Why do millennials believe in climate change?

Why do millennials believe in climate change?

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Is that the big tittied blue eyed chick that always gets posted here?

no thats the vapid little game whore with no value
who gets posted here all the time.

Marxist indoctrination.

No, that's the genocidal tranny that keeps getting posted here.

Why will this thread get 300 replies?
Why do you make a thread about millennials with pics of the same girl every fucking day?

It is always human nature to believe in an end of the world scenario. Religion facilitates this.

Climate change is the end of the world scenario for the "i love fucking science" crowd, cucks, and shitlibs. Most of these are jews and millenials.

Climate change is real, that's objective fact. What is really debated here is the root cause.

While some believe humans are causing it, I believe it is simply the Earth's natural climate cycle. For millions of years this Earth has been fluctuating between ice-house and greenhouse states and right now we're warming up in a greenhouse state. Relatively speaking it wasn't that long ago we had an ice-age. I believe that it's nothing short of self-aggrandising to say that humans are causing climate change. But what does it matter what I say when a certain group of people stand to make a lot of money from the false belief they implanted in the minds of millions.

Over the last couple years the climate change bollocks has really been ramped up, but nobody has looked past their nose end.

Because 90% of them used facebook that introduces them to Bill Nye and Neil Degrasse Tyson, pop scientists to slowly get them to be interested in junk science and rest is history.


they had access to an education unlike the """skeptic""" bumpkins inhabiting Sup Forums

Captain Planet. 100% serious.

Because it's a real.

The better question is why retards in the U.S. are anti-Science



Indoctrination through the school system.

Teachers during elementary school would always talk about global warming and saving the earth. Over time, that shit got stuck to our brains so we would be in favor of environmentalism


do you mean this?


Steveo is way better millennial b8


For the big dogs (Soros, Al Gwhore) they are the puppet masters, they are the Gods of the new cult of "Global Warming". Easy to see why they would want laws that tax the entire world for their personal wealth and power.

For the whore 'scientists and professors' their paycheck depends on them shilling for the climate change hoax religion. So it's in their best interest to just lie, make up faux "science" and keep cashing those checks.

For the individual sheep "believers" I am not sure. Maybe they aspire to jobs in "science" doing "research" for the government and colleges? Maybe they are retard sheep.

What is her name, senpai?

Who are you that you make 18+ millennials threads daily? How it is you get responses?

Sometimes, I feel like I'm the only human here.

Beth Lily, incredible tits.

She quit topless modeling and was surprised why she lost her whole fanbase.

With our powers combined: Captain Faggot!

I am unable to find photos of her feet though...

>surprised only subhuans visit this board

White people are not human

> Italian
> criticizing subhumans

>> lit > sci
>> Never

zoe is not a tranny you fucking autistic kike

They were exposed to Gore's Inconvenient Truth and believed it because they have mush for brains.

i'm just pointing out you often visit this board. deal with it.


Because it's real. I love how Sup Forums loves science when they can use it to back up their misguided ideas about race and gender, but science goes out the window when it actually proves them wrong.

because they teach it in schools here, Science class here is just watching climate change videos