Be honest. Who here visits Reddit on a regular basis?
Be honest. Who here visits Reddit on a regular basis?
I tried to post there to troll the Bernie people after he lost. But I could not figure out how to post.
I spend a lot of time on Reddit and come here only very rarely. My favourite subreddits are /r/MGTOW and /r/The_Donald
Only for4 gaming.
i tried to, but i just don't understand the layout.
>tfw just inteligent enough for Sup Forums
I can't post over there. It has an unbearable community.
What's a reddit?
half the niggas here be redditing
>people have actually tried to post on Reddit
Piss off and stay there, prick.
Yeah, usually the s4s-esque subs
only to find sports streams
Of course. I mean, Reddit isn't a monolithic thing. It's just a format through which communities can be created. I visit PC building and gaming subreddits often, when I need advice or information or whatever. Much more helpful than Sup Forums or Sup Forums in most cases.
Have you installed Gentoo yet?
Place is a shithole. It's only good for entertainment purposes and clicking on upboated posts that SJWs have lifted to the top without considering the material within the source.
Try making a post that is pro-Bernie Sanders for a few sentences and then fling off the handle about Hitler and how you want to rape coke whores. Most will upboat without reading.
yeah, NoMansSky was amazing. Seeing the hope dwindle in people was delicious
Or make posts that reddit will instantly upvote and then edit them with truth bombs.
this here is retarded. Every subreddit is a different community. Perhaps not the major default ones
not my cup of tea
>visits plebbit
>plays video games
That's 2 strikes, pal. One more slip-up and you'll be deported back to normiebook.
I'm not a Linux guy. Too much trouble keeping up with the bullshit, and it's a pain having to deal with WINE or virtual machines. I'll take the spyware and planned obsolescence in order to have something simple- it's not like I pay for my copy of Windows anyway. Besides, I pretend to be a normie, and normies don't use Linux. They think it's weird enough that I like to tinker with electronics and build PCs anyway, I don't need to spoil my reputation even more.
Check ID
I have :)
/r/conspiracy has actual news mixed with bs
it's up to you to discern
i have literally never been to reddit and i often have a hard time differentiating an image of a facebook post from a twitter post
>plays video games
>somehow this is a normie thing
I'm breddy sure you're the opposite of correct here m90
Who would want to visit that hellhole. All comments moderated, some very good opposing biews surpressed, because of voting system. It's literally cancerous echo chamber without diverging opinions.I only visit reddit, if I search google and one of search result shows reddit thread, it migh have some useful info to my query, otherwise no.
About a year ago I posted on Reddit regularly and visited Sup Forums once in a blue moon. Now the opposite case is true. Reddit really is a horrible little numale shithole, with the exception of a few good subreddits.
Holy shit. I did not know you could do that.
Been there once and never went back, the layout is fucking atrocious
>Posting on Reddit at ANY time
Piss off back there.
Reddit definitely as an overarching "culture" that taints even the better subs though.
>Stupid pun threads
>Heavy handed moderation
>"Thanks for le gold, kind sir!" autism
>Internet arguments are srs bsns
>Dumb novelty accounts
i'm a moderator at /r/politics
Stay away from all large subs. If you go to Reddit for the culture or discussion you're a cuck.
i visit it all the time for r/roadcam and politics to see how stupid they are
There's an archery subreddit I frequent, other than that, I have no use for the site.
I used to lurk there a lot, but the idiotic format, the stupid puns, memes even more repetitive than on here, the cancerous virtue signaling board culture, the corrupt moderation, it's all so tiresome.
Mostly for the autistic consumer reviews of products so I know what to buy.
Only the trebuchet memes subreddit
Exactly, the most useful thing about reddit is searching for an error or something that you have on your computer or some other problem and then finding a reddit thread with the same question and answers, otherwise its pure crap. The comments are all inside joke shitposts, /southafrica/ is the biggest white guilt numale shitfest I've ever seen, what about the shitty format attracts so many faggots and leftists.
NFLstreams and the Detroit Lions page are the only reason I use it
It has its uses. I have worked with it a little bit here and there, but I don't see the point personally.
A true meme man.
Not for politics.
Never. I don't like interacting with normies online or IRL so fuck leddit. Normie ratio of this board is also increasing rapidly, I'm also going to have to leave this cesspit soon
I'd say a very good portion do. I've seen threads full of people linking reddit and nobody batted an eye.
Ok. Fuck off Turkroach
Well would you look at that, all these newfags who visit reddit. /nu-pol/ isn't a meme anymore, it's become reality...
They all need to fucking go back. I swear I observed a massive influx of newfags here in a short time
reddit has been infiltrated by sjw's and numales, now it is a place for the biggest faggots, almost as big as faggots that go to the chive.
Speaking of faggotry, Sup Forums is not far behind
Only for game guides because I can see how to build myself or solve a problem. Sup Forums is too much of a shithole for that
Wew lad
I mod worldnews. Have 130k karma. Had gold for over a year.
