why do americans shart in the mart?
Why do americans shart in the mart?
This is Bob Burgerstains, when Bob is taking a stroll and doing some shopping the fellow americans that pass him by nod respectfully towards him and smile and he responds in kind.
They do this to show him the respect he deserves, for pooping your pants is deeply rooted in american culture and is the sure sign of a patriot and hard worker.
Pooping your pants show that you live a busy american life style, Bob is too busy living the american dream and grabbing life by the horns to have time for the loo.
As the americans say, " if you gotta go you gotta go "
someone mentions poo, pajeet is summoned
Look at this man, how proudly and patriotic his stance is. This is the kind of stance that radiates a " Yes I am american, yes I pooped my pants, yes I am proud of it. Deal with it! " attitude.
When other americans see the burgerstains on his pants they will know he is a true american, too busy for silly loo's. He got his hands full living the american dream and he is not going to let a little bit of poop slow him down.
I have plenty of American friends, and when I asked them about the pants pooping in american culture they suddenly became very defensive, claiming it is perfectly normal and acceptable to poop in your pants if you are too busy to find a loo at the moment, plus you can always clean up later. " If you gotta go you gotta go they said ".
I have had this discussion with at least 4 americans and they all find this socially acceptable.
In America, pooping your pants is so common and naturalized that manufacturers have started to make adult diapers in " sexy models ".
The american on the picture shows a lot of class and intelligence by both pooping in her pants just like american culture dictates, but also saving her pants by wearing an adult diaper.
She even chose a sexy style adult diaper and makes sure to show it off to entice american males in the vicinity.
Very impressive.
Look at this lady. She pretended to drop something just so she could bend over and proudly display her burgerstains.
Impressed fellow americans nearby will now know that she is a true patriot and american. She is empowered, her head held high and with poop in her pants.
She is a strong american woman and she does not have no time for silly loo's. She's got life by the horns and she is not letting go for anything.
>Why exactly do americans poop in their pants?
To understand the answer to this question you need to first understand american culture. In american culture pooping your pants is a sure way to come off as somebody patriotic and hard working.
By pooping your pants you show that you are too busy living the american dream, too busy grabbing life by the horns to worry about silly loo's and poop.
They wear the burgerstain on their pants like a war veteran wears the medal on his chest, with great pride.
The burgerstain epidemic needs to be discussed in order for us to put it in it's proper context in american culture. There are so many questions to answer.
10/10. Don't stop posting.
Why do Denmark and Norway look exactly the same? It's confusing af.
>caption doesn't read 'lets poo boys'
its how they feed their tape worms. they shart to let it out then they pick food off the shelves and hand feed it
I must assume you are speaking of the flags?
Why do americans shart in mart?
Why do americans plop in shop?
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It's a cultural thing. There are two kinds of Americans, hard working honest folk and the fatass, mouth breathers that can't even control their sphincter, much less work for a living, that leach off honest folk.
This is a stupid meme. We don't shart all the time. I haven't sharted in a store for over 2 weeks. My mom sharted last weekend but she's old. It's not our fault anyway, the food we eat here is very greasy and makes you have to poop more often. It's not even funny or anything it's just annoying and not that big of a deal.
fucking lol
sharty u cray cray