Why is this Canadian TV show calling Sweden?
who the fuck is she
Sweden is a country of peace
Why don't you ask your wife's boyfriend?
Not for a thousand horses I would ever travel to cucked Sweden
t. polack
There is also another pic, maybe from the same show, with 2 black "swedes" girls, one of them a weeaboo
Germanic here looks like some fancy fag.
Slav guy would fucking beat the shit out of that Germanic metrosexual faggot
What even is that show about? Starting to look fake.
t. obese basement-dwelling slavs
>Slav guy would fucking beat the shit out of that Germanic metrosexual faggot
That much is true. They always beat the hell out of other nations in that sketchy semi-underground ufc-esque contests.
It'd be interesting to see polish hooligans fight british hooligans back when the brit hooligans were at their prime.
That's a Korean news channel you retard
It's a Korean game show. My parents watch it all the time. Celebs come on and do random shit and jokes. Same as the Japanese concept. Sometimes it's funny. A lot of times, the joke flies right over me because I don't really relate to my culture (came here when I was 6). But yeah, I can definitely see this as being an episode idea.
Europe is thin, compared to the united-statians
>nuke any pic with more than 20%
man that would be nice
kek. fucking yankees, everytime.
oк, bitches get some more
Germanic nations are thin compared to slavic nations. The reason Norway is so fat is because of polish immigrants.
Swede, please. We all know it's the thousands of hungry Somalis that are lowering your score.
>Somali women
Hahhahahahahahahaha. Once Muslims get welfare they're all fat as fuck. You'd know if you had welfare poorland.
>You'd know if you had welfare poorland.
still wouldn't have Somalis tho
based tzuyu. fucking disgusting somali freaks
Plead me like a bitch.
Fuck your mother.
The only reasons the jews haven't pushed immigrants on you yet is simply because you're too poor.
Shitskins need to leave in a bodybag
This is sweden with dirty somalians twice on that show though.
>trash-talking anyone
Ha ha ha....fucking swedes. Press F to pay respects.
Didn't know this existed in webm form
Sweden peaked with Beowulf. Since then, it has become a degenerate rathole.
>let women vote in 1919
>legalized abortion in 1938
>legalized faggotry in 1944
>now has a 56% income tax
>full of niggers
>tries to claim superiority
wew lad.
Nah, they are trying (like Soros pumping money into the Batory Foundation), but nobody cares about political correctness here and an overwhelming majority is against accepting muslim refugees. We literally don't even have a left-wing party that could get into the parliament.
No. Sweden is so degenerate that it is better off as a caliphate.
is this a new meme?
I wish I lived in Poland.
>inb4 "Fuck off we're full"
Because he doesn't watch TV at all.
I don't talk to him really...he's a Drumpf supporter and one time he held me down and farted on my hand. My wife said I couldn't wash that hand ever again.
My hand still smells like that spaghetti bolognaise I cooked that night.
America was never great.
Polish hooligans would bring machetes, man. Britcucks wouldn't stand a chance
>you will never stare awkwardly at her in Target and make her uncomfortable.
why live?
>Implying Christianity is a bad thing
>Implying Redneck culture is a bad thing
>Implying low taxes are a bad thing
How's that Somali cock, Sven?
PO will win next elections tho, because PiS fucks everythang up. Literally the only thing they did that Boles liked was 500+. Everything else they get bitched about for
A friend of mine met a polish girl at a christian youth camp, moved to poland, married, and has now a baby girl.
Underrated bants from best Scandinavian
Fuck off, we're full
I love PiS!
>Implying Christianity is a bad thing
Judeo-christianity is.
>Implying Redneck culture is a bad thing
Redneck spotted. Keep smashing your sister you degenerate.
>Implying low taxes are a bad thing
You will never be a Utopia like the Nordic nations without welfare.
>How's that Somali cock, Sven?
I don't know, you tell me.
As soon as I learn the language...
Probably sheer chance or some shit. Koreans really hate niggers so I don't see why they would have gone out of their way to defile everyone's TV screens with their filthy chimpanzee faces.
Weird I thought it was higher.
Is this AfterSchool Club?
I've been trying to get on that show for over a year now!!!!!
You sure swedecuck?
Spread your sisters legs, leave the gibsmedats on the table and vaccate the house Sven, I'm coming or a visit.
>Swedecuck will never get to fully appreciate the South.
Feels bad man.
They keep trying to change it but KEK has spoken Sweden is doomed
Pretty sure.
Well that just makes it weirder. Again, I have no idea what is going on on the pics, but I do know that there is a production team of that show that allowed for/made this (to) happen at least twice.
>The south
Give me a break. The reason the Union wiped the floor with you inferior hillbillies is because they had tons of Swedes on their side.
Redneck trash.
>US navy sailors
>implying they aren't the Swedes of the military
So far PO is not doing so great in the polls. They've got, like, 15% to PiS' 30%
> having swedes on the side
I'm sure Ahmed says that about your mother too, Mohammedson.
Because you rely on leeching on other Europeans welfare by fleeing from your own impoverished shit hole
im not defending slavs, but germans are no longer white according to google
>He thinks it's only the navy
The article from which the image on the left originates though:
>The new Germans
>Time to redefine what it means to be Deutsch
I think we need to build a wall.
You shouldn't talk shit about Germany when your nation consist of Germano-slavic mongrels.
>Irl bronies
Pick both.
>select all images with sushi
I don't think a wall will help, its time for final solution
>Mohammedson jealous because all he can afford is a goat
You haven't addressed anything I said.
well yes, I'm a mongrel myself. Grandfather was an actual german, but the problem is that the real germans died during the ww2, all that remains are rape byproducts, commies and cucks. There are no real germans left, Allies saw to that one.
>No engagement
>Only one tweet with an @ in it
Internet equivalent of her standing in an empty subway terminal yelling down the tracks about black cocks. Sad.
Cuck fantasies and you crop out your face?
I'm surprised it's only like 1 every three days to be honest. Thought it would be a lot more but the population isn't very large so I suppose it makes a bit more sense. The word sexual abuse has completely lost all meaning. I hate people.
There are still ethnic Germans left, even if they are a minority. It's the same with Sweden and Norway. These three nations have the highest concentration of Germanic people on the planet.
Other European nations are completely and utterly fucked from a racial perspective.
>Cuck fantasies and you crop out your face?
Fantasy? That's reality in your nation. While your """men""" are away dying for the zog, their wives get boned by coons.
>blatantly intolerant
dumb Amerifat.
Thinking of visiting the great African colony of Sweden soon. How much are your sisters now worth, Otto. More or less than a hamburger?
>Moments of struggle Szrw4Dw8 in this thread.
This is sick beyond belief but swedes have the same going down except instead of niggers it's sandniggers.
So your country is destroying themselves for the lulz? I don't think you know how trolling works