>Trump hires guys from Exxon, Goldman Sachs and the army.
>The establishment is still trying to destroy him and are now using the CIA to fabricate stuff.
What's going on? If he's not draining the swamp, why does the establishment still hate him?
>Trump hires guys from Exxon, Goldman Sachs and the army.
>The establishment is still trying to destroy him and are now using the CIA to fabricate stuff.
What's going on? If he's not draining the swamp, why does the establishment still hate him?
Agreed. Drumpf is just another corporate shill. Look at his fucking cabinet. This rex guy is more shady than Hillary. Retard Sup Forums, you just got played by drumpf.
>Is the current appointee a career politician or lobbyist?
>Is the new appointee a career politician or lobbyist?
Real mystery.
Because he controls them, they are not his donors after all, he doesn't owe them shit
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
>puts retired generals in charge of national security
>puts business leaders in charge of the economy
>puts prosecutors in charge of Justice
>WHAT A FUCKING DICK, where are all the harvard professors and lifetime politicians gunna go, huh?
Rex Tillerson is probably the only honest man in big oil. Guy actually gives a fuck about safety and openly called bp retards after Deepwater horizon.
Oh also based Rick Perry is now energy secretary lol.
Seems trump aims to run the country how we have run Texas for years. If so prepare for maximum winning.
you missed OPs point completely. Do you lack reading comprehnsion?
You're fucking retarded. Perry has openly criticized the job he's gotten selected for. He doesn't even believe in climate change. Kys.
They might just be good people who worked for shitty corporations and see Trump as a chance to redeem themselves and hop onto the right side as the tide shifts.
really though
>pick experienced and well qualified people who of course have been picked up by the private sector
>pick a bunch of no bodies with no real experience
He can't win and it's unfair to judge him either way until we start getting some real results
For fuck sakes, let him run his presidency while maintaining sanctions to faggot Putin.
If he doesnt know what Putin is like, people will surely tell him.
There, problem solved.
>He doesn't even believe in climate change.
He's /ourguy/
I don't think you know how this site works.
>If he's not draining the swamp, why does the establishment still hate him?
He is draining the swamp exactly as he said, what's the problem?
What? Some people there have brains too?
I think you misunderstood me.
harvard professors and lifetime politicians are definately not better qualified to run the military than generals.
this is pretty straightforward, like, this is obvious.
Who here /CruzMissile/ now?
Can you explain why Russia needs to be sanctioned, you shitskin manlet?
"Anybody with an entry on their resume is the swamp!"
T. Lugenpresse
Drain the swamp meant not appoint people based on political connection but merit.
Merit is how you do extremely well in business.
CTR/hill shills are trying to redefine it to mean successful people in business.
Or they try to define it as white.
So my thoughts are either these guys are surprisingly good but simply have worked within bad companies, or these guys are trash but Trump is using the putting the thief in charge of the wallet tactic so you'd know exactly who to blame in which area and they've caught on?
If the establishment is still against him, that's good news for us.
CTR is back folks
t. illiterate mexican
You could say it's proof that he IS going to drain the swamp.
But more likely: CNN/leftwing media needs trump to fail bigtime so that they can safe face.
They're going to push propaganda that makes him look bad so that libs can win the election in 2020
Welcome to US politics
Check this bot out
>You could say it's proof that he IS going to drain the swamp.
Well, so far all his picks are in accordance with drain the swamp, so...
so, are they trying to turn us into captalists?
I'm okay with this.
>If he's not draining the swamp
You have no idea what draining the swamp means
"The Swamp" refers to bought politicians, mainly in Congress, who follow orders from their corporate masters.
Getting good business people in a cabinet is not "The Swamp"
Firstly, hiring top level guys in their industries is not him failing to drain the swamp. It's putting top level guys in positions that are under his control, because they are the fucking best at what they do and everyone in their respective industries knows that.
Secondly, the establishment is much larger than just a few top guys from big companies. The establishment is a few hundred/thousand top level globalists, running all the way up to certain royal families, Soros, the Rockefeller & Rothschild families who install people like Merkel & Obama to carry out their plans.
But a true outsider, anti-globalist as President of the United States is an absolute nightmare for globalists, as evidenced by the fact they are willing to risk a civil war to block Trump. That alone should tell you how devastating a Trump Presidency would be to globalism. The globalists know that their game will be exposed by Trump bringing back jobs, increasing average wealth, industrializing the country, growing the stock market etc. Once people see this, their eyes will be opened to the true evil that is globalism. And they WILL be fucking pissed. And that is why the CIA is the front-man for this election thievery - because if they can't convince enough people that the Russian's stole the election from the Democrats, then globalism is done within a decade.
