Is that guy a career politician?
Trump is filling half of his cabine with Putinshills and other half with neo-cons. Wtf is he trying to accomplish?
tick tock
tick tock
tick tock
End the retarded narrative that Russia is the bad guy in the world.
World War X
It's gonna be so cool we don't use numbers anymore :^)
Explain how this isn't draining the swamp.
I'm a conservative, so I'm obviously retarded. You have to explain this to me in small, easy to understand words.
wtf...i'm a #HILLDAWG now...
Turning the swamp into a coal slurry pit
He isn't putting poor retarded numales of colour in charge, and that's very unamerican, because we all know America was built thanks to women of colour, not FUCKING WHITE MALES.
I hope I read in the headlines tomorrow that Rex is quitting his job
basically retards like you voted for him to take the influence of money out of politics, whereas he has simply begun to eliminate the middle man and put the richest asshole friends of his in charge. Money now IS politics
Reminder that your definition of swamp is wrong.
Lol, how many filthy career political operatives has he got on his cabinet?
none, he instead brought in the people who pay off the politicians. So, you know, it's kind of like Rockefeller or a saudi oil baron being in charge of the country.
I was for Romney but T-Rex Till seems pretty based.
Why don't we go read EXACTLY what Trump SAID HE MEANT by drain the swamp then, shall we?
>- October 18, 2016 -
>Trump Pledges To Drain The Swamp And Impose Congressional Term Limits
>It is time to drain the swamp in Washington, D.C.
>That is why I am proposing a package of ethics reforms to make our government honest once again.
>First: I am going to institute a 5-year ban on all executive branch officials lobbying the government after they leave government service.
>Second: I am going to ask Congress to institute its own 5-year ban on lobbying by former members of Congress and their staffs.
>Third: I am going to expand the definition of lobbyist so we close all the loopholes that former government officials use by labeling themselves consultants and advisors when we all know they are lobbyists.
>Fourth: I am going to issue a lifetime ban against senior executive branch officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.
>Fifth: I am going to ask Congress to pass a campaign finance reform that prevents registered foreign lobbyists from raising money in American elections.
Doesn't say anything about not picking talented people from the world of private enterprise, "Drain the swamp" is ENTIRELY about CAREER POLITICIANS AND SPECIAL-INTEREST-LOBBYING BY CAREER POLITICIANS.
You massive faggot
>DRAIN THE SWAMP aka remove career politicians in the pockets of lobbyists
>replace with people who were hiring the lobbyists
>appoint prosecutor to attorney general
>appoint generals to secretary of defense
>appoint businessman with decades of experience negotiating with foreign governments to secretary of state
>this is worse than career politicians with NO practical experience in the fields they are appointed to, who are promised employment when they leave office by the corporations they do favours for
How did I vote for him?
I'm Australian dude.
Also, didn't Trump always say that America had the best people in the private sector, that he wanted to bring in to negotiate on behalf of the US. I remember him saying that.
Maybe I'm remembering wrong.
Maybe you could correct me?
Trump picks a politician -> "DRAIN THE SWAMp!!!"
Trump picks someone successful from the private sector -> "DRAIN THE SWAMp!!!"
Based rex
>campain about keeping special interests outside of politics
>name CEO of teh biggest company in the world as his right wing
I think this was honestly a stupendous pick. This guy isn't going to be working for Exxon when he's serving as Secretary of State. He's just a really rich guy with plenty of experience running what's basically a small country.
Drain the swamp refers to ending career politicians and lobbying. He's not a career politician, and he's not going to have any conflict of interests, since he'll have parted with Exxon.
>Full blown plutocratic regime
Because fuck the plebs, we sure fooled them!
He didn't say you voted for him, just people like you. Learn to read.
>>name CEO of teh biggest company in the world as his right wing
But Trump didn't appoint Doug MacMillon of Walmart.
so is he supposed to put in? can't put in businessman, can't put in politicians, can't put in bankers, wow it's like you think he shouldn't put anyone successful in, Really makes you think
heaven forbid he puts a banker in charge of finance
That's like getting an accountant to do your taxes, how retarded can Drumpf be LOL
Counting the minutes until your daily asshole stretching?
Do you you think this soothes hillary's shattered mind?
I don't.
pitiable consolation prize.
Yeah Cold War II is now and we're the fucking Evil Empire.
>Patriot Act
>The Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act.
>MSM is Pravda tier propoganda.
>No Government Transpararancy.
>Criminalization of whistle blowing.
