What is wrong with raising another man's child if the man in question is fucking DEAD? What that kid is supposed to do? Not have a dad for the rest of his live just because? It's stupid. Every kid deserves a dad.
What is wrong with raising another man's child if the man in question is fucking DEAD? What that kid is supposed to do...
You mean father-figure. Nothing wrong with raising another child so long as you have your own and draw clear lines in the sand when it comes to funding, just in case there is a divorce.
All children have a dad, a father-figure is a luxury that people do not inherently deserve. It's good for a young child to have a strong male presence while growing up though.
>if the man in question is fucking DEAD
That is a situation where it is okay. Unless he died in a gang shootout or what have you.
How many times does Sup Forums have to answer this fucking question? Someone make an infographic about everything WRONG with dating a single mother.
Kid should be put down. Sad but true. There's nothing unethical about it if you make death painless.
oh yeah because it's fucking mother's fault that father dies in an accident? What is she supposed to do, go back in time and prevent that from happening?
>Every kid deserves a dad.
Nobody deserves anything you commie fuck.
I have no problem with raising another man's child or support the child financially.
But I won't date a single mother!
I'm contradicting myself here you say? No. I'm talking about a specific situation where my brother dies and I take care of my nephew. Taking care of my family!
It is acceptable for a man to raise the child of another man if the father is dead and was a close relative
ie: you can raise your grandchildren or nieces and nephews if their father has died
I want to hit him in the face with a tire iron.
I don't know why but this made me laugh. Have a (You)
>Mixed kids are healthier.
if dead your still a cuck but only by like 60%
there was studies done that said a man permanently changes the dna of the womb of a woman once he knocks her up
No pussy is worth living that chubby nog potato.
You don't have to date a widow out of pity dipshit. If you want the absolute best chance at a successful marriage and raising a family, you don't date a single mother. Yes that includes widows. I'm not saying it because I hate single mothers or have a grudge against anyone. I'm simply stating the ugly truth. Go marry your widow and find out the hard way my man, no one on here gives a shit.
well at least i dont have to pay alimony if i dump her with her breed.
ALSO i wouldnt spend a dime on that child. She would have to pay for her own breed.
>if the dad left her
absolutely not. this means she's a stupid fucking retarded whore who is too dumb to pick a proper partner and is now looking for a provider after fucking chad
>if the dad is dead
MAYBE acceptable if the woman has a fucking 8/10+ personality and has agreed that she still wants to have more (your) kids
>if they're divorced
ONLY acceptable if she was cheating on the husband with you before they were divorced. that way at least you'll never wonder if you're nothing but a sexless provider. yeah, cheating is shitty, but really unhappy marriages where the man turns to shit do happen
should have clarified, in the 3rd case the divorse happens because she leaves her man for you
John Romeros current wife had an affair with a black guy and guess what....he didn't dump her and he's still raising his half nigger child.
All kids are a waste of resources I could spend on myself. Don't pay for a kid unless the court tells you to. If she handles her own, her child isn't annoying, and she's a good fuck: whatever.
>What is wrong with raising another man's child.
You are a limited creature, you will produce limited resources and live limited amount of years.
From a biological point of view your sole purpose for existing is procreation.
If you spend your resources in to another mans child, you are not spending them on your own.
Thus you are failing your purpose.
Even if the woman in question is having your child, you will still have less to give to it, because you will be raising another.
A girl who cheats with you will cheat on you
feed it to the gators
you're just making your people weak
look at that turd in your pic, it's ridiculous
also he's the guy's son, same face and fat features
the girl is hot but she ruined her life by marrying a spic, albeit a successful one, his genes show up in the turd he spawned, that's the average genetic pool lesson in action, pretty good pic desu
10 girl
8 guy (for a spic)
5 spic son (that's what you get for being a dumb whore with daddy issues, now you can go back to live with your mom you failure)
If you're like 40 or older sure
yeah, heard of that bit of facebook-tier wisdom before, but i'm not convinced by it. too absolute and simplistic to be meaningful.
.t Schlomo Shekelgoldbergstein
Brother of the dead man should marry this widdow and raise her children.