Now you know.
>Well, so far all his picks are in accordance with drain the swamp, so...
Nice trips. Explain what you mean by that.
How is tillerson in accordance with draining the swamp?
Literately every fortune 500 company is dodgy or has engaged in dodgy practices.
Trump can not win in the eyes of the media.
>picks a bunch of highly successful businessmen
He's just perpetrating the swamp
>picks neo-con shills
He's just bush 2.0
>picks dems or people that dems like
He's betraying his support base
Those are the headlines the media will run
>doesn't understand how kike subversion works
Watch some jewtube vidyas featuring Yuri Bezmenov, user.
>He can't win and it's unfair to judge him either way until we start getting some real results
also, who will still be there a month into his term
>Explain what you mean by that.
It means Trump did the following:
1. Stated his declarations
2. Acted on them
>How is tillerson in accordance with draining the swamp?
Did you read what draining the swamp means? It doesn't mean Comrade Sanders' glorious purge of capitalists.
He is neither a lobbyist nor a career politician.
That's pretty much the situation.
Let them come at him, he knows the media will never be his friend. I personally hope he destroys them, some way, some how.
>why does the establishment still hate him?
It doesn't
If he wasn't draining the swamp, as promised, we wouldn't be hearing about Russian hackers all day
It's basically a "no true scotsman" tactic from both sides.
Trump could appoint the biggest financial criminals and his followers would employ some mental gymnastics why they would be best to "drain the swamp" or he could the most taciturn and righteous businessmen and his opponents would call them corrupted.
the establishment has unleashed the CIA to try to stop him from draining the swamp, what more proof do you need?
He is draining the swamp. Anyone who cant see what hes doing at this point should kill themselves
First: I am going to re-institute a 5-year ban on all executive branch officials lobbying the government for 5 years after they leave government service. I am going to ask Congress to pass this ban into law so that it cannot be lifted by executive order.
Second: I am going to ask Congress to institute its own 5-year ban on lobbying by former members of Congress and their staffs.
Third: I am going to expand the definition of lobbyist so we close all the loopholes that former government officials use by labeling themselves consultants and advisors when we all know they are lobbyists.
Fourth: I am going to issue a lifetime ban against senior executive branch officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.
And Fifth: I am going to ask Congress to pass a campaign finance reform that prevents registered foreign lobbyists from raising money in American elections.
What the fuck do you expect as non-swamp people you dumbfucks?
He's picking what he said, people who knows how to make money, ring-wing guys according to his policies and military people.
He wants to run America as a huge busniess group, and that's what he is good at, fuck you all fucking alt-left shitposters
I honestly have no idea what these people who are complaining were expecting
We're hearing about Russian hackers because the Democrats (lead by the globalists) are trying to steal the election, you dope. It's an all or nothing situation.
It is much easier for the controlled left to not read or listen to what Trump says, and then become furiously angry because they read a social media post, than for them to actually see what Trump's policies are and analyze it fairly.
>why they would be best to "drain the swamp"
draining the swamp is not something the cabinet is in charge of
in fact, everyone in Trump's cabinet has to sign an agreement not to lobby
you need to look into what Trump said about draining the swamp to begin with
> why does the establishment still hate him?
CIA is in bed with big media.
Operation Mockingbird still exists in some form today.
My theory is the dems have some relationship with CIA heads(probably money). Dems are afraid of a US govt with a Republican legislature and president, and are going maximum overshill. Expect to hear a lot of war shit
>the establishment has unleashed the CIA to try to stop him from draining the swamp, what more proof do you need?
It's called controlled opposition
A Hillary Clinton victory
He always said he will hire the most qualified ppl and not the ones that donated the most.
He is making great picks..
Exactly this.
Those points are what swayed many people who were fed up with corrupt politicians but we have yet to see how he incorporates those ideas. As everything else Trump has promised until now, his followers are acting as if he already held all those promises while his enemies try to portray him as if he had already failed. The bottom line is that he didn't do nothing yet (apart from a few tweets and receiving a phonecall with Hongkong)
>why does the establishment still hate him?
It's about culture, not personal power competitions. Trump represents America's authentic white culture. The elites revile white Americans, so they are deeply bigoted against Trump and his supporters.
>but we have yet to see how he incorporates those ideas.
every pick thus far is in accordance with those ideals
>as if he had actually held all those promises
so far he has
>while his enemies try to portray him as if he had already failed
Reading what Trump's policies are is too difficult for leftists. Their idea of the swamp is "all capitalists."