>they guy who helps run an oil company is gonna help Russia, a nation that has state owned oil refineries.
destroying USA, just like his voter hoped he would
>they guy who helps run an oil company that has drilling rights in Russia worth hundreds of billions of dollars
no don't worry
Several nominees have advocated on the behalf of foreign governments. Is he saying that it is okay if he does but nobody else?
Liberal academics with no real world experience whatsoever.
That's one way to interpret his reply.
Do you have any rebuttal for my main argument though?
Who did you expect him to appoint, seriously? He's not just going to hire guys off the street. He said he would pick people that weren't career politicians, and he's stayed true to his promise
Chaos. In the name of kek.
Wtf are you talking about? He has named plenty of GOP regulars that Jeb would have appointed. Fucking Preibus is his chief of staff.
Exactly. If this turns into just more crony capitalism in different clothing then I'll join the autisitc screeching.
What are you talking about?
>ITT people who have decided that Trump is Hitler talk about how he's wrong about absolutely everything even though he hasn't taken office yet
>no one will argue anything they're just going to circle jerk about sharing a bias
Please grow up rest of world. The adults are having a conversation here.
Put in blacks, lgbt and feminazi.
>butthurt shilltards still doesnt get that drain the swamp refered to washington not successful and rich peopel
You're not very smart, are you?
So far trump has selected one of the best cabinets in recent history. The reason you don't hear about cabinets from other presidents is that the positions are already handed out well before the election and are strictly pay to play. The fact that Trump is filling them out after the election should make people happy.
What departments does trump not like? Education, Health, Environment, Energy, Housing. Each and every one of these departments is now headed by somebody who hates these departments.
which cabinets does trump like:
State, Defense, homeland security, Treasury, NSA, Commerce, labor.
all of these departments have generals and CEOs. Not a single career politician in sight.
Transportation chao was chosen because married to senator,
UN Ambasador was to do a solid to the new governor to be of South Carolina
Attorney General was chosen to keep Fat Christy out of position.
Priebus was chosen because he won florida.
All arround impressive as fuck
Flynn runs a firm that lobby's for Turkey. Giuliani Partners has clients from Qatar, Iranian exiles, and the Canadian s behind keystone XL. There are also advisors but Pence took initiative in removing lobbyists.
>X isn't a number
mfw fuckin american education
>born in small town Texas
>didn't go to a big school
>worked his way up to become the CEO of one of the most powerful companies on the planet
>takes a massive paycut to serve as SoS
this Tillerson guy is exactly the sort of American the founding fathers envisioned would serve in government - an extremely successful individual who will take some time away from their lucrative careers to help guide the country
its a roman numeral not an arabic numeral.
>arabic numeral
so you're trying to tell me that 9/11 should be written IX/XI?
So they did a good job?
>vote Trump i don't want more wars!
people would confuse it with Super Bowls.
Benjamin Franklin was a white male who was born a slave
first, he was being ironic
second fuckoutofhere, ben was not born a slave.
Hey buddy we will give you a good job when you get out of office.
Hey buddy Im charge of Exxon, unless you have a manhatten project Openheimier tier job its a demotion.
I am pained by these fucking imbeciles I live with, then again at least I am not so unfortunate to be surrounded by sand niggers like yourself.
then it would be even a better meme
Half his points on swamp draining is about getting rid of government officials ability to lobby on behalf of foreign governments. Some of his cabinet picks and advisors had lobying firms doing that.
His drain the swamp rhetoric doesn't seem to have hindered his ability to hire the swamp.
Nope, but his views are all over wikipedia.
>Opposition to sanctions
>Supports carbon taxing due to climate change
>Support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
>Free Trade (Global Energy)
>Government regulation - Wants to remove gov't regulation (makes selling oil easier)
>Education - Supports common core
>Doesn't like fracking in his back yard
I know Trump has a plan (increased business with Russia) but I wish he could've used someone else.
What are you doing in my swamp?
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but is Rex Tillerson implicated in corruption in anyway?
like every CEO, it is his fiduciary duty to be as implicated in corruption as possible, without getting convicted for it
You complaining about one of the ONLY men in our time to take on the Jew and WIN?
Sit back, buckle up, and get ready - Whitey's back in charge and shit's about to get cleaned the fuck up. There will be blood.
I'm emigrating to the US next year, [the first time in 20 years I've even felt the want to] The rest of the world is about to get old looking real fast.
hey trips, if you think trump is anti jew, you are going to have a hard time.
