished, he will lose the second debate
>is finished, he will lose the third debate
>is finished, he's losing all the polls
>is finished, Hillary was cleared by the FBI again
>is finished, he's losing all the exit polls
>is finished, he's losing Florida, North Carolina and Ohio
>won't reach 270!
>won't be our president
read the list
then kindly fuck off
>I'm tired of threads not being organized the way I wish
Well life just sucks for you then.
I rather disperse it throughout the thread, like a healthy normal discussion would be (ideally, without the shitposting in this thread).
Dismissed. What a fucking faggot, plugging your ears all the time.
>then kindly fuck off
No, I immediately dismissed it when he assumed I was against Trump.
Seriously if you are this much of a faggot against your fellow man then you should kill yourself. You're anti-American, you're anti-Trump supporters who QUESTION Trump (because, after all, we can't always 100% trust any politician). Yep, faggot detected. The only thing that's 100% is how much you resort to calling people trolls when you're triggered.
i'm concerned that he is addicted to people kissing his ass and that he'll do whatever those people want him to.
he does have good intentions but he gets distracted by his ego all the time. just because i want him to succeed doesn't mean i can't admit he is kinda fucked up.
>these kinds of people
what? smart people? people who are good at what they do?
did you think he was going to fucking hire off of Sup Forums?
you never had any idea of what his plans were and you're a moron who doesn't know shit just parroting whatever you hear.
trump's picks have been excellent. i don't know what companies you thought he was going to find smart people at, but being smart doesn't equal being corrupt.
>you never had any idea of what his plans were and you're a moron who doesn't know shit just parroting whatever you hear.
No, I'm only using his own words against what I've seen. Do you think he is using these evil puppets for good? Do you think they won't turn against him? Do you think this does not go against his principles?
So , you admit that the US is a banana republic, a third world shithole?
Then who's the monkey? The jews?
i don't think you know what you're talking about.
i think you saw the word goldman-sachs and said, 'oh trump's gone and done it'.
or at least i think that's what you want us to believe. you're either really stupid or a shill.
"evil puppets" what the fuck are you talking about, do you literally think only in terms of Sup Forums memes?
I had hope for him before but now with the nomination of Rex Tillersoncy, Trump proves he's just a puppet for corporations.
You still did answer the question yourself. You're a moron.
Trump is the only true Patriot in DC.
>Sup Forums memes
No, it's a reality that there's nothing good about Goldman-sachs. Some memes are based in reality, but it's unrelated.
>the nomination of Rex Tillersoncy
This is another thing that concerns me.
That is a certifiably evil person. Why should I not be concerned about him being nominated? Why am I a "CTR" or a shill or an idiot for questioning? What reasoning in that little brain of yours do you have for that?
What question?
That image is fucking great
>every person that works for goldman-sachs is perfectly evil and isn't smart and wouldn't be a good person to administer federal institutions under trumps leadership
'certifiably evil'... yeah, right. more like you're certifiably stupid. let me guess, low IQ, schizoaffective, drug use, internet addiction, problems with authority, resentment of people with higher educations, difficult family life growing up.
this is your brain on Sup Forums memes.
NOT EVEN Sup Forums memes. SHILL Sup Forums memes paid for by CTR and JIDF.
>accusing me of memeing
>parrots JIDF and CTR meme
I'm not putting everything into black and white, but I figured Trump was against big establishment guys. What is YOUR explanation then? You seem to have a problem with me questioning this, so what is your explanation for why he would say "Fuck you" to those very people and yet nominate them.
Did he learn something and have a change of heart? What's going on? I'm not saying human beings have concrete beliefs and can't change, but this is a change I'm concerned about.
Does the daily stormer rationalize every jewish pick Trump makes like Sup Forums does?
"big establishment guys'
what the actual fuck are you TALKING about? do you think that the smart people are working at fucking staples for ten dollars an hour or posting on Sup Forums?
you're hallucinating. and you've been hallucinating for a long time.
1. 'big establishment guys' isn't a real category. trump trusts some people and not others, and has an eye for talent and intelligence.
2. 'fuck you' to what very people? anyone who has money? anyone who works for a fortune 100 company? the meme boogeyman in your head that you've developed as a result of excessive Sup Forums exposure?
you don't know what you're talking about. you're not talking in actual terms that relate to the real world, and honestly, it frightens me that you're not a shill, because a nation can't survive on people with as little awareness of you.
how about you take a SPECIFIC PERSON trump picked, and go do a background check on him, including his educational history, employment history, and an analysis of his character through investigation of any content he might have created on the internet.
now, after you've put at least a few hours of work into a HUMAN BEINGS ENTIRE LIFETIME, you will be in a position to make a rough assessment of the individual in questions political persuasion and relevant personal acumen, motives, and morals for the purpose of qualifying his appointment to office.
or would you rather just talk shit in vague terms?
Is to ya fucking leaf. Go prep the bull
I concede. Ya got me! Oof! I thought Goldman-Sachs was part of the big banks that he criticized and didn't trust. My bad! He supports "some" corruption".
He is crushing the republicans and the democrats.
He could literally do nothing but fuck melania in the oval office for his term and be a success.
beg to differ thanks tho
what do you mean by 'part of'? he didn't hire a bank, he hired someone who had a job with a bank. who did he hire? do you know? do you have any idea what he did? what he thinks?
have you ever had a job? i bet that your company was owned by, and thus a 'part of' a big 'evil bank'.
Thefuk am I lookin at?
Why would I think he's a traitor when people I've known to be traitors for ages now try and project that onto him.
He'd much rather just talk shit in vague terms, I guess.
I kinda get your point that I can't judge the individuals by the corporations they work for.
Why don't you care about this country, then?
That is an image of Donald Trump. Have you never seen his face before?
well, thank you, i appreciate you saying that.
i'm not specifically defending the pick either, however. what i AM against is spreading inflammatory stories about trump and his actions based on little information and the kind of leaps of logic that the main stream media expects out of people...
literally horsey tier political cartoon level logical assertions are what i'm against. the people who start and spread these rumors are not helping to work towards a more reasonable and informed population.
de-oranged trump.
>ITT same old shit from the same old retards.
Look at me I didn't see I was playing into that shit myself. It's easy to get caught up into thinking that the company someone worked for is a big deal when what Trump is looking for smart people. He sees what they've done. If anything he's taking them away from companies with controversy and allowing them to work for the American government and what he hopes to be a really successful election. They won't exactly be doing any harm in their positions perhaps
i don't think there are very many people out there that are literally evil cigar smoking villains who want to destroy western nations.
i'm sure that whoever trump is picking is someone that's smart enough to understand what he's being picked for and who isn't some globalist radical who wants to see america ran by the UN.
furthermore, how would you reconcile such picks, even from 'big evil banks', with him picking allison for treasury secretary, for example, who is literally intending to ABOLISH THE FEDERAL RESERVE and end fiat currency altogether?
i have a little faith in trump, and if or when i start to question his motives, it sure won't be because of something that the mass media showed me.