Roughly 6 percent of the world’s population consists of people with Neanderthal genes. Jews fall into this category. This is why Jews have always been a problem: because their Neanderthal genes make them twice as aggressive as the rest of the world’s Cro-Magnon derived races.
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If you are anything other than pure Subsaharan African, you have Neanderthal DNA. You fucking retard.
Explain africans having 0% neanderthal DNA then
What makes you think neanderthals were inferior to normal humans? They had larger brains didn't they?
>brainsize corrolates to intelligence
fukken lol
dolphins have tiny brains and are very smart
you, by contrast, have a relatively large brain but this doesn't stop you from being an idiot
You understand that white europeans have the highest percentage of neanderthal DNA, right?
You also understand that neanderthals were much more advanced than cro magnon, but lost out due to being outbred, right?
Within related animals it absolutely does.
Whites have bigger brains than blacks, and men have bigger brains than women.
they were smarter than humans you dumb brit
I've seen niggers with huge heads that had much more brains than any white person I've ever met, and they were still no smarter than a chimp.
Shhhhh dont confuse the yank, hell just go on and invade another shithole for oil.
Neanderthals were the master race, they were outbreed by sapiens niggers from africa.
been awake all night, could have googled how to spell that, decided to risk it instead, it did not pay off
it was a tiny understandable mistake, and I'll learn from this and move on
but I fear that you, my friend, will have your head stuck your own arse forever
Head size is no indicator of brain size.
Typically what you see with blacks are elongated, flattened craniums with thicker zygomatic arches and dystended temporomandibulat joints.
Cranial capacity is entirely different to head size.
They died out through a lack of adaptability
I.E. Stupidity
>Roughly 6 percent of the world’s population consists of people with Neanderthal genes.
Pretty much everybody who is not purely Sub-Saharan African has some Neanderthal DNA. That's way more than 6%.
There is no neanderthal mitochondrial DNA to be found.
There's in eanderthal DNA to be found.
Mitocondrial DNA can only be transmitted by the mother.
They weren't outbred m8, neanderthals raped homo sapiens so much they literally misgeneated themselves to extinction.
Think about that next time you see a thread about jungle/yellow fever. That's probably what neanderthals would have posted, 100k years ago.
Nah bro, you can't tell they got skulls 100% thicker than a real person's. This whole brain size = smarter is flawed. Raw intelligence is determined by more than just cranial capacity, although it definitely contributes.
Like white people today?
Just look at europe, arabs and niggers are finishing what Homo sapiens started 10.000s of years ago.
>miscegenated themselves into extinction
>yet they have descendants living today
France really needs to boost its educational spending because that was just plain retarded
It is typically seen that moar gray matter = Higher intelligence. Whites have more gray matter than blacks and are thus more intelligent.
Imagine how things would be today if our ancestors weren't racist bigots ?
Look, english is your mother tongue, you're supposed to know what words means.
If you don't, go open a dictionnary or something.
frenchie is mad that his ancestors got #neanderthaled
Of course there is more at play than simple size.
But saying size has no influence is just as silly.
The species as a whole was "bred out" by cro magnons breeding rapidly.
All you need to do to win the evolution game is have a higher percentage of your genes in the population. That's it.
Environments are not static, they are dynamic. When a new environment opens up, evolution does not select for the "better" species, only those that can breed the fastest.
Welcome to R/k selection theory.
dude do you like even know why THEY have DNA tracing services? To track down potential threats or members. The front being "want to know your lineage?" Get a clue dart!
Yeah, brain anatomy also counts, not just size. From the comparison of brain casts it seems like Neanderthals had a less developed prefrontal cortex which has a part in social interaction, which might be reflected in Neanderthals generally having a smaller group size than Homo sapiens. However the brain parts associated with spatial ability, vision and problem solving are larger than i nsapiens. Neanderthals were probably individualistic problem solvers.
Kind of like today, where caucasians are more individualistic problemsolvers than nogs who just zergrush everything.
Nah my retarded monkey friend, my point was that europeans are following in our great-grandfathers' footsteps and misgeneating ourselves to extinction too, a simple glance at interracial breeding pattern statistics are enough to confirm it ( black and asians males get almost nothing, whites males get everything ).
Homo sapiens and Chimpanzee (pan) started at the same time.