I don't think you'll have to worry much about dating anyone dude.
These are the only acceptable answers in this thread.
Further proof Carmack is superior.
And if he is already married he should take her as second wife.
>someone who's betrayed someone else certainly wouldn't do it to me
Sure I guess it's not ALWAYS the case but why take the risk
All about being that favorite uncle. ;)
>someone who's betrayed someone else certainly wouldn't do it to me
that's not what i'm saying. i'm saying
>someone who's betrayed someone else isn't guaranteed to betray me too
>why take the risk
well, if you're in love obviously. and you've decided it's worth it.
>these fatherless kids will grow up to be homosexuals
>You could had prevented homosexuals
Buddy it's fine, these guys are autistic virgins
john romero is also a hillary cuck (other than a real life one)
Considering that the guy in the pic looks very very gay; I guess nothing.
>John Romero promised to make you his bitch
>Turns out he is just a garden-variety cuck
nah ur just a retard
Romero first married with a romanian mail-bride after DOOM's success just to get divorved months later and took all his money, so he ended in a gas station for make a living.
On one hand everything....is wrong....but on the other it is not that kids fault even if the mother is abitch....you get the oppotunity to fill the child with your ideas.....not as good as your genes and ideas but still.
Yes!!! Because infographics prove EVERYTHING! (Or is it 'anything'? I forget.)
And I hope YOU have an accident someday where you are alive with low brain activity, and someone can put you down. (Actually, I don't wish that, but you get the idea. And besides, you probably have low brain activity now...)
Any children undee 18 when their parents die should be buried with them.
>if the man in question is fucking DEAD?
Doesn't make a difference you cuck.
Raising another man's child is raising another man's child. You do realize that kids from birth to 18 years old cost around $400,000 to look after?
That's a house you could have bought, or an investment that could potentially yield millions and you spent it on the kids schooling and buying him poptarts.
nothing wrong with dating a single mother if the father died since its not her fault, but you are a retard if they just broke up since then shes obviously got shit decision making skills
If he was such a great dad, how come he's dead?
Lol I used to work at electronic arts in Ireland and he moved there. He had a q&a session and he was bashing trump all the time.
Did not realize that he is raising a different child what a duck
The pic is Peter Andre, a rather mediocre strayan pop 'star', and Jordan, a low tier slutty model and celebrity. The son is the unfortunate product of Jordan burning the coal of some forgettable black footballer. The son is genuinely retarded, I think it's blind too. It's said that Jordan feeds the kid by sprinkling crisps on the floor and letting him graze like a cow.
Wasn't it Dwight yorke ? He was quite a good player back in the day
maybe they're happy with having that excuse for a son that is less challenging than a real child on some level (emotional investment)
maybe they're both freaks
continuing, that retarded halfbreed is halfway between a dog and a child
they can get rid of it anytime too, blaming his disability for putting him in danger
they can play parents without actually doing the real thing
Why would you want a widow in the first place? Theres enough fish in the water without money drain baggage, unless you're subhuman tier man.
There could be a case, that this woman is a literal goddess, still young and 11/10. But the chances of actually meeting such case are incredibly slim.
I bet 10 kopiejek on fake tits here.
Mulatos dont age well after kids.
If the dad Is dead and the mom has some sort of money, it's ok.
Basically, if you're helping raise a kid it's just a community service. Even if you're raising a niglet with a single mom, that's fine.
You're a cuck when she's abusing you for your money and you can't live your life or you're not getting children of your own because of it.
Basically, most 20 year old betas will find single moms are very desperate for someone to leech off of and help with their kids and will settle for someone much less attractive than them and lure him with secure sex, a very fast connection (betas want easy access) and such. Then they'll be roped into the whole thing very heavily and will end up ruining their own lives for some mom who'll most likely manipulate the kid anyway. In the end, they still do a service to the community by making sure the kid is at least a little better (most kids will then see their single moms are usually horrible people), but they're cucks.
As long as you go into it knowing what you're doing, aware of the situation and in control, you're fine.
them being dead doesn't negate the "you raising another mans child part". They made a choice and you are stuck with the burden.
