What do you guys think about the "anti-SJW" community on YouTube?
What do you guys think about the "anti-SJW" community on YouTube?
>Naked Ape
are alright
rest are shit
Literally nobody there worth listening to.
I only listen to atheism-is-unstoppable
I'm not Devon, I assure you.
No BlackPigeonSpeaks?
What a fucking shitty thread. Go hang yourself fucking faggot OP.
Love Lauren and Roaming Millenial caus hot
Kraut and Tea and TL;DR are pretty interesting don't mind spending a bit to listen to them.
Amazing atheist is interesting at least, good points, minimal faggotry.
Sargon of Akkad is also interesting.
Sadly thats as in depth as I can go; they're all interesting and not entirely unreliable unlike most journalists for the MSM.
Also love Rebel Media (Gavin and Ezra in particular but the black guy is interesting as well)
Why no Styxhexenhammer666? He's been pretty much spot on with Brexit and US presidential elections.
I want e-celeb threads to die
>not having styx there
You have to love Metokur though, he's just so consistently funny
Missing report of the week
Metokur looks like an old school Sup Forums neckbeard parody and that triggers me.
No doubt there are great Youtubers who talk about politics out there, but this is getting Sup Forums tier.
The only one here thats not a fucking autist is Jim
the only person on there worth shit is metokur
Parasites of counter culture
Love Jim, though he doesn't belong in the alt-right (mostly because it's a fucking gay label).
TL;DR is amazingly factual
Where's Molymeme?
I pray to sargon 5 times a day
He's getting repetitive and edgy. His website is an echo chamber for uneducated ranters to post their shitty videos. Total bust.
Still enjoy his videos. Bought his t shirt.
Rebel media cherry pick info. Make its just me but they give me a bad vibe.
not only, but he's good
Oh fucking hell, his channel is blocked in islamic state of germany
> No CommonFilth
oh okay so this IS a thread full of sodomites