>emigrating to the US
fuck off, we are full
Appointing a CEO of a major oil company as your SoS is about as drain the swamp you can get.
No you're not, there's about 3million spaces coming available in the next 9months, you got loadsa room.
Being anti-jew and being in a position to outjew the jew aren't the same thing. Don't forget, he loves the "lateeenoooooes" too.
Trump and the GOP are not going to reverse a single one of those things.
He will, however, get rid of Dodd-Frank for his Jew friends at Goldmann Sachs.
don't worry brother, we'll have a happening tomorrow, don't know exactly when
it will be a leaked tape, after which no one in their right mind will support trump anymore
screencap this
Good thing I'm out of my mind.
Put me in the shot too.
Hard to assassinate Trump since the guy that takes power after him is Pence and if both of them get taken out its this Exxon guy.
28D chess confirmed
>that one retarded leftist Serb
Dodd-frank is shit and has nothing to do with jew bankers you fucking retarded rape baby descendant
Rest assured, this is a good thing. Now banks will lend to small businesses and the economy will boom. You think Obama didn't take orders from Citi Group on how to fill his cabinet, and ensure they received the biggest bailout? Please. Curious thing naming the bill Dodd Frank, after the two assholes in congress most responsible for the creation, sustaining, and collapse of the sup prime mortgage market. That's like naming an anti Pedo Bill, The Alefantis Podesta Act.
Actually it goes
President: Donald Trump
Vice President: Mike Pence
Speaker of House: Paul Ryan
Senate Pro Tempore: Orrin Hatch
Secretary of State: Rex Tillerson
Attorney General: Jeff Sessions
After that I dunno
Who? Most of the other front runners were pretty meh and all the other suggestions I personally liked involved plucking someone from their current post.
Trump can't just cannibalize every other branch. We still need people we like elsewhere in the government.
>against lobbyism
>put CEO of oil-company in position of extreme power
pick one you fucking retard
This. You dumb fucks asked for this kind of shit
>"hmm those sanctions against russia lost my friends billions of dollars... now that i'm secretary of state i wonder if i can do something about that ... hmmmm......"
>CEO of an oil company is a lobbyist
Here ya go... you're welcome.
Vice President
Speaker of the House of Representatives
President pro tempore of the US Senate
Secretary of State
Secretary of the Treasury
Secretary of Defense
Attorney General
Secretary of the Interior
Secretary of Agriculture
Secretary of Commerce
Secretary of Labor
Secretary of Health and Human Services
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Secretary of Transportation
Secretary of Energy
Secretary of Education
Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Secretary of Homeland Security
>After the two assholes in congress most responsible for the creation, sustaining, and collapse of the sup prime mortgage market
Alan Greenspan, Larry Summers, and Phil Gramm were far more responsible, excluding actors in banks intentionally handing out shitty loans
The (((banks))), knowing they have ((friends)) in the White House, will go straight back to the housing market because, hey, what's wrong with a bubble if you can get bailed out each and every time
They'll also bitch a the Fed over interest rates
Combine that with privatizing student loans, and I give the US economy four years
because the secretary of state is the first person they ask on matters of Education
>Ceo of an oil company doesn't pay lobbyists to lobby on his behalf
Good fucking lord Sup Forums is naive.
Rex Tillerson and Exxon gave money directly ALEC, America's biggest lobbying group and most responsible for every piece of shitty legislation you can think of
3rd most important person in the US, and 4th in the line of succession. I'm not really certain what it is you are arguing here, but the guy is basically the business version of a neocon, who supports TPP, Free Trade (especially when it comes to selling oil to foreign countries), and COMMON CORE.
A "WTF" SoS pick if you supported Trump. Thankfully, he won't touch education, but everything else is up his alley.
This. Like I said, I have no problem increasing business with Russia, but this is blatantly all this is about. What else is this guy going to do? We've seen how Hillary can abuse the position. I just hope this dude doesn't get anywhere near that level of clout.
What does that have to do with anything. It should be able to help EU get off of Russian fossil fuels...
But none of us plebs have the proper exposure to this shit to have a decent chance at being effective. We always said that if Trump couldn't do a job he could find the best man for the money to do it.
>and he's not going to have any conflict of interests, since he'll have parted with Exxon.
damn someone sell this clown a bridge, quick
As long as it's not a jewish banker.
No shit
But does he have to pick the Goldman-Soros guy? Great optics, there...and really taking it to those entrenched interests....