A poor woman in the old days would simply abandon the child or send it to live with family so she could find another husband. He wouldn;t be expected to raise it, unless the child and woman came with a serious dowry and/or were themselves of an elevated status worth taking on.
It was pretty rare to take on another man's child for no good reason.
We biblical times now
Ayo romero lets make a videogame to push our agenda
Depends on the situation. My step-dad was the best father figure I had and a great man.
It's bad though if you're some beta who's been roped in to raising some thug spawn.
You like pancakes OP?
It isn't her fault that the husband died sure, but I also don't owe her anything nor does anyone have any duty to care for her or the kid. Gynocentrists pls go and stay go.
In the case of the woman being a widow it would lower the chances of the child ending up in jail.
Raising another man's child is not generally due to these reasons however, and rewards deceit.
Why can't widowed women just raise her kids alone? Bears do it.
Where is this kid's pants?
>What is wrong with raising another man's child if the man in question is fucking DEAD?
nothing wrong, common traditional human practice
I heard what you normally do is to kill (or eat) the child if it's a boy, and tolerate it if it's a girl, and then have more cubs with the female
Currently dating a single mum here.
i'm 32 she is 26. Her son is 4 and lives with her parents who prefer that he lives with them.
It's a shit situation but it's made bearable by the fact that she is gorgeous blonde 9/10 qt3.14 and has bought her own apartment which i can live in and save money. Gonna get her pregnant also.
Merry christmas everybody!
Depends if the child is your wife's and was conceived DURING MARRIAGE with you.
Look at that faggot's cuck face. He's thinking to himself that he's the luckiest man in the world just because he's with some ugly disproportionate niggerdik eating slut. Her legs are tiny..
>that she still wants to have more (your) kids
>>if they're divorced
>ONLY acceptable if she was cheating on the husband with you before they were divorced.
Currently going through this
Wish me luck senpai
Everyone is talking about the mother, if she's a whore or not, but nobody consider the child.
An child who loses a parent will never accept a substitute and will turn against the other parent and the substitute.
A lot of Polish shit posting today, I see.
Why is that?
What if they never knew or met their dad.
Calm down, I'm just asking a simple question.
>The kid just looked tired. Just beaten down, ragged, tired, old.
>Kid that age shouldn't look like that.
This, I take on the role whenever I deal with children as in looking after them or taking them somewhere on behalf of their parents who are friends, or helping a lost child find their way home
If the other man is dead then I have no problem marrying a widow, I just don't want to marry a thot
If a widower with children marries a widow with child I see nothing wrong or cucked about that. They're both people who losts their wives & they will both have the experience of raising kids that, biologically speaking, aren't their own.
However, if a widow or divorcée is your first fucking marriage/"long term relationship" then you're king cuck.
>people who lost their wives
*people who have lost their spouse
>if a widow or divorcée is your first fucking marriage/"long term relationship" then you're king cuck
How so?
what's his name? has he got a twitter or something?
le "used goods" meme
It does sound a little bit cuckish though, preferring used goods over new ones, jap-oniichan.
what kinda faggot flag is that? Is Sup Forums now grouping all you Eurocucks together now? Where my brits at! but i agree with you.
It doesn't matter what the status of the father is. If you're raising another man's child you are a literal cuckold.
I guess. If you're a child.
I'm not going to count a woman out simply for being in a prior relationship, that's on par with only wanting a virgin girlfriend.
>Every kid deserves a dad.
They don't deserve anything, what are you on about?
Sorry your dad died, but that doesn't mean you get issued a cuck to replace him.
>that's on par with only wanting a virgin girlfriend.
completely acceptable
Why does it make a difference if the dad is dead? I'm not spending a single cent on a child or pet or car that isn't mine. It's very simple
Looks like an adoption.
I don't think theirs anything wrong with a man who helps raise red pilled children. If there's no male figure in a childs life it'kll just creates more niggers & wiggers.
What's wrong with it? Funny that capitalist countries always ask these questions, when they perfectly know best what individual property is. Obviously you are in denial, since that isn't your property. You are working for free to create other man's property, what kind of stupid capitalist are you?
>currently dating
>a single Mum
She isn't single then is she you plonker! Lol