Who were the NigNogs of Skyrim?
Who were the NigNogs of Skyrim?
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Argonians, hands down
>Crack addicts
>Ashy ass skin
>Lusty Argonian Maid
>From the jungles
Dunmer were like spics
Altmer are like the Chinese
Bosmer are like the Vietnamese
Dwemer are the Jews (except they won't fucking disappear for real in this reality)
redguards :^)
do you get to the cloud district very often? oh what am i saying? of course you dont. ill have you know theres no PUSSSSSSSSSSSSSIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
the players
And Khajits? Gypsies?
Orcs, they are stupid and have 0 contribuition to the lore.
Khajits are the mexicans of TES series.
I always though khajit are the jews
The nordicks
Dark Elves
Beast races maybe but they're more akin to sandpeople (kajiit) and the Args... no clue
Dark elves however, in skyrim, are the most niggly group w/ respect to the nord story
I think that one is the most obvious
Violent, uncivilized, and no one wants them around
The nignogs obviously.
dwemer are like the persians. jews are just parasites in history. they never made a functioning and lasting civilization
This is just sheer autism
Kajit are sand niggers, high elves jews
I'd say the Altmer are the jews these days. Making the white nords give up their god? Super jewy
Definitely the gypsies.
Nah, Orcs gotta be some sort of Slav or Balt.
All of my this :D
No, redguards are sandnigs
Thalmor are kikes
Time to settle some shit. Ranking from best to worst
>good ones
>Nords (Need I say more?)
>Thalmor (easily crushed empire, amazing with magic, uses the empire like their little submissive bitch)
>Dark Elves (fucked over the most advanced elves in existence)
>Argonians (annoying invading faggots but BTFO'd the daedra in their homeland during the Oblivian crisis)
>shit ones
>Breton (magic power isn't that bad, but WE WUZ NATURE N SHIT)
>wood elves (WE WUZ NATURE N SHIT)
>Red guard (Dindus and desert sand monkeys)
>imperials (like I said, the Thalmor's little bitch)
>orcs (stupid ugly grunts that have done nothing)
The shit ones aren't really in order so I just put them together
Whoops. Almost forgot the furries.
>Thieving drug addicts
>can swim exceptionally well and breathe underwater
The rest is accurate, but this is literally the exact opposite of nignogs
>Nah, Orcs gotta be some sort of Slav or Balt.
All the -mer are basically Asians. Orcs are like... Filipinos.
Dark Elves are closer to nips than nogs tho
Khajits are pakis or indians. Hands down, they have caravans, steal, atrocious accents and they probably shit in the streets.
I don't even think the Filipinos even merit a place in this game. Maybe the corrupted Falmer if I really had to.
Nips are already in the game. They were the Akaviri.
The Falmer
Live in caves
gang up on people
>I don't even think the Filipinos even merit a place in this game.
Most people would say the same thing about the Orsimer. Hence my saying they're basically flips.
>Nips are already in the game. They were the Akaviri.
I mean in terms of Houses(clans) and House members(retainers) as well as the ritual reverence off their dead and xenophoia
Nords. Skyrim is basically Tamrielic Africa: backwards, poor, full of violent iron-age primitives.
you clearly dont know the Orcs of Skyrim and are assuming they are just like Orcs in every other game you have played. You are a dirty fucking racist.
Oh yeah, I definitely see that
Let me revise my previous statement. Filipinos are Chaurus.
skyrim is purdy
Also it's important to remember than no Elder Scrolls civilization is a 1:1 representation of real world civilizations
Nords have quite a bit of influence from the Medieval Irish and the Inuit as well as Scandinavia
Redguards are Sahelian West Africans, Arabs, North Africans, but they have a lot of Spanish influence as well
Bretons have different sub-groups that are more like Brythonic Celts, the French, and Gaelic Celts
dwemer = atlantis
super advanced civilization disappearing without anyone having a clue why and how
altmer = jews
orcs = niggers
argonians = abos
khajits = chinks, thais, so on, travelling around and selling drugs
>Orcs last, under niggers
They are hands down best melee fighters and don't make bitchy ass noises when they get hit.
>Filipinos are Chaurus.
Toplel. I can actually get behind that.
>Orcs - Mongols, Alans, Parthians
>Dark elves - feudal Japan
>Khajits - Far east(think Afghanistan or tajikastan) + semi-arid africa
>Bretons - Northern France 1200-1500
>Nords - Nordics 800-1100
>Nig nogs - middle-east 700-1500 + Caribbean esque
>Wood elves - generic cannibal elves
>dwemer = atlantis
Nope, Sumeria + pre-islamic middle-east
Khajit = hispanics
Dwemer are Byzanthen. THink about it.
I agree with this.
Also Nords share with Redguards the distinction of having the lowest intelligence score
The Nords.
