I thought Trump was going to #DrainTheSwamp?
I thought Trump was going to #DrainTheSwamp?
>Muh CEO picks
He fucking said he wanted to get the oil. He fucking said he was going to pick who he felt best for the job.
Just because they have more money than you doesn't mean they're fucking corrupt. What the fuck are you, a communist? Even then, who's to say whether or not someone with money is or isn't nationalistic?
What's next? Is Trump a Russian agent?
I think trump is acting in good faith. He's hiring people he believes are competent. He thinks he can keep him in line but he's probably wrong. All of these snakes will push their own agenda and try to undermine Trump. Basically it's like letting Chris Christie lead the transition team all over again. The important thing to me is that I believe Trump will get rid of these people once he realizes he can't get them to work under him.
>President of Goldman Sachs
>not corrupt
That's exactly what he is doing. His cabinet is mostly built up of military men of the highest order, and hard lined capitalists, many of whom have little experience working as politicians.
It's fucking great. Now whether or not it'll be effective, that we will see. If it isn't, then there will never be an "outsider" elected again, and the "run a country like a business" argument will be completely shut down. But if it is, Trump will go down in history as a revolutionary.
Fuck off CTR
We #BuildingTheSwamp now
Cool strawman, Ahmed.
Save it for when we actually know what's going on.
No one knows what is going on inside his head. We'll find out. He's still obviously better than Hillary.
I thought you were leaving the eu?
>i voted for the guy, yet i have no idea what he's going to do
Great job.
Correct. Because unlike Obama's campaign promise, this actually is change. And with real change is going to come a gamble. The way American politics has been traditionally done is about to radically change come Trump's inauguration.
And it's fascinating to watch, and this is a great time to be alive and shitposting.
I personally guarantee this will be the greatest cabinet in history.
whats ur definition of corrupt u dirty crooked toothed libtard? while employed by goldman he was loyal to his company and made big cash for them. most likely he will now fight for the united states like he did for every other employer he had.
Putting billionaires in government positions isn't going to change anything lmao.
How the fuck do you people think that billionaires hate the status quo?
>How the fuck do you people think that billionaires hate the status quo?
The same stupid people who voted for Trump thinking he would "change" anything
Kys, retard.
Just like Trump avoiding all conflicts of interests with his own businesses! Just trust him!
That'll teach me!
He's not going to ban guns and he's willing to acknowledge problems with illegal immigration and islam.
Everything else is just gravy.
Hiring non-politicians and non-lobbyist is draining the swamp cuckboi
Also called "pandering". Now he's in power he's stopped giving a fuck about anything that won't personally make him money.
>How the fuck do you people think that billionaires hate the status quo?
Anyone, even billionaires can make a career out of hating the status quo. It's like when bilionaire Soros funds communists groups for no reason, why does he do it? You can speculate why would he profit from it but it's all conspiracy in the end. Billionaires have their own personal interests and ideologies that cannot be simply defined as you're assuming
you're right he should have filled it out with a bunch of career politician parasites like we've had for the past century that'll fix everything
these CEOs have the knowledge to get shit done, and Trump brought in all those generals to keep them in check
Nice virus
>thinks business leaders and generals are the swamp
You never go full krugman
What Ben Garrison didn't show you is that the drain led directly to the white house.
Have the media ever did those huge mental gymnastics ever before? I mean, they are like playing liberal Twister or something jesus christ
he bragged repeatedly he had the "best people" on Wall street lined up to work for him.
Also what matters most (to me) is the supreme court appointment. We absolutely have to get a conservative in the court, and there was no way that was going to happen with Hillary. At least Trump might appoint a conservative.
Hiring pro-white people is draining the swamp.
That's what matter the most.
You're welcome
commies not welcome here and wash post is fake news
The alt-right in a nutshell. Everyone who doesn't agree with them is a commie and all the news they don't agree with is fake.
It's got the beginnings of a totalitarian state.