Can anyone living in areas struck by the heroin epidemic (like New Hampshire) explain why so many people are getting hooked on it?
Is it a social phenomenon or economic?
Can anyone living in areas struck by the heroin epidemic (like New Hampshire) explain why so many people are getting hooked on it?
Is it a social phenomenon or economic?
Our country now has government funded supervised heroin injection sites. CANADA YES!
Because it's yummy.
Heroin is extremely moorish.
Dumb rural white are the problem. The rural areas are full of trash and inbreds and they do nothing but bang heroin.
Rural "working class" whites are a disease and every one that ODs is a blessing
Arguably that could be a viable solution. It's only used by repeat users and having it done in a controlled environment means less dead druggies on the streets. Also gives them easier access to rehab facilities.
doctors over the last 10 or so years cut too many scripts for opiate based pain killers.
Most of these addicts started on Rx pain meds and then moved onto heroin.
The doctors however are not fully at fault as it was the scumbag drug companies that put out studies that would say that the drugs are not as addictive as they actually were.
Because if your life is a shitty and you inject even bitty, now your life slightly more pretty, until gotta mob a granny just to get times which once were funny.
This is why abortion isn't that bad. Some people don't deserve the privilege of children and them having some will only result in more fucked up future adults because of their sub 50 IQ parenting
The more dead junkies, the less dead junkies tho...
That is not a solution I'm afraid, people will only start to exploit this to get drugs for free
Viable solution to what? If they get clean needles and instant response time, they will never OD and die.
Heroin addiction isn't some shit you can stamp out of a population in a one time deal, it's a cycle. Doesn't matter how many druggies end up dead, it's a continuous cycle where new people are constantly added. Instead of letting this cycle result in thousands of deaths, you need to implant programs and exit solutions that tighten and constrain this circle.
This stuff is never back and white.
Lol nope I live in a high income part of MA and it's just as bad here as anywhere else. When doctors stopped handing oxycodone out like candy, black market prices increased and people turned to the cheaper alternative, heroin.
What about the urban hipsters and trustifarians that i see high to the gills at shows?
Heroin is a tricky thing. Some try it and are like.. it's ok and nice but they don't love it. Others try it and literally say in their mind "I want to keep feeling like this no matter what it takes". Some younger people think they can play around with it and not get addicted. When young you think you can do anything.. there is not as much caution and fear as when you are older. To quote a line from a movie "when you can quit, you don't want to, and when you want to quit, you can't".
If you get fully addicted.. it's basically hell on earth. Quitting is extremely hard and you'll sell everything and everyone to get it. I think a big part of the problem is.. like I said.. not enough fear about the drug. You can smoke pot and drink and be fine. But heroin and meth and crack all should be considered "never even one time" drugs.
Drugs ultimately are a bad thing.. especially ones that cause euphoria. You just screw with your neurons and serotonic/dopamine receptors to where you need the drug all the time to be happy. Just live clean, and drink a little sometimes.
The problem is that many people don't fear heroin enough.. even when you are young and bold and crazy, you still need to fear certain things or you will get destroyed by those things.
I too am from MA and i can say this man is telling the truth.
Killing the druggie doesn't do shit you dumb nigger. It's a fucking short term solution because there's always going to be more people that end up addicted.
Instead of thinking "hurr imma jus let dem die" you have to think long term. There's always going to be druggies so the question isn't how you eradicate it, it's how you can minimise that population as much as possible.
It feels better than anything you will ever feel ever
Fuck off you concern trolling nigger. You want to know how to stop the drug epidemic? Kill all drug dealers and make possession punishable by death.
There it is. Lmao it's funny how quickly some people immediately call someone a troll when they can't refute an argument.
It starts that way, but it gets harder and harder to feel that way so you keep chasing it. Then no matter what, you are just chasing the fix so you don't feel like total mental and physical shit (imagine having a flu 100x worse than usual, and have intense anxiety/depression at same time).
It's basically a deal with the Devil.. heroin grants you a couple wishes up front to hook you, then in a pretty short time it demands your life, soul, heart, and all your money.
I just refuted your point fuckass. Look at Singapore, Indonesia, and the Philippines.
I pray you kek tell me - Is this the doing of the CIA?
Seems like a dumb idea to cut heroin with fentanyl, killing off your buyers.