This is what Sup Forums keeps saying so I'd have to think that this is what his supporters say. Another user already posted what Trump said about fighting lobbyism. I personally would say that what he's in for is far beyond his capabilities as a president. Believe it or not, many high profile politicians already tried fighting against it, often finding themselves betrayed by their own partymembers.
What exactly has he achieved yet?
I'm certainly not trying to pick sides here, I'm just curious what you think he has achieved yet.
He's not fucking president yet so stfu. We will see, but his proposals are still a quintillion times better than Hillary.
pick one.
>He's not fucking president yet
And he's already betrayed his supporters and everyone in general.
>What exactly has he achieved yet?
don't really understand, as I said he's been acting in accordance with his promises and appointing people consistent with his ideals
his supporters would not agree with your assessment.
Cruz got a donation of several times his net worth, which was what he called him out on genius.
How dare your candidate do something that you voted him to do!
Why doesn't he do what I want him to do even though I didn't vote for him!
Cool lies, bro.
my sides
top tier b8
look at all these newfriends taking it
They are scared shitless. It's Because I think his ideas might work and it will prove they have all been deliberately fucking us.
someone understands it. he cant just pick a random dude from the street. he needs to pick known names.
and I realized that the problem might be to an Austrian these picks are meaningless but to an American Trump supporter these picks are very reaffirming to our trust, just as Romney would have been absolutely fucking toxic to our trust
that will never happen, because we are mostly extremely right-wing.
it would require lobotomizing half of Sup Forums
>he thinks there is only one establishment
Awe cute lil blue pulled babby
CTR is back
you'd need to use moderators to ban people since right wing views always win in a free marketplace of ideas
>more shady than Hillary
uh, no. nobody is worse than hillbag. not even your retarded negroid in chief.
but anyway, until he hires a lobbyist, all you shills continue to stayREKT~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hildawgs get in here!
This post really made me concerned OP I guess I should have voted for the pro-war NWO gun grabbing commie shill.
what is the title of this painting ?
so is he admitting he had help from ruskies or what
what does she mean by this?
>Rex Tillerson is an excellent choice for Secretary of State. He will bring to the post remarkable and broad international experience; a deep understanding of the global economy; and a belief in America's special role in the world.
>I know Rex as a successful business man and a patriot. He will represent the interests and the values of the United States with resolve and commitment. And he will lead the exceptional men and women of the State Department with respect and dedication.
>I look forward to supporting Rex through the confirmation process and then welcoming him to the family of Secretaries of State.
Uuuuugh they're not army they're MUHREENS. SEMPER FI!!!
>climate change
da sky iz falling, da sky iz falling. we needs mo money fer science, nasa and da UN an chit.
"get out"
Because they can't buy him off. The number one reason.
The squeals of rage and fright from the swamp are music to my ears and confirm the God/Emperor is draining the swamp as he said he would.
>What exactly has he achieved yet?
He has given us all those liberal tears to drink to keep us warm this winter
I'm a delegate for Idaho. I'm voting for Jeb! because of this thread.
Anyone who thinks that will happen is an utter moron who has no convictions, and cannot understand people who do.
Once awoken to the truth of how Globalism is used to destroy nations, and how it poses an existential threat to the future of peoples of both USA and Europe, there is no going back.
>Trump hires guys from Exxon, Goldman Sachs and the army
The swamp gets deeper and deeper.
>The establishment is still trying to destroy him
Most of Trump's damage is self-inflicted with a weapon called "Twitter".
>and are now using the CIA to fabricate stuff.
When Cheney was intimidating the CIA with repeated visits, the CIA made up stuff.
Now that seems a lot less likely. As a former member of the intelligence community, I know that they rely on multiple sources to corroborate a flash like this, but they can't give you all the hard evidence because that would reveal collection techniques and tradecraft.
Take your kopeck and go home Putintroll. You're drunk.
>Jeb actually wins
>He revealed that he has been playing everyone as fools as he laughs energetically.
Damn I would support him just coz of how incredible of a plan he pulled off.
it's the outcries that are the most telling to me
>well, he's not in office yet and people on the same 'side' are arguing his picks are 'wrong' for entirely opposite reasons, suspicious
>You don't get so fucking asshurt over flat earth or reptilians or whatever the fuck, so what nerve is this hitting?
Streisand effect, in a way
>believe in climate change.
you make it sound like climate change is a religion
Did you fpbp your own post?