So what the fucking leaf is saying is, Orcs are the Nips of Skyrim?
orcs are steppe nips in the mountains without horses
Well they had horses. Fucking horses need to stop being so delicious though.
>lmao white BOi da black man is better at running and fighting
Literally niggers. Being a berserking spastic with a sword doesn't make you good at me lee.
Fucking phone won't recognise it.
Argonians are just Trees
Dunmer are a Mutation of Altmer
Altmer are children of a God
Bosmer are Half elfs
Dwmer are Jews who gassed them selfs
Orcs are Elfs that smeared God shit over themselves and mutated.
Khajits are Moon people
Nords are just snow imperals
Imga are Apes
Lilmothiit are Nips
Convince me the Daedra and Daedric Princes aren't the jews.
>Being a berserking spastic with a sword doesn't make you good at me lee.
Actually it does when you're swole, not a faggot, make good armor, and have the ability to enrage.
The 9 Divines are pretty based.
I dunno, Azura isn't that bad.
Asians are not on Tamriel
Human races inspired by asians are on the eastern continent,Akavir,
So dumner were not inspired by feudal japan, but more like middle eastern warring states
Argonians are Liggers
That's not even skilled. That's just, like I said, being a raging brain dead spastic (like orcs). They look real fucking ugly, have zero culture other than "Ug hit thing Ug don't like". They are niggers.
Azura is literally the worst. Also the Divines are not Daedra.
Skyrim Orcs are literally voiced by a black voice actor
Azura created the gypsies (Khajit), but other than that seems to be benign goddess.
A case could be made for Hirschine too being chaotic neutral
Molag Bal however is a complete jew, even nicknamed "the corruptor" and quest reward is basically a trophy so he can save shekels.
Wrong. Argonian characters were some of the kindest and least autistic. Some nords and khajiit acted like colossal niggers.
>master craftsman
>mind their own business
>would prefer if you minded yours
>don't thieve
>not addicts
>can swim
They only niggerish trait they have is being slightly abusive to their women.
>master craftsman
Have you fucking seen their swords and armour? Literally looks like it was put in a forge and then smacked randomly until it looked slightly sharp.
>Mind their own business
Yes that's why they just love to move all over tamerial and set up those stupid camps anyone can take out. Because y'know, why the hell would they stay in their homeland if they minded their own business?
>Can swim
Woopty fucking doo.
My statement still stands. Orcs are shit tier.
>argonians are niggers
Fuck right off. Argonians are NOT niggers they have a rich culture and-
>thinks back to every argonian I've made since morrowind
>always a thief
>always bribe my way out of trouble or run
>always do all the skooma
>back stabbing is the only way to fight
>adopt children in skyrim then never return home
Aight, I ain't sayin Argonians is niggas, but dey dindu nuffin. Dey just minin dey own bidniz an dem mug fuggin dark elf bitch ass nigga asses come up in our hood startin sheet... but ey yo where da nord womenz at?
Nords - Scandinavians
Imperials - Mediterraneans
Breton - Celts or any mid europeans, fuck if I know. Could be slavs ("breton are not human!").
Redguards - Sandniggers
Argonians - Niggers
Khajit - Gypses
Altmer - Chinese
Dunmer - Japs
Bosmer - South Americans
Orcs - Mongolians
Humans = human
Redguards = sandniggers
Beasts = subhumans
Elves = asians
This. Seems about right.
Shut up, snow nigger.
>They don't behave like nogs
>The only thing that really matters
Post invalidated.
I'd say the Orcs. I've had them Chimp-out on me before for no good reason and they are all of low intelligence.
This being said, the wide-flared nostrils and we wuz kingz attitude of the Nords makes them a close second.
Have you ever seen their armor? its literally made to deflect blows and absorb impact.
I never said they where the best, just not dead last.
Thieving furry scum, filthy lizards, raghead niggers, and treehugging elves are all far worse than orcs.
Reguard culture was portrayed as Caribbean-like in Elder Scrolls: Redguard. But in skyrim they retconned them to be more Arab-like. I wonder why they did that.
>Have you ever seen their armor? its literally made to deflect blows and absorb impact.
I'd hope because that's the fucking point of armor.
>Thieving furry scum, filthy lizards, raghead niggers, and treehugging elves are all far worse than orcs.
Lizards are just filthy; they are morally and intellectually superior to Orcs in all regards. Redgaurds > Orcs. Elves are not treehuggers either and in many respects are superior to even the Imperial race.
Gypsies or Mexicans
Argonians aren't that bad. At least I've seen Argonians working in Skyrim not "staying with nature" like Orcs do.
I second this
>I've had them Chimp-out on me before for no good reason
so your telling me you didn't climb over their wall, barge into their homes, throw you garbage everywhere, push them off their crafting stations, and fus ro dah into the air multiple times?
So you literally din du nuffin?
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