It's the only place i succeed in life.
nope. i can't stand the layout.
obviously not for politics, they have some interesting computer subs such as /r/netsec
been doing it for like 4+ years
I only browse the gaming and linux related reddits and even then my time spent there is nothing compared to this shit hole.
i love you all btw pls dont change
video games are objectively normie
Only to post some poetry and written work
/lit/ is fucking useless for constructive criticism
>multi billion dollar industry
Gaming is normie stuff. Its when you are overly dedicated it is not.
reddit pls leave
>people actually know how to use this shit
I gave up after 5 seconds. And after 10 I would get banned anyway.
I like debating on politics, it's too easy though.
I've only ever visited when I'm googling information on something the first results are some reddit threads. Never made an account or posted though
Use mobile apps. Its the only bearable way.
I use it for porn, gonewild is great.
Lots of sluts.
Not me.
I found out about leddit when le rage comics were popular. That crap turned me away.
Fuck off reddit.
This guy gets it. Fuck reddit, thanks to this shitty website we're now filled with fedoras.
I am admittedly addicted to reddit. It's nice to feel like a ww2 jew just for supporting Trump. Everyone needs a little bit of victimization and opposition to enforce their views.
That and people regularly spend $4 to tell me im funny.
Naah. Never liked how it works, looks disgusting with all those reply lines and replies to replies. Never bothered to figure it out.
I go there for subreddits dedicated to my hobbies. Other than that there's not much reason to go there rather than here.
You just gotta go to the quarantined subreddits to enjoy yourself.
Every sub essentially has the same reddit culture.
>look at what a good persona I am
>faith in humanity restored posts
>sob story posts
>cares about morals
>first, check 'em
>second, oh my god, an actual Russian meme on board
Uh, no, I'm pretty sure Kancolle is the opposite of normie.
I browse the Bitcoin and diy subreddit as well as some of the porn ones but not making an account
Just for r/asiansgonewild and r/gonewild
Reddit might be good if you want a community for some obscure hobby and getting a question answered, maybe even getting news, but it's shit for discussion. Everyone tries their best to shit out a joke for upboats or pander to someone. Sometimes decent stuff comes out, most times it's pretty cringy. Sup Forums might be a safe space for edgy kids, but it's nowhere near Reddit's levels. Here you can at least have a discussion without being automatically hidden if no one likes you.
t. sometimes stumble across reddit posts when looking for stuff on search engines
Found my way there a few times by accident when clicking through various embedded links
That is the only reason anyone should ever go there
/r/The_Donald refugees, please fuck off.
What about:
All great subs
Even in /r/the_donald I saw a sob story post about a person's dead brother upvoted to the very top.
Hell in /r/sociopath they try and reframe sociopaths to be actually good people.
In /r/incest they actually shame people with morals for cheating on their spouses with a family member.
They can't help but do it. Reddit's community is cancer all the way through. Watch those subs you go on long enough and you will see the cancer seep through. They have to reinforce their happy world view somehow it's a compulsion.
I go there but I never post there. In fact I got a 3 day ban because i called someone a faggot over PM.
Anyway Leddit is vastly left-wing and the biggest user base is by far millenials (age 20-25). Also mostly american. That should say enough about the community you will encounter.
I go there for news and to see what the normies are saying. Sometimes I weight in on things.
I don't really have a very strong political philosophy. I just try to really make people think:
This, however, doesn't work. Possibly due to my autism, but also more likely due to the upboat system which is raw, reactive cancer whereby the retarded vote for the retarded while congratulating themselves on how thoughtful they are.
the neurons.
I actually WANT to browse and post on reddit.
I just can't handle the format / UI / UX comment structure etc. I hate the non-linear waterfall comment system.
But I mostly hate the userbase. I hate 4chans userbase too, but because there's no usernames at least it's not karma whoring.
You realise not everyone is as autistically unable to feel emotion or sympathy like you right?
this. even Sup Forums was a chore to understand back then. and i still don't understand how to do some basic stuff on facebook and twatter
either i'm dumb or ergonomy is a lost art
>I actually WANT to browse and post on reddit.
So fuck off then. Jesus how Plebbit can you get.
thats like saying breathing air or drinking water is a normie thing
Any community built on emotions is weak and feminine.
I still don't understand how twitter works (had to use it for a while during gezi park protests) and I grew up with a C64 and a 486dx with msdos
Reddits subbreddit topics are infinitely more vast than 4chans collections of boards
I want to post on some of them, but the format is shit
There are some enjoyable subreddits. /r/ukpolitics is surprisingly browsable. I just stay away from the frontpage and the reddit "le narwhal bacon" style humour.
I visit /r/The_Donald/ a lot. MAGA
Sup Forums Sup Forums 2005 - 2009
Reddit 2009 - 2013
Sup Forums (various boards) 2013 - present
Those years without Sup Forums were pretty amazing. The only reason to visit reddit is if I need specific information about some niche hobby that there's no general for on the relevant board here.
I just go there to laugh at comments and find out info on games I play and want to keep up to date on.
But I can confirm it's the most lefty, cucked place on the internet. Sup Forums4life
I go to Reddit for humor. It's not a bad time waster. Obviously a leftists circle jerk.
human emotion one of the greastest human weakness , no wonder your kind are always depressed
UM HELL YES!! XDDD Reddit is seriously the best :3 It has alot of DANK memes!! x333 rofl
Check this meme out :DD It's so funny lol xD
>people unironically admitting themselves using Reddit
>no one is calling them out en masse
Sup Forums is truly compromised. You fags should fuck off