>Still can't use english properly
What the fuck
it's like you've never met a brit before
At least you know you're retarded
Honestly, most of humans are on the same base line levels of intelligence and have similar adaptibility to their environment. I have an unpopular opinion on Sup Forums that race is not necessarily correlated with intelligence. It's just that SJWs are too stupid to understand that culture is very fucking important in shaping a person's drive for achievement and education. Simply put, niggers have an inferior culture and SJWs keep saying it's not your fault! It IS their goddamn fault. Niggers and spics are just culturally inferior. I don't know what happened to the Arabs, but this whole Wahhabism they're pushing has sent them back to the Iron Age.
>implying brain size doesn't correlate to intelligence
There's a 30%-40% correlation, faggot.
actually this
>most of humans are on the same base line levels of intelligence
You've never met an aboriginal.
You are ignoring decades of racial intelligence research, just like SJWs do.
Yes culture is important, but so are genes. No amount of training can ever get a down syndrome victim into a PhD.
Think of genes as what determines potential, and environment (such as culture) as how far up the potential you go.
They died because they were autistic loners.
Basically Neanderthal women cucked Neanderthal males and moved for group to group, and the groups with Neanderthal males and children were small compared to human village sized groups
I have always wanted to conduct experiments on Aboriginals because they are the most different from anatomically modern humans. Unfortunately, I would also probably get tried in the kangaroo court that is the International Criminal Court.
I don't know how racial intelligence research controls for the uncountable factors of an entire human life. I tend not to put strong faith in such research because it seems too easy to just roll with it because it satisfied my internal agenda.
>uncountable factors of an entire human life
Look up twin studies and the Minnesota adoption study.
Stupid berry picker
again try to lie about history!
No even mention great Neanderthal space ships!
Don't want them to know berry picker ruin all
cover up! lie! does not tell truth!
You think dumb monkey need spear in berry picking utopia? monkey no develop anything neanderthal invent all
monkey destroy neanderthal!
Invade when pick too many berry in home land!
Berry picker drink all space ship fuel and paint for preserve our culture on cave wall!
only simple stupid drawing left after berry picker lick off glorious neanderthal science
Berry picker called it "juice"
sound like "jews"
Um, I think it is "ALL the world's pop has about 2% Neanderthal genes, EXCEPT for some in Africa."
Neanderthal evolved outside Africa, from an earlier homid offshoot, iirc. They never made it to Africa (sub-saharan) ergo the lack of their DNA there supports the 'out-of-Africa' theory. We (modern man) are all descended from African man.
All races besides niggers have neanderthal dna.
Whites have 1-4% neanderthal dna. its what sets us apart from the animals on this planet.
except it becomes clearly staying in africa meant never development
stupid berry picker
with great mammoth hunter genes you never be what you are today
leaving shithole africa best decision nigger made
but worst thing to happen to neanderthal
I don't know why people support fringe theories, anything to say "WE ARE NOT DINDUS". Like Jesus, don't suspend science simply for the sake of ideology. It will only lead to shit.
Pretty simplistic view of culture there. If you had been raised on Easter Island before moderns visited, your culture might have been a bit backward too. Doesn't mean you aren't capable of more complexity.
Ridiculous. But this IS Sup Forums after all. Carry on.
The discredited ones, or the other ones?
Their society functioned perfectly for the environment they lived in. In the modern world? Not so much. Adaptability is key in times of turmoil.
Me try to warn no subvert to sex monkey
no work
berry picker drank all juice
couldn't write it on cavewall in time to warn generations about berrypickers
Pic Related
Look no further than the stone tools and techniques used and you will realize Neanderthals(top pic) were ahead of there African homo counterparts(bottom pic)
Also ....They died out because The Flood changed the atmosphere on earth. The ones who didn't perish in The Flood gradually died off due to the abrupt change to the environment.
Fucking idiot......pic related, go break some nuts with your weak African tools faggett
Bump for interest..... Check tha Digits
& abos
Proud 10% neanderthal here. This is why Binlan is superior in every aspect
We have a reach a point where no matter what we were in the past we need a new humanoid of the future, after all the genes of today are just a step towards the next intelligent species.
Sup Forums are we the niggers? I mean maybe the neanderthals were the original whites and we outbred them :(
Neanderthal DNA is largely limited to Western Europe, in slightly higher concentrations in Celtic communities. Jews, as a semitic people are native to the near east. If Jews have Neanderthal DNA, they got it by inter-breeding with Western Europeans.
Is that even possible?
>Antarctica has a race
Just wut
It's based on who lives there currently. Literally only white scientists live in Antarctica right now.
There's also the ice nazis living under Antarctica. Pic semi-related.